作为亚太地区最发达的国家之一,日本是最受国际企业和房产买家欢迎的投资目的地之一。外国人认为日本是安全的,所有权的规定也很透明和有利。 不要忘了,日本也是一个非常适宜居住的国家。很多人决定在这里定居,或者购买生活用的房产作为度假或出租用途。

开発行为 / Development Activities


开发活动主要是为建造建筑物或建造特定结构而进行的。它指的是对土地的地块或形状的改变。 换句话说,关键点在于:(1)目的是 “建造建筑物 “或 “建造特定结构";(2)该行为涉及到地块形状和形态的改变。
原则上,在进行开发活动时,必须获得县长的许可。 换句话说,开发许可是对土地开发的一种限制。 划定了城市规划区,划分了可以开发和不可以开发的土地,但可以开发并不意味着不可以按照城市规划进行无序开发,而是要按照城市规划来建设。 这就是限制的原因。

首先,进行开发活动需要得到县长的许可。 然而,在指定城市、核心城市和特殊城市,需要得到市长的许可。 这里有两种类型的指定建筑:第一类指定建筑,如混凝土厂、沥青搅拌站和破碎机厂,它们可能会恶化周围的环境;第二类是大型建筑,如高尔夫球场、1公顷以上的棒球场、游乐园、网球场和体育场。 有两种类型的特定结构。

  • 在申请开发许可证之前,需要就开发活动与当前的公共设施管理者进行 “协商 “和 “同意"。
  • 在申请开发许可证之前,需要与即将由工程建立的新公共设施的未来管理部门进行 “协商"。
  • 在申请开发许可之前,需要得到开发区域内大量土地所有者和其他权利人的 “同意"。
  • 对开发许可证的许可/拒绝的处理以书面形式通知。
  • 如果对不给予许可的决定有异议,可以向发展审查委员会提出复审请求。
  • 小的变化’,如改变预定的施工开始日期,可以毫不拖延地通知。
  • 原则上,在开发工程竣工公示后,不得建设除规划建筑以外的其他建筑。
  • 然而,在以下情况下,允许施工

无许可的开发活动 / 許可不要の開発行為


无论大小都不需要许可证的地方 / 規模に関係なく許可不要となる場合

  • 建设车站建筑和其他铁路设施、图书馆、社区中心、变电站和其他公共管理所需建筑的开发活动。/li>
  • 作为实施城市规划项目、土地调整项目、市政土地再开发项目、住宅区开发项目和防灾区开发项目的一部分而进行的开发活动。
  • 在发生紧急灾难的情况下,制定应急措施的行动。
  • 正常的行政行为、轻微行为
  • 在城市化区域以外的地区进行的开发活动,如用于农业、林业和渔业的建筑物,如谷仓和温室,或用于建造农业、林业和渔业工人的住房。

由于尺寸问题,不需要许可证 / 規模により許可不要となる場合

  • 在城市化地区:开发活动小于1000平方米(在三个最大的都市区的某些区域小于500平方米)。
  • 在没有确定分区的城市或半城市规划区:3000平方米以下的开发活动。
  • 城市规划区和半城市规划区以外的地区:开发活动的面积小于1公顷。


市街化区域 市街化
非線引区域 準都市計画区域 限制区
小于3,000平方米 小于1公顷(1000平方米)

开发许可证的标准 / 開発許可の基準

开发许可有一定的标准,《城市规划法》第33和34条规定的标准(第33和34条标准)适用。第33条标准是全国各地适用的开发活动的最低标准。 另一方面,第34条标准只适用于城市化控制区。 为了获得在城市化控制区进行开发工作的许可,必须满足第33条的所有标准,同时还必须满足第34条的一个标准。
在城市化控制区以外的地区进行的开发活动,只要满足第33条的所有标准就可以获得许可。 但是,第33条标准中的第2、4、7、0和0条不适用于主要以建造自住房屋为目的的开发活动。




申请开发许可证的程序和批准或不批准的通知等 / 開発許可申請の手続と許可・不許可の通知など


  • 开发区的位置、面积和规模
  • 拟议的建筑物或特定结构的用途
  • 与发展活动有关的设计
  • 建筑业执行人等。


允许或拒绝的通知 / 許可・不許可の通知

当收到开发许可证的申请时,县长必须立即批准或拒绝该许可证,并以书面形式通知申请人的决定。 在拒绝的情况下,还必须通知拒绝的理由。

发展登记册 / 開発登録簿

当县长批准一项开发项目时,他或她必须在开发登记册上登记每个项目。 内容包括开发许可的日期,规划建筑物的用途等,公共设施的类型、位置和面积,以及其他有关开发许可内容的事项。 然后,发展登记册必须随时供公众查阅,并应要求向公众中的任何第三方提供一份副本。

