城市规划区 / 都市计画地域 / City Planning Areas
日本的城市规划区是有计划的城市发展区域。 它被指定为一个需要全面开发、发展和保护的地区,作为一个单一的城市。
指定城市规划区的程序 / 都市計画区域指定の手続
指定并不局限于都道府县或市的行政区划。 各县必须大约每五年对城市规划区进行一次城市规划的基本调查(人口、交通量等)。 此外,对于半城市规划区,在认为有必要时必须进行基本调查。
当由县政府指定时 / 都道府県が指定する場合
国土交通大臣将在事先听取相关县的意见后指定该地区。 在这种情况下,如果相关县希望表达自己的意见,必须听取相关市镇和县级城市规划财富委员会的意见。
都道府県 | 国土交通大臣 | |
可以指定的地点 | 在一个都道府県内 | 跨越两个或两个以上的都府県 |
程序 | 1.事先征得有关市、都道府県规划委员会的意见。 2.与土地、基础设施、运输和旅游部长协商,并获得其同意。 3.发出公开通知。 |
1.听取有关都府県的意见。 2.公开通知。 |
准城市规划区 / 準都市計画区域
- 准城市规划区被定义为城市规划区以外的地区,如果不加以限制,可能会阻碍未来的城市发展、开发和保护。
- 准城市规划区总是由县政府指定。
- 当整个半城市规划区被指定为城市规划区时,它自然会被废除,不需要任何程序。
假设在城市规划区之外有一个区域,那里已经建造了大量的建筑物和其他结构,或者目前正在进行或预计将进行的场地开发。 如果该地区不采取任何措施安排土地使用和保护环境,而保持原状,如果有可能阻碍整个城市未来的维护、发展和保护,则被指定为 “准城市规划区"。 这些准城市规划区是由各县指定的。
指定准城市规划区的程序 / 準都市計画区域の指定手続
准城市规划区总是由县政府指定。 在指定准城市规划区时,县政府必须事先征求相关市镇和县城市规划委员会的意见。
- 事先征求相关市镇和县级城市规划委员会的意见。
- 与土地、基础设施和运输部部长协商并获得其同意。
- 公告
当整个准城市规划区被指定为城市规划区时,它自然会被废除,不需要任何程序。 另一方面,如果准城市规划区的一部分被指定为城市规划区,则该准城市规划区无需经过程序就被废除,或被视为自然变更为’与城市规划区重叠的区域以外的区域’。
指定准城市规划区的影响 / 準都市計画区域指定の効果
- 用途地域
- 特殊用途区:可在一个分区内定义。
- 特定的使用限制区
- 高度地区(只定义到最大高度限制)
- 景观区*景观法
- 风致地区
- 緑地保全地域※都市緑地法
- 伝统的建造物群保存地区※文化财保护法
应该控制城市化的地区被指定为城市化控制区。 城市化区和城市化控制区的划分总是在城市规划区中确定,包括指定城市的整个区域或城市的一部分(人口少于50万的除外)。
指定用途地域 / 用途地域の指定
用途地域是根据建筑物的用途来划分的区域,这里有工厂,这里有商业区,这里有住宅区。 该区划分为13个类型:8个住宅,2个商业和3个工业。 下图显示了对这些问题的一个更一般的总结,分为九种类型
第一種低層住居専用地域 ・・・ 保护低层住宅的良好居住环境的地区。
第二種低層住居専用地域 ・・・ 保护良好居住环境的地区,主要是低层住宅。
田園住居地域 ・・・ 为保护良好的居住环境而指定的区域,用于低层住宅,与促进农业使用相协调。
第一種中高層住居専用地域 ・・・ 保护中、高层住宅的良好居住环境的地区。
第二種中高層住居専用地域 ・・・ 保护良好的居住环境的地区,主要是中层和高层住宅。
第一種住居地域 ・・・ 居住环境受到保护的地区。
第二種住居地域 ・・・ 主要保护居住环境的地区。
準住居地域 ・・・ 作为路边区域,居住环境得到和谐保护的区域。
近隣商業地域 ・・・ 促进便利性的区域,如为邻里居民提供日常用品。
商業地域 ・・・ 主要促进商业和其他便利的地区。
準工業地域 ・・・ 促进工业便利的地区,主要是没有环境退化风险的地区。
工業地域 ・・・ 主要促进工业便利的地区。
工業専用地域 ・・・ 促进工业便利化的地区。
要记住的第一点是,"特殊用途区 “是 “在分区内 “定义的一个区。 在没有分区指定的情况下,特别使用区永远不会被单独指定。
泡沫经济的破灭导致城市中心的居民迁往郊区。 为了吸引这些人回到市中心,并在靠近工作和居住区的地方实现一个方便和良好的城市环境,确定了在市中心应引导高层住宅建设的区域。
高使用区是指目前道路没有被开发,高层建筑因分区指定而不能建造的地区,但在未来有开发愿望的地区,道路正在被开发,巨大的高层建筑正在被建造,以振兴该镇。 因此,不允许建造低于一定场地面积或高度的建筑物。
它们是非常高的建筑,不是吗? 因此,你可能可以想象,"最大限度 “的设定。
墙体位置限制 “的目的是限制墙体与相邻物业边界(如道路)之间的距离,从而创造一个宽敞的区域。
从港湾未来的图像中可以看出,高层公寓不可能离你3米远。 看看互联网上的照片。 该单位的墙与邻近单位的墙之间的距离约为30米。
简单地说,風致地区是指自然生活环境和景观受到保护的地区。 例如,京都的岚山就是一个著名的例子。
这个风景区是城市规划法中规定的 “区域区"之一。 很难理解 “区域区"一词,但简单地说,它 “决定了该地区的使用类型"。 如上所述,这个风区被决定为保护该地区的自然美景的一个区。
风区由地方当局(县和市)指定,并在地方法规中规定。 具体而言,10公顷以上的区域由县级法规指定,而10公顷以下的区域则由市级法规指定。 而在这些风景区,"建筑施工"、"改变土地形态"、"砍伐树木和竹子 “以及 “开采土石 “都受到限制,以保护该地区的自然美景。
第一節 都市計画の内容
Section 1 Details of City Planning
(Policy for Improvement, Development and Preservation of City Planning Areas)
Article 6-2(1)Regarding city planning areas, the policy for improvement, development and preservation of the relevant city planning areas is to be set forth in city plans.
(2)The following matters are to be set forth in the policy for improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas:
(i)objectives of the city plan;
(ii)whether or not a decision has been made on area classification stipulated in paragraph (1) of the immediately following Article, and if applicable, the decision-making policy for the relevant area classification;
(iii)in addition to the matters listed in the preceding items, the policy for major city planning decisions concerning land use, urban facility improvement and urban development projects.
(3)City plans stipulated for city planning areas (including urban facilities established outside of city planning areas pursuant to provisions in the second sentence of paragraph (1) of Article 11 (hereinafter referred to as “out-of-area urban facilities") must be grounded in the policy for improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas.
(Area Classification)
Article 7(1)When deemed necessary to prevent unregulated urbanization and promote planned urbanization in city planning areas, classification between urbanization promotion areas and urbanization control areas (hereinafter referred to as “area classification") may be stipulated in city plans; provided, however, that area classification for the following city planning areas is to be stipulated.
(i)city planning areas that include all or part of the following land areas:
(a)existing urban areas provided for in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the National Capital Region Development Act or suburban development else provided for in paragraph (4) of the same Article.
(b)existing urban areas provided for in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Kinki Region Development Act or suburban development else provided for in paragraph (4) of the same Article.
(c)urban areas provided for in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Chubu Region Development Act.
(ii)beyond what is set forth in the preceding items, city planning areas established by Cabinet Order in large cities.
(2)urbanization promotion areas are those areas where urban areas have already formed and those areas where urbanization should be implemented preferentially and in a well-planned manner within approximately the next 10 years.
(3)Urbanization control areas are those areas where urbanization should be controlled.
(Urban Redevelopment Policy)
Article 7-2(1)Regarding city planning areas, necessary items are to be stipulated in city plans according to the following policy (hereinafter referred to as “urban redevelopment policy, etc.").
(i)policy for urban redevelopment pursuant to the provisions of Article 2-3, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of the Urban Renewal Act (Act no. 38 of 1969);
(ii)policy for development of residential urban areas pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion of Housing and Residential Land Supply in Major Urban Areas (Act No. 67 of 1975);
(iii)policy for development of core business urban areas pursuant to the provisions of Article 30 of the Act Concerning the Promotion of the Development of Regional Core Urban Areas and the Relocation of Facilities for Industrial Business (Act No. 76 of 1992);
(iv)policy for disaster prevention block improvement pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act Concerning the Promotion of Disaster Prevention Block Improvement in Concentrated Urban Areas (Act No. 49 of 1997. Hereinafter referred to as “Concentrated Urban Areas Development Act").
(2)City plans stipulated for city planning areas (including those concerning out-of-area urban facilities) must be grounded in the urban redevelopment policy.