许可证细节的变化 / 許可内容の変更

如果在获得许可证之后,打算对许可证的细节进行修改,原则上必须从县长那里获得新的许可证。 但是,微小的变化(例如,改变建筑工程的预定开始或完成日期)必须在变化后毫不拖延地通知县长。

废除与发展活动有关的工程 / 開発行為に関する工事の廃止


开发许可证下的地位继承 / 開発許可に基づく地位の承継


特定继承人 / 特定承継

从获得开发许可证的人那里获得土地所有权或其他授权在开发区进行建设工作的人也可以继承许可证下的职位。 然而,在这种情况下,必须获得县长的批准。

完成与发展活动有关的工程 / 開発行為に関する工事の完了

在完成与开发活动有关的建设工作后,获得开发许可证的人必须毫不拖延地将此情况通知县长。 县长在收到这份工程竣工通知后,必须毫不迟疑地检查工程是否符合开发许可证的内容,如果发现符合,必须签发检查证书,并公开通知工程已经竣工。

对因开发活动而建立的公共设施进行管理 / 開発行為により設置された公共施設の管理


上诉 / 不服申立て


开发区的建筑限制 / 開発区域内の建築制限

在已经获得开发许可证的开发区,在公开宣布施工完成之前,不得建造任何建筑物或特定结构。 但是,可以有以下例外情况

  • 为建筑目的建造或修建临时建筑或特定结构
  • 县长认为没有障碍的地方。
  • 如果没有同意相关开发活动的土地所有者为行使其权利而建造建筑物。


施工完成通知后的建筑限制 / 工事完了公告後の建築制限

在已经获得开发许可证的开发区,有一条规定,只有在公开通知施工完成后才能建造预定的建筑物。 也不可能重建或改变建筑物的用途,使其成为计划中的建筑物以外的东西。 但是,可以有以下例外情况