(Districts and Zones)
Article 8(1)Regarding city planning areas, the following districts, zones and blocks are to be established as necessary:
(i)category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts, category 1 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, quasi-residential districts, neighborhood commercial districts, commercial districts, quasi-industrial districts, industrial districts, and exclusive industrial districts (hereinafter collectively referred to as “use districts");
(ii)special use districts;
(ii)-2special use restriction districts;
(ii)-3exceptional floor area ratio districts;
(ii)-4high-rise residential attraction districts;
(iii)height control districts or high-level use districts;
(iv)specified blocks;
(iv)-2special urban renaissance districts provided for in Article 36, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Urban Renaissance (Act No. 22 of 2002);
(v)fire prevention districts or quasi-fire prevention districts;
(v)-2specified disaster prevention block improvement zones provided for in Article 31, paragraph (1) of the Concentrated Urban Areas Improvement Act;
(vi)landscape zones provided for in paragraph (1), Article 61 of the Landscape Act (Act No. 100 of 2004);
(vii)scenic districts;
(viii)parking place development zones provided for in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Parking Places Act (Act No. 106 of 1957);
(ix)port zones;
(x)special historic natural features conservation zones provided for in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Conservation of Historic Natural Features of Ancient Cities (Act No. 1 of 1966);
(xi)category 1 or category 2 special historic natural features conservation zones provided for in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Conservation of Historic Natural Features and Development of Living Environment in Asuka Village (Act No. 60 of 1980);
(xii)green space conservation districts provided for in Article 5 of the Urban Green Space Conservation Act (Act No. 72 of 1973), special green space conservation districts provided for in Article 12 of the same Act or tree planting districts provided for in Article 13, paragraph (1) of the same Act;
(xiii)distribution business zones provided for in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act Concerning the Improvement of Urban Distribution Centers (Act No. 110 of 1966);
(xiv)productive green zones provided for in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Productive Green Space Act (Act No. 68 of 1974);
(xv)preservation districts for groups for traditional building provided for in Article 83-3, paragraph (1) of the Cultural Properties Protection Act (Act No. 214 of 1950);
(xvi)aircraft noise control zones or aircraft noise control special zones provided for in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Countermeasures against Aircraft Noise around Specified Airports (Act No. 26 of 1988).
(2)Regarding quasi-city planning areas, districts or zones provided for in items (i) through (ii)-2, (iii) (limited to the section pertaining to height control), (vi), (vii), (xii) (limited to the section pertaining to green space conservation districts provided for in Article 5 of the Urban Green Space Conservation Act) or (xv) of the preceding paragraph are established as necessary.
(3)Regarding districts and zones, the following matters are to be stipulated in city plans:
(i)type of district or zone (for special use districts, the type of special use district that clarifies the special purpose that should be achieved with its designation), location and area;
(ii)matters stipulated in the following items for each of the following districts or zones listed:
(a)use districts:Floor-area ratio of buildings (ratio of the total floor-area of buildings to the site area. The same applies hereinafter) provided for in paragraph (1), Article 52, items (i) through (iv) of the Building Standards Act and the minimum site area for buildings provided for in Article 53, paragraph (2), item (i) of the same Act (Concerning minimum site area for buildings, this is limited to those cases in which it is necessary to secure the urban environment in the relevant district);
(b)category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts or category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts:Building coverage ratio (ratio of the building area to the site area. The same applies hereinafter.) provided for in Article 53, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Building Standards Act; the minimum required setback distance from the external wall provided for in Article 54 of the same Act (limited to those cases in which it is necessary to conserve a favorable dwelling environment for low-rise housing); and building height limits provided for in Article 55, paragraph (1) of the same Act;
(c)category 1 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, quasi-residential districts, neighborhood commercial districts, commercial districts, quasi-industrial districts, industrial districts, or exclusive industrial districts:Building coverage ratio provided for in, Article 53, paragraph (1), items (i) through (iii) and (v) of the Building Standards Act;
(d)special use restriction districts:Outline of uses of special buildings, etc. that should be restricted;
(e)exceptional floor area ratio districts:Maximum height limit of buildings (limited to those cases in which it is necessary to secure the urban environment in the relevant district);
(f)high-rise residential attraction districts:Maximum floor-area ratios and building coverage ratios for buildings (limited to those cases in which it is necessary to secure the urban environment in the relevant district; the same applies to paragraph (16) of the immediately following Article) provided for in Article 52, paragraph (1), item (v) of the Building Standards Act, and minimum site area for buildings (limited to those cases in which it is necessary to secure the urban environment in the relevant district; the same applies to paragraph (16) of the immediately following Article);
(g)height control districts:Maximum or minimum height of buildings (Maximum height of buildings in quasi-city planning areas; the same applies to paragraph (17) of the immediately following Article);
(h)high-level use districts:Maximum and minimum floor-area ratio, maximum building coverage ratio, minimum building area of buildings, and restrictions on the location of walls (Restrictions on the location of walls are limited to those walls that face roads (including planned roads defined in city plans; the same applies in the immediately following item.) within the site and with which a functional space must be secured to improve the urban environment; the same applies to paragraph (18) of the immediately following Article);
(i)specified blocks:Floor-area ratio of buildings, maximum height of buildings and restrictions on the location of walls
(iii)other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order
(4)Beyond what is set forth in items (i) and (iii) of the preceding paragraph, matters that should be stipulated in city plans concerning special urban renaissance districts, specified disaster prevention block improvement zones, landscape zones and green space conservation districts are stipulated separately by an Act.
Article 9(1)Category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts are districts designated to conserve a favorable dwelling environment for low-rise housing.
(2)Category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts are districts designated primarily to conserve a favorable dwelling environment for low-rise housing.
(3)Category 1 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts are districts designated to conserve a favorable dwelling environment for medium-to-high-rise housing.
(4)Category 2 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts are districts designated primarily to conserve a favorable dwelling environment for medium-to-high-rise housing.
(5)Category 1 residential districts are districts designated to conserve the dwellingenvironment.
(6)Category 2 residential districts are districts designated primarily to conserve the dwelling environment.
(7)Quasi-residential districts are districts designated to conserve the dwelling environment concordant with the promotion of convenience to conduct business suitable to the roadside characteristics of the region.
(8)Neighborhood commercial districts are districts designated to promote the convenience to conduct commercial business and other businesses whose primary concern is the provision of daily necessities to residents of residential areas in the neighborhood.
(9)Commercial districts are districts designated primarily to promote the convenience to conduct commercial business and other businesses.
(10)Quasi-industrial districts are districts designated primarily to promote convenience for industries that are not likely to degrade the environment.
(11)Industrial districts are districts designated primarily to promote convenience for industries.
(12)Exclusive industrial districts are districts designated to promote convenience for industries.
(13)A special use districtis a district within a use district which,in order to realize a special purpose such as environmental protection or promotion land use suitable to the characteristics of that district ,is designated to complement the designation of the use district that it is part of.
(14)Special use restriction districts, located in districts containing land without a use designation (excluding urbanization control areas), are districts designated to outline the use of special buildings, etc. that require restriction to ensure that reasonable land use in line with the characteristics of the relevant district is implemented in order to develop or maintain a favorable environment
(15)Exceptional floor area ratio districts, adequately situated and located in category 1 medium-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 medium-rise exclusive residential districts, category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, quasi-residential districts, neighborhood commercial districts, commercial districts, quasi-industrial districts, industrial districts, or exclusive industrial districts that contain land on which public facilities stand, are districts designated to promote high-level land use by utilizing building floor area deemed unused pursuant floor-area ratio limits provided for in Article 52, paragraphs (1) through (9) of the Building Standards Act.
(16)High-rise residential attraction districts are districts in which maximum floor area, maximum building coverage ratio and minimum site area of buildings are established within the floor area ratio of 400% or 500% in city plans concerning category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, quasi-residential districts, neighborhood commercial districts, or quasi-industrial districts as provided for in Article 52, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Building Standards Act in order to make appropriate divisions between residential and non-residential uses and to attract highly-convenient high-rise residential buildings.
(17)Height control districts are districts designated within use districts for which maximum or minimum building heights are stipulated in order to maintain the urban environment or to promote enhanced land use.
(18)High-level usage districts are districts in which maximum and minimum limits on the ratio of the total floor area of buildings to the site area, maximum floor-area ratio, minimum building coverage ratio, minimum building area of buildings, and restrictions on the location of walls are stipulated in order to promote reasonable and sound high-level land use and to renew urban functions in use districts.
(19)Specified blocks are blocks designated within districts where the improvement and development of blocks will be implemented to promote the renewal of urban areas, and in which the maximum floor-area ratio, building height, and restrictions on the location of walls are stipulated.
(20)Fire prevention districts or quasi-fire prevention districts are designated to control fire hazards in urban areas.
(21)Scenic districts are districts designated to maintain the scenic beauty of cities.
(22)Port zones are zones designated to manage and administer harbors.
Article 10In addition to the provisions provided for expressly in this Act, restrictions on buildings and other structures in the districts in zones are provided for separately by an Act.
(Project Promotion Areas)
Article 10-2(1)Regarding city planning areas, the following areas are to be stipulated as necessary in city plans:
(i)urban redevelopment promotion areas provided for in paragraph (1), Article 7 of the Urban Renewal Act;
(ii)land readjustment promotion areas provided for in paragraph (1), Article 5 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion of Housing and Residential Land Supply in Major Urban Areas;
(iii)residential-block construction promotion areas provided for in paragraph (1), Article 24 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion of Housing and Residential Land Supply in Major Urban Areas;
(iv)land readjustment promotion areas for core business urban development provided for in Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Act Concerning the Promotion of the Development of Regional Core Urban Areas and the Relocation of Facilities for Industrial Business.
(2)In addition to the type, name, location, area limits, and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order, other matters concerning project promotion areas stipulated in separate Acts are to be stipulated in city plans.
(3)Restrictions regarding the construction of buildings and other activities within project promotion areas are stipulated separately by an Act.
(Unused Land Use Promotion Areas)
Article 10-3(1)When the need arises in city planning areas, unused land use promotion areas are to be designated in city plans for those areas that satisfy the following conditions:
(i)land in the relevant area has not been used for a considerable period of time for housing, project facilities or any other use and satisfies other requirements stipulated by Cabinet Order;
(ii)the fact that the land in the relevant area satisfies the requirements of preceding item leads to an extreme impairment in promoting the planned use of land in or around the relevant area;
(iii)promoting effective and appropriate use of land in the relevant area contributes to enhancing functions in the relevant city;
(iv)the scope of the area is approximately 5000 m2 or more;
(v)the relevant area is located within an urbanization promotion area.
(2)The name, location, area limits, and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order concerning unused land use promotion areas are to be stipulated in city plans.
(Urban Disaster Recovery Promotion Area)
Article 10-4(1)When the need arises in city planning areas, urban disaster recovery promotion areas are to be designated in city plans provided for in Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Disaster-Stricken Urban District Reconstruction (Act No. 14 of 1995).
(2)In addition to the name, location, area limits, and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order, other matters concerning urban disaster recovery promotion areas stipulated in separate Acts are to be stipulated in city plans.
(3)Restrictions regarding the construction of buildings and other activities within urban disaster recovery promotion areas are stipulated separately by an Act.
(Urban Facilities)
Article 11(1)Regarding city planning areas, the following facilities are to be stipulated as necessary in city plans: In especially necessary cases, these facilities may be stipulated for areas outside of the relevant city planning area.
(i)roads, urban rapid-transit railroads, parking places, motor vehicle terminals and other traffic facilities;
(ii)parks, green areas, classes, cemeteries, and other open spaces for public use;
(iii)waterworks, electricity supply facilities, gas supply facilities, sewerage systems, wastewater treatment facilities, garbage incinerators, and other supply and treatment facilities;
(iv)rivers, canals, and other waterways;
(v)schools, libraries, research facilities, and other educational and cultural facilities;
(vi)hospitals, nursery schools, and other medical and social welfare facilities;
(vii)markets, slaughterhouses, and crematoria;
(viii)collective housing facilities (meaning collective housing facilities with 50 or more dwellings per estate, attached roads and other facilities);
(ix)collective government and public office facilities (meaning national or local government buildings and attached roads and other facilities);
(x)distribution business parks;
(xi)other facilities at stipulated by Cabinet Order.
(2)The type, name, location, area limits, and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order concerning urban facilities are to be stipulated in city plans.
(3)Regarding roads, rivers, and other urban facilities stipulated by Cabinet Order , in addition to what is prescribed in the preceding paragraph, when it is necessary to promote appropriate and reasonable land use, the multi-level limits of underground or open spaces of the relevant urban facilities may be stipulated in city plans. In such cases, when stipulating multi-level limits underground, the minimum offset distance from the relevant multi-level expanse and the maximum load (including loads set according to the relevant offset distance) may also be stipulated.
(4)In addition to matters stipulated in this Act, matters concerning urban facilities pertaining to urban disaster prevention provided for in Article 30 of the Concentrated Urban Areas Development Act, urban facilities pertaining to decision of or changes to city plans pursuant to Article 51, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Urban Renaissance and urban facilities and distribution business parks pertaining to city plans established upon additional discussion pursuant to the provisions of Article 19 of the Urban Railway Promotion Act (Act No. 41 of 2005) that should be stipulated in city plans are stipulated separately by an Act.
(5)Regarding the urban facilities listed below, the scheduled executors of city planning projects for the urban facilities concerned may be stipulated in the city plans from among national government organs or the local government for those urban facilities listed in the item (i) or (ii), and from the individuals provided for in Article 10 of the Act Concerning the Improvement of Urban Distribution Centers for those urban facilities listed in item (iii), except in cases stipulated in the provisions of Article 12-3, paragraph (1).
(i)collective housing facilities with an area of at least 20 hectares;
(ii)collective government and public office facilities;
(iii)distribution business parks
(6)City plans in which the scheduled executors for urban facilities have been designated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph cannot be changed to city plans in which scheduled executors are not designated.
(Urban Development Projects)
Article 12(1)Regarding city planning areas, the following projects are tobe stipulated as necessary in city plans:
(i)land readjustment projects provided for in the Land Readjustment Act (Act No. 119 of 1954);
(ii)new housing and urban development projects provided for in the New Housing and Urban Development Act (Act No. 134 of 1963);
(iii)industrial park development projects provided for in the Act Concerning the Development of the Suburban Consolidation Zone and Urban Development Zones of the National Capital Region (Act No. 98 of 1958) and industrial park development projects provided for in the Act Concerning the Development of the Suburban Consolidation Zone and Urban Development Zones of the Kinki Region (Act No. 145 of 1964);
(iv)urban redevelopment projects provided for in the Urban Renewal Act;
(v)new urban infrastructure projects provided for in the New Urban Infrastructure Act (Act No. 86 of 1972);
(vi)residential-block construction projects provided for in the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion of Housing and Residential Land Supply in Major Urban Areas;
(vii)disaster prevention blocks improvement projects provided for in the Concentrated Urban Areas Development Act.
(2)The type, name, execution area and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order concerning urban development projects are to be stipulated in city plans.
(3)Regarding land readjustment projects, the location of public facilities and matters concerning building lots, in addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, are to be stipulated in city plans.
(4)In addition to the provisions of this Act, matters that should be stipulated in city plans concerning urban development projects are provided for separately by an Act.
(5)Regarding urban development projects listed in items (i), (iii) or (v), the scheduled executors of the relevant urban development projects may be stipulated in the city plans from among the individuals designated as executors in the Acts concerning these projects (excluding Article 45, paragraph (1) of the New Housing and Urban Development Act), except in cases stipulated in the provisions of Article 12-3, paragraph (1).
(6)City plans pertaining to urban development projects for which scheduled executors have been designated pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph cannot be changed to city plans in which scheduled executors are not designated.
(Scheduled Areas for Urban Development Projects)
Article 12-2(1)Regarding city planning areas, the following scheduled areas are to be stipulated as necessary in city plans:
(i)scheduled areas for new housing and urban development projects;
(ii)scheduled areas for industrial park development projects;
(iii)scheduled areas for new urban infrastructure projects;
(iv)scheduled areas for collective housing facilities with an area of at least 20 hectares;
(v)scheduled areas for collective government and public office facilities;
(vi)scheduled areas for distribution business parks.
(2)The type, name, area limit, scheduled executor and any other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order concerning scheduled areas for urban development projects, etc. are to be stipulated in city plans.
(3)For scheduled are listed in paragraph (1) items (i) through (iii) or (vi), the scheduled executors are to be stipulated in the city plans from among the individuals designated as executors in the Acts concerning these projects or facilities(excluding paragraph (1), Article 45 of the New Housing and Urban Development Act), and for scheduled listed in items (iv) and (v), they are to be designated from national government organs or the local government.
(4)When city plans concerning scheduled areas for urban development projects, etc. are stipulated, the city plans for the urban development projects or for urban facilities construction in the scheduled areas for urban development projects, etc. must be stipulated within three years from the day on which the notification concerning the relevant city plan is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (1).
(5)When city plans for urban development projects or for urban facilities construction in areas scheduled for urban development projects, etc. are stipulated within the period provided for in the preceding paragraph, the relevant city plans cease to be effective going forward on the day following the day on which the period provided for in the preceding paragraph expires, if they have not been stipulated after a lapse of 10 days counting from the day following the day on which the notification concerning the relevant city plan is issued pursuant to the provisions of Article 20, paragraph (1).
(Matters to be Stipulated in City Plans Concerning Urban Development Projects or Urban Facilities Construction in Scheduled Areas for Urban Development Projects)
Article 12-3(1)City plans for urban development projects or for urban facilities construction in scheduled areas for urban development projects, etc. are to stipulate scheduled executors.
(2)Execution areas or areas and the scheduled executors of city plans provided for in the preceding paragraph must be the areas and the scheduled executors stipulated in the city plans for the scheduled areas for urban development projects, etc.