  • 在得到县长授权的情况下
  • 用在建造符合使用限制的建筑物时,当确定了建筑物的使用区域。

城市化控制区内的建筑限制 / 市街化調整区域内の建築制限

在拥有开发许可证以外的城市化区域,未经省长许可,不得建造新的建筑物等。 但是,可以有以下例外情况

  • 农业、林业和渔业的建筑
  • 农民之家
  • 公共利益所需的建筑,如图书馆等。

第三章 都市計画制限等
Chapter III Restrictions in City Planning
第一節 開発行為等の規制
Section 1 Regulations on Development Activities
(Permission for Development Activities)
Article 29(1)Persons who intend to perform development activities in city planning areas or quasi city planning areas must obtain permission in advance from the prefectural governors concerned (in areas within designated cities provided by Article 252-19, paragraph (1) of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), core cities provided by Article 252-22, paragraph (1) of the same Act, and special ordinance cities provided by Article 252-26-3, paragraph (1) of the same Act (hereinafter referred to as “designated cities, etc."), the heads of the relevant designated cities; hereinafter the same applies in this Section) pursuant to the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; provided, however, that this does not apply to the development activities indicated below:
(i)development activities performed in urbanization promotion areas, city planning areas where urbanization promotion areas or urbanization control areas have not been established, and/or quasi city planning areas, where the scale of such activities is less than the scale specified by Cabinet Order for each area classification;
(ii)development activities performed in urbanization control areas, city planning areas where urbanization promotion areas or urbanization control areas have not been established, and/or quasi city planning areas, for the purpose of constructing buildings for agriculture, forestry or fisheries specified by Cabinet Order or residential buildings for the persons engaged in these sectors;
(iii)development activities performed for the purpose of building stations or other railway facilities, libraries, community halls, transformer substations or similar buildings necessary for the public interest specified by Cabinet Order as those cause no trouble to appropriate and reasonable land use and environmental preservation in the development areas and surrounding areas;
(iv)development activities performed as the execution of city planning projects;
(v)development activities performed as the execution of land readjustment projects
(vi)development activities performed as the execution of urban redevelopment projects;
(vii)development activities performed as the execution of residential blocks development projects;
(viii)development activities performed as the execution of disaster prevention blocks improvement projects;
(ix)development activities performed on reclaimed land for which license provided by Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Public Waters Reclamation Act (Act No. 57 of 1921) has been obtained but public notice provided by Article 22, paragraph (2) of the same Act has not been given;
(x)development activities performed as emergency measures necessitated by extraordinary disasters;
(xi)routine administrative activities, minor activities and other activities as may be specified by Cabinet Order.
(2)Persons who intend to perform development activities in areas outside city planning areas or quasi city planning areas on a scale greater than that specified by Cabinet Order that will lead to formation of a certain degree of urban area must obtain permission in advance from the prefectural governors concerned pursuant to the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; provided, however, that this does not apply to the development activities indicated below:
(i)development activities performed for the purpose of constructing buildings for agriculture, forestry or fisheries specified by Cabinet Order or residential buildings f for the persons engaged in these sectors;
(ii)development activities listed in items (iii), (iv) and (ix) through (xi) of the preceding paragraph.
(3)Concerning application of provisions given in paragraph (1), item (i) and the preceding paragraph in cases where development area covers two or more areas among urbanization promotion areas, city planning areas where urbanization promotion areas or urbanization control areas have not been established, quasi city planning areas, or areas outside city planning areas or quasi city planning areas, this is prescribed by Cabinet Order.
(Procedure of Application for Permission)
Article 30(1)Persons who intend to obtain the permission provided by Article 29, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) (hereinafter referred to as “development permission")must, pursuant to the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, submit to the prefectural governors a written application in which the following matters are described:
(i)location, extent and scale of the development area (if the development area is divided into work areas, the development area and work area);
(ii)use of the buildings or special structures scheduled to be built in the development area (hereinafter referred to as “scheduled buildings, etc.");
(iii)design relating to the development activities (hereinafter referred to as “design" in this Section);
(iv)construction executor (meaning either the contractor of the development activities-related construction or the person who executes the construction themselves without resorting to a contract; the same applies hereinafter);
(v)other matters specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(2)To the written application set forth in the preceding paragraph, a document certifying that the consent prescribed in Article 32, paragraph (1) has been obtained, a document describing the progress of the consultation prescribed in paragraph (2) of the same Article and other drawings and documents specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism must be attached.
(Designer Qualifications)
Article 31In the case referred to in the preceding Article, the design drawings and documents pertaining to the design (referring to drawings necessary for executing the development activities-related construction specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (except for full size drawings and the like) and specifications) must be those prepared by persons holding the qualifications specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(Consent of Public Facility Administrators)
Article 32(1)Persons who intend to apply for development permission must first consult with and obtain the consent of administrators of development activities-related public facilities
(2)Persons who intend to apply for development permission must first consult with persons who will administer public facilities that will be established as a result of the development activities or the development activities-related construction and with any other persons specified by Cabinet Order.
(3)Current or prospective administrators of public facilities prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs are to take part in the consultations provided by the relevant paragraphs from the viewpoint of securing appropriate administration of the public facilities concerned.