(District Planning)
Article 12-4(1)Regarding city planning areas, the following plans are to be stipulated as necessary in the city plans:
(i)district plans;
(ii)disaster prevention block improvement zone plans provided for in Article 31, paragraph (1) of the Concentrated Urban Areas Development Act;
(iii)historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans provided for in paragraph (1), Article 31 of the Act Concerning the Maintenance and Improvement of Historic Scenery (Act No. 40 of 2008);
(iv)roadside district plans provided for in paragraph (1), Article 9 of the Act Concerning the Improvement of the Areas along Trunk Roads (Act No. 34 of 1980);
(v)rural district plans provided for in Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Rural Districts Improvement Act (Act No. 63 of 1987).
(2)The type, name, location, area limit and any other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order concerning district plans are to be stipulated in city plans.
(District Plans)
Article 12-5(1)District plans are plans to improve, develop, and conserve favorable environments that suit the qualities of each block through uniformity in building design, public facilities layout, and the layout of other facilities and are to be stipulated in areas with land that falls under any of the following items:
(i)areas with land designated as use districts;
(ii)of areas without land designated as use districts, those that fall under any of the following sub-items:
(a)areas with land on which projects concerning the development of urban residential areas or on which the preparation of other buildings or site will be conducted or has been conducted;
(b)areas with a certain measure of land on which disorderly construction of buildings or site preparation has been conducted or is scheduled to be conducted, and on which there a risk that an inadequate block environment may be established as is determined from the state of public facilities development, land use trends, etc.
(c)areas with land on which favorable dwelling environments or other types of excellent block environments have been established in residential urban areas.
(2)In addition to the provisions of paragraph (2) in the immediately preceding Article, the following matters regarding district planning are to be stipulated in city plans.
(i)objectives of the relevant district plan;
(ii)policy concerning improvement, development and preservation of the relevant area;
(iii)plans concerning the construction of roads, parks, and other facilities stipulated by Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as “zone facilities") to be used primarily by the residents in block, the construction of buildings, etc. and land use (hereinafter referred to as “district development plans").
(3)Regarding district plans in areas that satisfy the following conditions, to promote reasonable and sound high-level usage and enhance urban functions, urban areas which should undergo uniform and comprehensive redevelopment or development improvement (hereinafter referred to as “redevelopment promotion districts" may be stipulated in city plans:
(i)areas with land whose usage is currently changing significantly or is certainly expected to change significantly;
(ii)areas with land that requires the construction of public facilities of adequate location and scale in order to promote reasonable and sound high-level usage;
(iii)areas with land on which promoting high-level usage of land in the relevant area contributes to enhancing urban functions in the relevant city;
(iv)areas with land designated as use districts.
(4)Regarding district plans in areas that satisfy the following conditions, to promote the enhancement of convenience for commerce or other business activities through the construction of theaters, shops, restaurants or other large-scale buildings that accommodate these types of uses (hereinafter referred to as “specified large-scale buildings"), urban areas which should undergo uniform and comprehensive development improvement (hereinafter referred to as “development improvement promotion districts") may be stipulated in city plans:
(i)areas with land whose usage is currently changing significantly or is certainly expected to change significantly;
(ii)areas with land that requires the construction of public facilities of adequate location and scale to promote the enhancement of convenience for commerce or other business activities through the construction of specified large-scale buildings;
(iii)areas with land on which the enhancement of convenience for commerce or other business activities through the construction of specified large-scale buildings contributes to enhancing urban functions in the relevant city;
(iv)areas with land designated as category 2 residential districts, quasi-residential districts, or industrial districts or areas with land with no designated use districts (excluding urbanization control areas).
(5)Regarding district plans that stipulate redevelopment promotion districts or development improvement promotion districts, in addition to matters listed in paragraph (2), the following necessary matters for the relevant redevelopment promotion districts or development improvement promotion districts are to be stipulated in city plans:
(i)basic policy for land use;
(ii)location and scale of roads, parks and other facilities stipulated by Cabinet Order (excluding city planning facilities and zone facilities).
(6)When stipulating redevelopment promotion districts or development improvement promotion districts in city plans, and when projects for the construction of public facilities that should be built along with other buildings and site preparation are not expected to be conducted for the time being, and when exceptional circumstances arise such that the location and scope of other facilities provided for in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph cannot be stipulated, the stipulation of location and scope of those facilities provided for in the same item for the relevant redevelopment promotion districts or development improvement promotion districts are not required.
(7)Of the following matters listed for district development plans (excluding minimum floor-area ratio for buildings, minimum building area for buildings and minimum height for buildings, etc. in district development plans for urbanization control districts), those matters required to achieve the objectives of the district plan are to be stipulated
(i)location and scope of zone facilities;
(ii)use restrictions for buildings, etc., maximum and minimum floor-area ratios for buildings, maximum floor coverage ratios for buildings, site area for buildings or minimum building area, restrictions on the location of walls, restrictions on structure placement in the wall setback area (meaning the area of land between the line established as the limit on the restriction on wall location and the outer boundary of the site; the same applies hereinafter), maximum and minimum height of buildings, etc., restrictions on the shape, color or other designs of buildings, etc., minimum green coverage ratio of buildings (meaning the green coverage ratio provided for in the provisions of Article 34, paragraph (2) of Urban Green Space Conservation Act), and any other matters concerning buildings, etc. stipulated by Cabinet Order;
(iii)matters concerning the conservation of existing woodlands, grasslands and other areas required to secure a favorable dwelling environment;
(iv)beyond what is set forth in the preceding three items, any other matters concerning land use stipulated by Cabinet Order;
(8)When stipulating district plans in the city plans, in cases where there are exceptional circumstances that make it impossible to stipulate district development plans for all or part of the relevant areas, the stipulation of district development plans for all or part of the relevant areas is not required. In such cases, when stipulating district development plans for part of the areas with district plans, the areas for the district development plans concerning relevant district plans must be stipulated in city plans.
(District Development Plans Stipulated upon Classification into Plans in Which the Maximum Floor-Area Ration of Buildings Is Based on the Qualities of the Area and Plans Which Are Based on Conditions of Public Facility Construction)
Article 12-6In district development plans, when it is deemed especially necessary to promote the appropriate and reasonable use of land in areas with land on which public facilities of an adequate location and scale have not been built, maximum floor area-ratio for buildings listed in paragraph (7), item (ii) of the immediately preceding Article is to be classified into the figures in each of the following items, and figures listed in item (i) may be stipulated to exceed figures listed in item (ii).
(i)figures based on the qualities (in redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts, the qualities of the area after land use has changed in accordance with the basic policy for land use) of the area of the relevant district development plan;
(ii)figures based on conditions of public facility construction within the area of the relevant district development plan.
(District Development Plans That Classify Areas and Adequately Allocate Building Floor Area)
Article 12-7In district development plans (excluding those for redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts; the same applies hereinafter), when adequately allocating the floor-area ratio of buildings in areas with land on which there are public facilities of adequate location and scale within the use district is deemed especially necessary in order to promote reasonable land use based on characteristics of the area of the relevant district development plan, the areas of the relevant district development plan is to be classified and the maximum floor area-ratio for buildings listed in Article 12-5, paragraph (7), item (ii)is to stipulated. In such cases, the total value obtained when multiplying the maximum floor-area ratio of buildings stipulated for each division of the area of the district development plan by the area of each relevant area must not exceed the total value obtained when multiplying the floor area ratio of buildings stipulated each use district of the area of the district development plan by the area of each the relevant area.
(District Development Plans to Promote High-Level Usage and the Renewal of Urban Functions)
Article 12-8In district development plans (excluding those for redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts) for areas with land on which public facilities of an adequate location and scale has been built within use districts (excluding category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts and category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts), when it is deemed especially necessary to promote reasonable and sound high level use and to renew urban functions, and when maximum and minimum floor-area ratio, maximum building coverage ratio, minimum building area of buildings, and restrictions on the location of walls (restrictions on the location of walls are limited to those walls that face roads (including planned roads defined in city plans; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) within the site and with which a functional space must be secured to improve the urban environment, restrictions may be stipulated for the relevant walls that face roads (limited to those restrictions on walls included herein).
(District Development Plans that Adequately Allocate Residential and Non-Residential Uses)
Article 12-9In district development plans (excluding those for redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts; hereinafter the same applies in this Article) when the adequate location of residential and nonresidential uses is deemed especially necessary to promote reasonable land use based on qualities of the area (in redevelopment promotion districts, the qualities of the area after land use has changed in accordance with the basic policy for land use) of the relevant district development plan, maximum floor area-ratio for buildings listed in Article 12-5, paragraph (7), item (ii) is to be classified into the figures in each of the following items, and figures listed in item (i) are to be stipulated to exceed figures listed in item (ii).
(i)figures pertaining to buildings available entirely or partially for residential use
(ii)figures pertaining to other buildings
(District Development Plans that Guide Construction of Buildings with Heights, Arrangements and Forms Based on the Qualities of the Area)
Article 12-10In district development plans when the construction of buildings with heights, arrangements and forms based on the qualities of the area (in redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts, the qualities of the area after land use has changed in accordance with the basic policy for land use) is deemed especially necessary to promote reasonable land use, restrictions on the location of walls, (limited to restrictions including those on walls facing roads(including planned roads defined in city plans, facilities provided for in Article 12-5, paragraph (5), item (ii) or roads that are zone facilities), restrictions on the construction of the structures in the wall setback area (limited to restrictions including those cases when it is necessary to secure continuous, effective unused land in the relevant setback area) and maximum building heights are to be stipulated.
(District Development Plans for the Integrated Construction of Buildings Above or Underneath Roads)
Article 12-11In district development plans, in addition to the matters stipulated in Article 12-5, paragraph (7), when it is deemed appropriate to conduct the integrated the construction of buildings, etc. above or beneath roads-which are city planning facilities-along with the construction of the relevant roads (limited to roads devoted to vehicular traffic and elevated and other structures from which vehicles cannot access roadsides) in order to promote adequate and reasonable land use, the areas with the relevant roads which are city planning facilities that should be used together with the sites of buildings, etc. may be designated. In such cases, the construction limits of buildings (meaning the required limits on building construction when developing roads-which are city planning facilities-or the established vertical scope for open spaces or underground areas) in the relevant area must be stipulated.
(District Development Plans for the Construction of Adequately- Located Specified Large-Scale Buildings)
Article 12-12In district development plans for development improvement promotion districts, in addition to the matters stipulated in Article 12-5, paragraph (7) when it is deemed especially necessary to build adequately-located specified large-scale buildings based on the qualities of the area of the relevant district development plan after land use has changed in accordance with the basic policy for land use in order to promote reasonable land use, the uses that should be drawn from among theaters, shops, restaurants or other types of uses and the land that should be used as sites for specified large-scale building that accommodate these uses may be stipulated.
(Matters That Should Be Stipulated in City Plans for Disaster Prevention Block Improvement Zone Plans)
Article 12-13Matters, in addition to the provisions Article 10, paragraph (4), item (ii) that should be stipulated in city plans for disaster prevention block improvement zone plans, historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans, roadside district plans and rural district plans are stipulated separately by an Act.
(City Planning Standards)
Article 13(1)City plans stipulated for city planning areas (including those concerning out-of-area facilities; the same applies in the following paragraph)must conform to the National Spatial Plan, the National Capital Region Development Plan, the Kinki Region Development Plan, the Chubu Region Development Plan, the Hokkaido Comprehensive Development Plan, the Okinawa Promotion Plan and any other plans based on Acts concerning national plans or regional plans (including pollution control plans if they have been stipulated for the relevant cities; the same applies in paragraph (3)) and national plans for roads, rivers, railways, ports and harbor, airports and other facilities; and they must, in consideration of the relevant city’s characteristics, uniformly and comprehensively stipulate matters concerning land use, urban facility construction and urban development projects required for the sound and orderly development of the relevant cities in accordance with the following provisions. In such cases, consideration must be given to the improvement in preservation of the natural environment in the relevant cities.
(i)a policy for the improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas, aiming to realize the comprehensive improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas as integrated cities with due consideration given to development trends in the relevant cities and the current conditions and future expectations of population and industry, is stipulated so that city plans are appropriately established based on this policy;
(ii)area classification is conducted with consideration given to development trends and the current conditions and future expectations of population and industry in the city planning areas, while maintaining a balance between convenience for industrial activities and the preservation of the residential environment, to allow for the reasonable use of national land and to facilitate efficient public investment;
(iii)an urban redevelopment policy is stipulated in the urbanization promotion area, for urban areas that require planned redevelopment;
(iv)a policy for development of residential urban areas is stipulated in order to promote the development of good residential urban areas with respect to the city planning areas provided for in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion of Housing and Residential Land Supply in Major Urban Areas;
(v)a policy for development of core business urban areas is stipulated to contribute to the achievement of the agreed basic plan provided for in Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act Concerning the Promotion of the Development of Regional Core Urban Areas and the Relocation of Facilities for Industrial Business as it pertains to the core urban areas of Article 2, paragraph (2) of the same Act;
(vi)a policy for disaster prevention block improvement is stipulated promote the improvement of blocks in concentrated urban areas within urbanization promotion areas provided for in Article 2, item (i) of the Concentrated Urban Areas Development Act as disaster prevention blocks pursuant to item (ii) of the same Article;
(vii)districts and zones are stipulated by the adequate allocation of land to residential, commercial, industrial and other uses, giving consideration to the natural conditions of the land and land use trends, so as to maintain and enhance urban functions, while protect the residential environment, increase convenience for commerce, industry, etc., developed a favorable landscape, maintain scenic beauty, prevent pollution, etc., allowing for maintenance of the urban environment. In these cases, at least use districts are to be stipulated for urbanization promotion areas, and as a rule, use districts are not stipulated for urbanization control areas;
(viii)project promotion areas are stipulated primarily for areas of land within urbanization promotion areas or city planning areas that have not been designated as either urbanization promotion areas or urbanization control areas, and where it is deemed necessary to expedite planned improvement or development of the urban area by the entitled persons concerned;
(ix)unused land use promotion areas are stipulated primarily for areas of land where it is deemed necessary to promote effective and adequate use by the entitled persons concerned;
(x)urban disaster recovery promotion areas are stipulated for areas of land where it is deemed necessary to promote planned construction and improvement and to encourage the immediate and sound reconstruction of urban areas where a considerable number of buildings have been destroyed as a result of a major fire, earthquake or other disaster;
(xi)urban facilities are stipulated to allow for effective urban activities and preserve a favorable urban environment by situating facilities of adequate scale at necessary locations, giving consideration to the current conditions and future expectations of land use, traffic, etc. In such cases, at least roads, parks and sewerage systems are stipulated for urbanization promotion areas or city planning areas that have not been designated as either urbanization promotion areas or urbanization control areas; and compulsory education facilities are additionally stipulated for category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts, category1 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, and quasi-residential districts;
(xii)urban development projects are stipulated for areas of land within urbanization promotion areas or city planning areas that have not been designated as either urbanization promotion areas or urbanization control areas and where uniform development or improvement is deemed necessary;
(xiii)areas scheduled for urban development projects, etc. are stipulated for areas of land within urbanization promotion areas or city planning areas that have not been designated as either urbanization promotion areas where uniform development or improvement pertaining to urban development projects is deemed necessary and in areas of land in which urban facilities comply with the standards of the first sentence of item (xi);
(xiv)district plans, aiming to secure functions concerning disaster prevention, safety and sanitation, etc. in each block of the relevant areas and to ensure reasonable land-use based on the qualities of the areas in order to develop and maintain favorable environments-giving consideration to the current conditions and future expectations of public facility development, building construction and land use are- stipulated in a manner that allows for orderly development activities and building or facility construction in accordance with relevant plan. In such cases, district plans listed in sub-items (a). through (c). are stipulated pursuant to these provisions of sub-items (a) through (c).
(a)district plans in urbanization control areas:Giving consideration to the conditions of urbanization in urbanization promotion areas, district plans are stipulated such that planned urbanization is not hindered in the relevant city planning areas by promoting urbanization in and around areas with district plans, etc.
(b)district plans that stipulate redevelopment promotion areas:District plans, aiming to promote reasonable and sound high-level use of land and the renewal of urban functions, are stipulated in order to implement the uniform and comprehensive redevelopment or development improvement of urban areas. In such cases, regarding category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts and category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts, plans are stipulated to ensure that the protection of the favorable dwelling environment pertaining to low-rise housing around redevelopment promotion areas is not hindered.
(c)district plans that stipulate development improvement promotion areas:District plans, aiming to enhanced convenience for commerce and other business through the construction of specified large scale-buildings, Shelby stipulated in order to implement the uniform and comprehensive development improvement of urban areas. In such cases, regarding category 2 residential districts and quasi-residential districts, plans are stipulated to ensure that the protection of the favorable dwelling environment around development improvement promotion areas is not hindered.
(xv)disaster prevention block improvement zone plans, aiming to provide the necessary functions for preventing the spread of fire and for securing evacuation if a fire or earthquake occurs in one of the blocks in the relevant area and aiming to promote the reasonable and sound use of land, are stipulated in a manner that allows for uniform and comprehensive improvement of urban areas.
(xvi)historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans are stipulated in a manner that allows for the maintenance and improvement of a favorable urban environment that has been developed in unison with the surrounding urban area, with the activities that reflect the unique history and traditions of the people in the area and with buildings of high cultural value where those activities are conducted, and that allows for the reasonable and sound use of land.
(xvii)roadside district plans are stipulated in order to prevent nuisances arising from road traffic noise and to promote adequate and reasonable land use. In such cases, regarding roadside district plans that stipulate roadside redevelopment promotion areas (meaning roadside redevelopment promotion areas provided for in Article 9, paragraph (3) of the Act Concerning the Improvement of the Areas along Trunk Roads; he same applies hereinafter), plans, aiming to promote reasonable and sound high-level use of land and the renewal of urban functions, are stipulated in a manner that allows for the implementation of uniform and comprehensive redevelopment or development improvement of urban areas, of which those plans for category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts are stipulated to ensure that the protection of the favorable dwelling environment pertaining to low-rise housing around roadside redevelopment promotion areas is not hindered.
(xviii)rural district plans are stipulated in order to develop dwelling environments in balance with agricultural management conditions and to promote adequate land use.
(xix)in applying the standards listed in the preceding items, consideration is given to the results of the basic surveys for city planning conducted pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (1)and the results of surveys on population, industry, housing, construction, traffic, factory location and the like conducted by the government in accordance with the law.
(2)City plans stipulated for city planning areas must stipulate plans for the construction of housing and the development of residential environments so that the inhabitants of the relevant cities may enjoy healthy, cultural urban lifestyles.
(3)City plans stipulated for quasi-city planning areas must comply with national plans, regional plans or national plans concerning facilities, and they must-giving consideration to the qualities of the area- stipulate any matter necessary for ensuring orderly land use or environmental conservation in accordance with the following provisions. In such cases, consideration must be given to the improvement or preservation of the natural environment and to the improvement of production conditions for the agriculture, forestry and fishery industries.
(i)districts and zones are stipulated in such a manner that the environment of the area is adequately maintained by protecting the residential environment, developing favorable landscapes, preserving scenic beauty, and preventing pollution, with consideration given to the natural conditions of the land and land use trends.
(ii)the standards listed in the preceding item are applied based on the results of the basic surveys for city planning provided for in the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (2).
(4)In addition to matters stipulated in the preceding three items, standards required to formulate city plans concerning the urban redevelopment policy and other policies, districts and zones listed in Article 8, paragraph (1), item (iv)-2, item (v)-2, item (vi), item (viii) and items (x) through (xvi), project promotion areas, urban disaster recovery promotion areas, distribution business parks, urban development projects, scheduled areas for urban development projects, etc. (excluding areas listed in Article 12-2, paragraph (1), items (iv) and (v)), disaster prevention block improvement zone plans, historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans, roadside district plans, and rural district plans are stipulated separately by an Act.
(5)Necessary standards for stipulating district plans in city plans, in addition to matters provided for in paragraphs (1) and (2), are stipulated by Cabinet Order.
(6)Necessary technical standards for the formulation of city plans are stipulated by Cabinet Order.
(Drawings and Documents of City Plans)
Article 14(1)City plans are to be represented by general drawing, project drawings and project plans pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(2)Indication of area classification or of the following areas on project drawings and project plans must be such that the holders of land rights can easily discern whether their land is included in either urbanization promotion areas or urbanization control areas, or whether it is included in any of the areas listed below:
(i)areas of districts provided for in paragraph (1), item (ii) or in Article 2-3, paragraph (2) of the Urban Renewal Act that are stipulated in the urban redevelopment policy;
(ii)areas of disaster prevention and redevelopment districts (meaning disaster prevention and redevelopment districts provided for in Article 3, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Concentrated Urban Areas Development Act) and that are stipulated in the policy for disaster prevention block improvement;
(iii)areas of districts or zones;
(iv)areas of project promotion areas;
(v)areas of unused land use promotion areas
(vi)areas of urban disaster recovery promotion areas;
(vii)city planning facilities areas;
(viii)urban development project execution areas;
(ix)areas of scheduled areas for urban development projects, etc.
(x)district planning areas (when part of the district planning area is designated as a redevelopment promotion area or a development improvement promotion area, or when a district development plan has been stipulated, then both the district planning area and either the redevelopment promotion area or the development improvement promotion area; or the area of the district development plan);
(xi)areas of disaster prevention block improvement zone plans (when zonal disaster prevention facilities (meaning zonal disaster prevention facilities provided for in Article 32, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Concentrated Urban Areas Improvement Act; the same applies below in this item and in Article 33, paragraph (1)), specified building zone improvement plans (meaning specified building zone improvement plans provided for in Article 32, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Concentrated Urban Areas Improvement Act; the same applies below in this item and in Article 33, paragraph (1)) or district improvement plans for disaster prevention block improvement zone plans (meaning disaster prevention block improvement zone plans provided for in Article 32, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the Concentrated Urban Areas Improvement Act; the same applies below in this item and in Article 33, paragraph (1),) are stipulated, the areas of disaster prevention block improvement zone plans and the areas of zonal disaster prevention facilities, the areas specified building zone improvement plans or the areas of district improvement plans for disaster prevention block improvement zone plans;
(xii)areas of historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans (regarding the areas of some historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans, when area with land provided for in Article 31, paragraph (3), item (iii) of the Act Concerning the Maintenance and Improvement of Historic Scenery or district improvement plans for historic scenery maintenance and improvement districts (meaning historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans provided for in paragraph (2), item (iv) of the same Article; hereinafter the same applies in this item and Article 33,paragraph (1)) are stipulated, the areas of historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans and areas of the relevant designated land or areas of the district improvement plans for historic scenery maintenance and improvement district);
(xiii)areas of roadside district plans (regarding the areas of some roadside district plans, when roadside redevelopment promotion areas or roadside district improvement plans (meaning roadside district improvement plans provided for Article 9, paragraph (2), item (ii) of the Act Concerning the Improvement of the Areas along Trunk Roads; the same applies hereinafter) are stipulated, the areas of roadside district plans and the areas of either the roadside redevelopment promotion areas or the roadside district improvement plans);
(xiv)areas of rural district plans (regarding the areas of some rural district plans, when rural district improvement plans provided for in Article 5, paragraph (3) of the Rural Districts Improvement Act; the same applies hereinafter) are stipulated, the areas of rural district plans and the areas of rural district improvement plans);
(3)In cases where a multi-level scope for the development of urban facilities is stipulated for city planning facilities areas pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (3), indication of this multi-level scope on project drawings and in project plans must be such that individuals scheduled to build buildings in the the relevant areas can easily discern whether or not the relevant buildings will be built outside of this multi-level scope and whether or not the minimum offset distance from the multi-level scope stipulated pursuant to the provisions of the second sentence of this paragraph have been secured.
第二節 都市計画の決定及び変更
Section 2 Decisions on and Revisions to City Plans
(City Plan Stipulators)
Article 15(1)The following city plans are stipulated by the prefectures, and all other city plans are stipulated by the municipalities:
(i)city plans concerning the policy for improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas
(ii)city plans concerning area classification;
(iii)city plans concerning urban redevelopment policy;
(iv)city plans concerning any of the districts or zones listed in Article 8, paragraph (1), item (iv)-2), items (ix) through (xiii) and item (xvi) (concerning zones listed in item (ix) of the same paragraph, those pertaining to important ports provided for in Article 2, paragraph (2), of the Port and Harbour Act (Act no. 218 of 1950); concerning zones listed in Article 8, paragraph (1), item (xii), those pertaining to all green space conservation zones provided for in Article 5 of the Urban Green Space Conservation Act; suburban special green space conservation zones provided for in, Article 4, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the Act for the Conservation of Suburban Green Zones in the National Capital Region (Act No. 101 of 1966); and suburban special green space conservation zones provided for in Article 6, paragraph (2), of the Act Concerning the Development of Conservation Areas in the Kinki Region (Act No. 103 of 1967);
(v)city plans concerning any of the districts and zones, urban facilities and fundamental urban facilities stipulated by Cabinet Order that should be resolved from the stance of a wider area beyond the area of one municipality;
(vi)city plans concerning urban development projects (excluding small-scale land readjustment projects stipulated by Cabinet Order, urban redevelopment projects, residential block improvement projects and disaster prevention blocks improvement projects);
(vii)city plans concerning areas scheduled for urban development projects, etc.
(2)When city plans falling under item (v) of the preceding paragraph no longer fall under that item, or when city plans that do not fall under the same item have come to fall under that item due to municipal mergers or any other reasons, the relevant city plan must be decided by each municipality or prefecture.
(3)City plans stipulated by municipalities must be based on the municipalities’ basic plans for construction stipulated upon deliberation of the municipal assemblies, and they must comply with city plans stipulated by the prefectures.
(4)When city plans stipulated by municipalities conflict with city plans stipulated by the prefectures, the city plans stipulated by the prefectures are to take priority so long as any conflict is concerned.
(Compilation of Prefectural City Plans)
Article 15-2(1)Municipalities, when it is deemed necessary, may offer to the prefectures matters that should be included in proposed city plans stipulated by the prefectures.
(2)When deemed necessary to conduct the basic surveys pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the prefectures may request the municipalities to submit documents and provide other necessary cooperation.
(Convening of Public Hearings)
Article 16(1)When deemed necessary in compiling proposed city plans, excluding those instances provided for in the following paragraph, the prefectures or municipalities are to perform any required measures, such as convening public hearings, in order to reflect the opinions of residents.
(2)Proposals of district plans to be stipulated in city plans, pursuant to provisions of Prefectural or Municipal Ordinance on methods for submitting opinions and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order, are to be compiled upon seeking the opinions of the owners of the land within the areas pertaining to the relevant proposal and other stakeholders stipulated by Cabinet Order.
(3)Municipalities, in the Municipal Ordinance mentioned in the preceding paragraph, may stipulate the method by which residents or interested persons can offer proposals concerning the decision or revision of city plans concerning district plans, etc. or concerning the matters that should be included in proposed city plans.
(Public Inspection of City Plans)
Article 17(1)When Prefectures or municipalities are deciding on city plans, prior to the decision and pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, public notice to that effect is issued, and the proposed city plan must be made available for public inspection for two weeks from the day of public notice.
(2)When public notice provided for in the preceding paragraph has been issued, any of the residents or interested persons of the relevant municipalities may submit a written opinion pertaining to the proposed city plan made available for public inspection to the prefectures for plans drafted by prefectures, or to the municipalities for plans drafted by the municipalities, at any time before the expiration of the period of public inspection.
(3)Regarding proposed city plans concerning a specified block, stakeholder consent, as stipulated by Cabinet Order, must be obtained.
(4)Regarding proposed city plans concerning unused land use promotion areas, opinions must be heard from land owners, surface rights owners, and any other holders of rights for use or profit stipulated by Cabinet Order concerning the land within the relevant unused land use promotion areas.
(5)Regarding proposed city plans that stipulate scheduled city planning project executors, the consent of the relevant scheduled executors must be obtained; provided, however, that this does not be the case for items where the provisions of Article 12-3, paragraph (2) apply.
(Relationship with Ordinances)
Article 17-2The provisions of the preceding two Articles do not hinder the prefectures or municipalities in stipulating by Ordinance the necessary provisions for matters (limited to those items that do not violate the stipulations of the preceding two Articles) concerning the procedures for deciding city plans pertaining to residents or interested persons.
(Decision of City Plans by the Prefectures)
Article 18(1)The prefectures are to decide on city plans after hearing the opinions of the municipalities concerned and upon the deliberation of Prefectural City Planning Councils.
(2)When the prefectures are in the process of submitting proposed city plans to the Prefectural City Planning Councils for discussion pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they must submit an outlineof the written opinions submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (2) to the Prefectural City Planning Councils.
(3)When the prefectures are deciding on city plans (excluding minor plans stipulated by Cabinet Order) for city planning areas pertaining to large cities and the cities around them, or for any other city planning areas stipulated by Cabinet Order, or when they are deciding on city plans of grave national importance as stipulated by Cabinet Order, they must consult with the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and obtain their consent in advance pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(4)The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is to engage in the consultation provided for in the preceding paragraph from the stance of promoting the coordination of national interests.
(Basic Policy Concerning Municipal City Planning)
Article 18-2(1)Municipalities are to stipulate a basic policy concerning city planning (hereinafter referred to as “basic policy" in this Article) based on each municipality’s basic plans for construction stipulated upon the deliberation of the municipal assemblies and the policy for improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas.
(2)Municipalities, when in the process of stipulating the basic policy, are to take necessary measures in advance, such as convening public hearings, in order to reflect the opinions of residents.
(3)Municipalities, having decided on the basic policy, must issue public notice and notify the prefectural governor without delay.
(4)City plans stipulated by the municipalities must be based on the basic policy.
(Decision of City Plans by Municipalities)
Article 19(1)Municipalities are to decide on city plans after deliberation by the Municipal City Planning Councils (or to the Prefectural City Planning Council of the Prefecture in which the municipality is located if no Municipal City Planning Council has been established in the relevant municipality).
(2)When municipalities submit proposed city plans to Municipal City Planning Councils or to Prefectural City Planning Councils for discussion pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they must submit ana outline of the written opinions submitted pursuant to the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (2) to the Municipal City Planning Councils or Prefectural City Planning Councils.
(3)When municipalities are in the process of deciding on city plans for city planning areas (including matters concerning out-of-area facilities stipulated for city planning areas, but of those items in the process of being stipulated in the relevant city plan regarding district plans, limited to the location and scale of zone facilities and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order), they must consult with the prefectural governor in advance and must obtain his consent.
(4)Prefectural governors are to engage in the consultation provided for in the preceding paragraph from the stance of a wider area beyond the area of one municipality, or from the stance of compliance with city plans that the prefecture has stipulated or is in the process of stipulating.
(5)Prefectural governors, when deemed necessary for engaging in the consultation in paragraph (3), may request the municipalities concerned to submit reference materials, express their opinions, proffer explanations and provide any other necessary cooperation.
(Public Notice of City Plans)
Article 20(1)Upon deciding on city plans, the prefectures or the municipalities must issue a public notice to that effect, and they must send copies of the drawings and documents provided for in Article 14, paragraph (1) to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Mayors of the municipalities concerned for cases decided upon by the prefectures, and to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the prefectural governors for cases decided upon by the municipalities.
(2)The prefectural governors and the mayors of municipalities, pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, must make the drawings and documents and copies thereof mentioned in the preceding paragraph available for public inspection at the offices of the relevant prefectures or municipalities.
(3)City plans become effective on the date of public notice provided for in paragraph (1).
(Revisions to City Plans)
Article 21(1)When city planning areas or quasi-city planning areas are revised, or in cases where it becomes evident that city plans should be revised as a result of the basic surveys concerning city planning provided for in Article 6, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), or as a result of surveys conducted by the government provided for in Article 13, , paragraph (1), item (xviii), or when city plans concerning unused land use promotion areas are deemed to have achieved their objectives, the prefectures or the municipalities must revise the relevant plans without delay.
(2)The provisions of Articles 17 through 18 and of the preceding two Articles apply mutatis mutandis to revisions to city plans (excluding minor revisions by Cabinet Order regarding the provisions of Article 17, Article 18, paragraphs (2) and (3), and Article 19, paragraphs (2) and (3)). In such cases, regarding the revision of city plans that change scheduled executors, “the relevant scheduled executors" in paragraph (5), Article 17 is read “the original scheduled executors and the new scheduled executors".
(Proposals Concerning the Decision of City Plans)
Article 21-2(1)Among city planning areas or quasi-city planning areas, regarding those collective areas of land exceeding the suitable scope stipulated by Cabinet Order to serve as areas of land that should be uniformly improved, developed or preserved, the owners of the relevant land, or the holders of surface rights or leasehold rights with perfection requirements for the purpose of owning buildings (excluding impromptu facilities or other facilities clearly built for temporary use; hereinafter referred to as “lease rights" in this Article) may, individually or jointly, propose to the prefectures or municipalities that city plans (excluding those concerning the policy for the improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas and the urban redevelopment policy; hereinafter the same applies in the preceding paragraph) be decided or revised. In such cases, they must provide a draft of the city plan pertaining to the relevant proposal.
(2)Specified non-profit organizations established under Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Act to Promote Specified Non-Profit Activities (Act No. 7 of 1998) with the purpose of promoting community development activities, regular incorporation associations, regular incorporation foundations or any other non-profit corporations, the Urban Renaissance Agency, local housing corporations or any other organizations designated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as possessing experience and knowledge concerning community development, or organizations designated as equivalent to these by Prefectural or Municipal Ordinance may propose to the prefectures or municipalities that city plans for the areas of land provided for in the preceding paragraph be decided or revised. The second sentence of the same paragraph applies mutatis mutandis to these cases.
(3)Proposals provided for in the preceding two paragraphs (hereinafter referred to as “plan proposals") are to be made according to the following provisions pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism:
(i)the content of city plan drafts pertaining to the relevant plan proposals complies with the standards concerning city plans based on the provisions of Article 13 and other laws;
(ii)the consent (limited to those cases in which the total land area of the land owned by consenting individuals and the land to which consenting individuals have land leasehold rights is at least two-thirds of the total area of land within the relevant area) of at least two-thirds of the landowners within the area in which land (excluding land owned by the national or local government for public facilities; hereinafter the same applies in this item) subject to drafts pertaining to the relevant city plan proposals has been granted.
(Decisions by Prefectures or Municipalities on Plan Proposals)
Article 21-3When plan proposals area made, the prefectures or municipalities must determine without delay whether not city plans based on plan proposals (meaning city plans realized from all or part of the plan proposal pertaining to the city plan draft; the same applies hereinafter) require a decision or a revision, and if a decision or a revision on the relevant city plan is deemed necessary, they must draft a proposal thereof.
(Submitting Drafts of City Plans Based on Plan Proposals for Discussion by the Prefectural City Planning Councils)
Article 21-4The prefectures or municipalities, when in the process of deciding or revising city plans based on plan proposals (excluding those entirely realized from drafts of city plans pertaining to the relevant plan proposals) and when sending city plan drafts to the Prefectural City Planning Council or Municipal City Planning Council pursuant to the provisions of Article 18, paragraph (1) or Article 19, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis under Article 21), must submit city plan drafts pertaining to the relevant plan proposals along with proposals of the relevant city plan.
(Measures to be Taken When City Plans Based on Plan Proposals are not Decided Upon)
Article 21-5(1)When prefectures or municipalities have decided that decisions on or revision to city plans based on plan proposals are not necessary, they must notify the individual that made the relevant plan proposal thereof without delay.
(2)Prefectures or municipalities, when in the process of issuing notification provided for in the preceding paragraph, must submit the draft of the city plan pertaining to the relevant plan proposal to the Prefectural City Planning Council (or to the Municipal City Planning Council if a Municipal City Planning Council has been established in the relevant municipality) and hear its opinions.
(City Plans Stipulated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Article 22(1)City plans pertaining to areas spanning two or more prefectures are to be stipulated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. In such cases, the term “the prefectures" in Article 15, Article 15-2, Article 17, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) , Article 21, paragraph (1), Article, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), and Article 21-3 and the term “prefectural governors" in Article 19, paragraphs (3) through (5) are read “the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism"; and the term"the prefectures or municipalities" in Article 17-2 are read “the municipalities"; and term “the prefectures" in Article 18, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2), is read “the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism"; and the term"the prefectures" in Article 19, paragraph (4) is read “the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism"; and the term"the prefectures or" in Article 20, paragraph (1), Article 21, paragraph (4), and the preceding Article is read “the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or"; and the phrase"to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for cases decided upon by the prefectures" in Article 20, paragraph (1), is read “to the prefectural governors concerned for cases decided upon by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism".
(2)The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is to stipulate city plans based on proposals drafted by the prefectures.
(3)Transitional measures that should be taken are stipulated by Cabinet Orders in those cases where, due to prefectural mergers or for any other reasons, the areas of city plans extending over two or more prefectures have become areas within one prefecture, or the areas of city plans within one prefecture have become areas extending over two or more prefectures.
(Coordination with Other Administrative Organs)
Article 23(1)When the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is in the process of stipulating city plans concerning the policy for the improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas (limited to those items listed in Article 6-2, paragraph (2), item (ii); hereinafter the same applies in this Article and in Article 24, paragraph (3)) or concerning area classification, or when he is in the process of giving consent to the decision on or revision of such plans, or when the prefectures are in the process of stipulating plans concerning the policy for the improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas or concerning area classification (excluding those areas that require the consent of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism), the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or the prefectures must consult with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in advance .
(2)When the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is in the process of stipulating city plans concerning the policy for the improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas or concerning area classification, or when they are in the process of granting consent to the decision on or revision of such plans, they must consult with the Minister of Economy Trade and Industry and the Minister of the Environment in advance.
(3)The Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, when deemed necessary, may state their opinion to the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism concerning the policy for the improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas, area classification and city plans concerning use districts.
(4)City plans concerning port zones are to be stipulated based on plans proffered by port administrators provided for in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Port and Harbour Act.
(5)When the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is in the process of stipulating city plans concerning urban facilities, or when he is in the process of granting consent to the decision of or revision to such plans, they must consult in advance with the heads of the national administrative organs that have the authority to grant dispositions such as licenses, permission or approval regarding the establishment or operation of the relevant urban facilities.
(6)When the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the prefectures or the municipalities are in the process of stipulating city plans concerning urban facilities or city plans concerning scheduled areas for urban development projects pertaining to urban facilities, they must consult in advance with the administrators of the relevant urban facilities or other individuals stipulated by Cabinet Order.
(7)When the municipalities are in the process of stipulating limits for the building or constructions of buildings, etc. in district development plans pursuant to the provisions of Article 12-11, they must consult in advance with the administrators of roads which are city planning facilities provided for in the same Article.
(Handling City Plans when City Planning Areas are Designated for Quasi- City Planning Areas)
Article 23-2When city planning areas are designated for all or part of quasi-city planning areas, it is considered that city plans established in areas that overlap with the relevant city planning areas concerned are stipulated for the relevant city planning areas.
(Guidance of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Article 24(1)The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, when he deems it necessary concerning matters of grave importance to national interest, may issue guidance to the prefectures, or to municipalities via prefectural governors, to the effect that they should, within a fixed period of time, perform the required measures to designate city planning areas or to decide on or revise city plans. In such cases, prefectural governors or the municipalities must adhere to this guidance unless they have reasonable grounds not to do so.
(2)The heads of the national administrative organs may, concerning matters under their jurisdiction that may seriously affect the national interest, request the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to issue guidance provided for in the preceding paragraph.
(3)The provisions of Article 23, paragraphs (1) and (2) apply mutatis mutandis to guidance provided for in paragraph (1) pertaining to city plans concerning the policy for improvement, development and reservation of city planning areas or area classification, and the provisions of Article 23, paragraph (5) apply mutatis mutandis to guidance issued provided for in paragraph (1) pertaining to city plans concerning urban facilities.
(4)When the prefectures or municipalities, without reasonable grounds, fail to perform the required measures issued as guidance pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) by the prescribed deadline, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may, after obtaining the confirmation of the Panel on Infrastructure Development that no justifiable reasons exist, perform the relevant measures on their own accord; provided, however, that the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism issue guidance to the prefectural governors on the measures to be performed by the municipalities, excluding those cases in which the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has deemed it necessary to perform measures on his own accord.
(5)The prefectural governors, when they receive guidance pursuant to the provisions of the proviso in the preceding paragraph, are to take measures pertaining to the relevant guidance.
(6)Prefectural governors may, if they deem necessary, order municipalities to perform necessary measures for the decision on or revision to city plans within a stipulated period of time.
(7)When it is deemed necessary for the decision on or revision to city plans, prefectural governors may, of their own accord or in accordance to the requests of the relevant municipalities, apply to the heads of national administrative organs concerned for the formulation of or revision to national land plans, regional plans, or national plans concerning facilities pertaining to city planning areas or quasi-city planning areas provided for in Article 13, paragraph (1).
(8)When an application from the preceding paragraph has been proffered, the heads of national administrative organs concerned must decide on the matters pertaining to the relevant application and notifying the prefectural governors of the results.
(Entry for Investigations)
Article 25(1)The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the prefectural governors, or the mayors of municipalities, when it is necessary to enter land in the possession other individuals in order to conduct surveys or investigations for the purpose of deciding on or revising city plans, may enter the relevant land on their own accord or consign another individual to enter the relevant land within the limits necessary.
(2)Any individual that intends to enter land in the possession of another individual pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph must notify the possessor of the land no later than three days prior to the date of entry.
(3)Any individual that intends to enter land in the possession of another individual on which there are buildings or is enclosed by a fence pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph must notify the possessor of the land prior to entry.
(4)Entry into the land prescribed in in the preceding paragraph before sunrise or after sunset must not be made, excluding those cases to which the possessor of the land has consented.
(5)The possessor of the land may nor refuse or prevent entry under the provisions of paragraph (1) unless there is a reasonable grounds.
(Obstacle Removal, Test Drilling of Land)
Article 26(1)When individuals, who under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article conduct surveys or investigations by entering land in the possession of other individuals, intend under absolute necessity to fell or remove plants, fences, etc. impeding them (hereinafter referred to as “obstacles"), to conduct test drilling or boring of the land or to fell or remove obstacles for that purpose (hereinafter referred to as “test drilling, etc."), if they cannot obtain the consent of the owners and possessors of the obstacles or land, they may fell or remove the obstacles by obtaining the permission of the mayors of the municipalities that have jurisdiction over the land on which the obstacles are located, or they may conduct test drilling, etc. by obtaining the permission of the prefectural governors that have jurisdiction over the relevant land. In such cases, when the mayors of municipalities are in the process of giving permission, they must provide the owners and possessors of the obstacles an opportunity in advance to express their opinions; and when prefectural governors are in the process of getting permission, they must provide the owners and possessors of the obstacles an opportunity in advance to state their opinions.
(2)Individuals who intend to remove obstacles or conduct test drilling, etc. pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph must inform the owners and possessors of the relevant obstacles or land of their intentions no later than three days prior to the day of intended removal or test drilling, etc.
(3)When obstacles are about to be felled or removed pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) (excluding cases in which obstacles are about to be removed or felled in line with a test drilling or boring of land), if it is difficult to obtain the consent of the owners and possessors of the obstacles due to their absence from the place, and when felling or removal does not incredibly damage the existing state, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the prefectures, the municipalities or and individuals ordered or commissioned thereby may, upon obtaining the permission of the mayors of the municipalities that have jurisdiction over the area in which the relevant obstacles located, immediately fell or remove the relevant obstacles, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs. In such cases, they must notify the owners and possessors without delay that they have felled or removed the relevant obstacles.
(Carrying Identification Cards)
Article 27(1)Individuals who are about to enter land possessed by other individuals pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), Article 25 must carry identification cards.
(2)Individuals who intend to fell or remove obstacles or to conduct test drilling, etc. pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), Article 26 must carry identification cards and written permission from the mayors of the municipalities or the prefectural governors.
(3)Identification cards and written permission provided for in the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs must be displayed whenever requested by any concerned parties.
(Compensation for Losses Incurred from Entry into Land)
Article 28(1)When actions provided for in Article 25, paragraph (1) or Article 26, paragraph (1) or (3) cause losses to other individuals, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the prefectures, or the municipalities must compensate those individuals for losses that would not ordinarily occur.
(2)Regarding compensation for losses provided for in the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the individuals that caused the loss must consult with the individuals that incurred the loss.
(3)When consultations provided for in the preceding paragraph do not reach a conclusion, the individuals that caused the loss or the individuals that incurred the loss may, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Orders, apply for a determination provided for in Article 94, paragraph (2) of the Expropriation of Land Act (Act No. 229 of 1951) with the Expropriation Committee.