(Development Permission Criteria)
Article 33(1)Upon receipt of application for development permission, prefectural governors must grant the development permission if they judge that the development activities pertaining to the relevant application conform to the following criteria (if prefectural ordinances described in paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) are established, restrictions specified by such prefectural ordinances are included) and that procedure for the application does not violate the provisions of this Act or orders based on this Act.
(i)in the case listed in (a) or (b) below, the use of scheduled buildings, etc. conform to the restriction on such use set forth in (a) or (b); provided, however, that this does not apply to the use that conforms to the use to be induced, within the area of the urban regeneration special areas, established in such urban regeneration special areas.
イ当該申請に係る開発区域内の土地について用途地域、特別用途地区、特定用途制限地域、流通業務地区又は港湾法第三十九条第一項の分区(以下「用途地域等」という。)が定められている場合 当該用途地域等内における用途の制限(建築基準法第四十九条第一項若しくは第二項若しくは第四十九条の二(これらの規定を同法第八十八条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)又は港湾法第四十条第一項の条例による用途の制限を含む。)
(a)in cases where use districts, special use districts, special use restriction districts, physical distribution districts or classifications provided by Article 39, paragraph (1) of the Port and Harbour Act (hereinafter referred to as “use districts, etc.") are specified with regard to the land in the development area pertaining to the relevant application, the restriction on the use within the relevant use districts, etc. (including the restriction pursuant to Article 49, paragraph (1) or (2) or Article 49-2 of the Building Standards Act (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 88, paragraph (2) of the same Act) or by prefectural ordinances provided by Article 40, paragraph (1) of the Port and Harbour Act);
ロ当該申請に係る開発区域内の土地(都市計画区域(市街化調整区域を除く。)又は準都市計画区域内の土地に限る。)について用途地域等が定められていない場合 建築基準法第四十八条第十三項及び第六十八条の三第七項(同法第四十八条第十三項に係る部分に限る。)(これらの規定を同法第八十八条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による用途の制限
(b)in cases where the use districts, etc. are not specified with regard to the land in the development area pertaining to the relevant application (limited to the land within city planning areas (excluding urbanization control areas) or quasi city planning areas), the restriction on the use pursuant to the provisions of Article 48, paragraph (13) and Article 68-3, paragraph (7) of the Building Standards Act (limited to a part pertaining to Article 48, paragraph (13) of the same Act) (including cases where these provisions are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 88, paragraph (2) of the same Act).
(ii)in cases of development activities other than development activities carried out with the primary purpose of building residences for own private dwelling, roads, parks, open spaces and other vacant spaces for public use (including reservoir facilities intended for fire service which are built in case it is difficult to secure sufficient water for fire service otherwise) are of scale and structure that will cause no inconvenience from the viewpoints of environmental preservation, disaster prevention, traffic safety and the efficiency of business activities considering the following items and are properly located; and main roads in development areas are designed so as to connect with considerably large roads outside of the development areas.In this case, if city plans relating to the relevant vacant spaces have been established, the design is in conformance with it.
(a)scale and shape of the development area and the conditions of its surroundings;
(b)topography of land in the development area and nature of the ground;
(c)uses of scheduled buildings, etc.;
(d)scale and layout of the sites of scheduled building, etc.
(iii)sewers and other drainage facilities are designed considering the following matters with structure, capacity and appropriate layout that allow effective removal of the sewage prescribed by Article 2, item (i) of the Sewerage Act (Act No. 79 of 1958) in the development areas and will not cause any damage in the development areas and surrounding areas by inundation, etc.In this case, if city plans relating to the relevant drainage facilities have been established, the design is conform to these:
(a)precipitation in the relevant area;
(b)matters listed in sub-items (a) through (d) above and conditions in the discharge destination.
(iv)in cases of development activities other than development activities carried out with the primary purpose of building residences for own private dwelling, waterworks and other water supply facilities are designed considering the matters listed in item (ii) sub-items (a) through (d) with structure, capacity and appropriate layout that will not hinder anticipated demand in the relevant development areas.In this case, if city plans relating to the relevant waterworks and other water supply facilities have been established, the design is conform to these.
(v)in cases where district plans, etc. (limited to those in which, according to the classification of district plans, etc. listed in the following sub-items (a) through (e), matters specified in such (a) through (e) are specified) are established with respect to land in the development area pertaining to the relevant application, the uses of scheduled buildings, etc. or the design of development activities specified in accordance with the contents laid down in the relevant district plans, etc.
(a)district plans:redevelopment, etc. promotion areas or development improvement promotion areas (limited to those where the layout and scale of facilities prescribed by Article 12-5, paragraph (5), item (ii) are specified) or district improvement plans;
(b)disaster prevention blocks improvement district plans:zone disaster prevention facilities district, specified building district improvement plans or disaster prevention blocks improvement district improvement plans;
(c)historic scene maintenance enhancement district plans:historic scene maintenance enhancement district improvement plans;
(d)roadside district plans:roadside redevelopment, etc. promotion districts (limited to those where the layout and scale of facilities prescribed in Article 9, paragraph (4), item (ii) of the Act for the Improvement of Roadsides along Trunk Roads are specified) or roadside districts improvement plans;
(e)rural hamlet district plans:rural hamlet district improvement plans;
(vi)uses of public facilities, schools and other facilities for the public interest and of scheduled buildings, etc. in the development areas are distributed in a manner that improve convenience in the development areas and the preservation of environment in the development areas and surrounding areas, in light of the purpose of the relevant development activities.
(vii)design is established so that ground improvement, construction of retaining walls or drainage facilities or other necessary measures for securing safety are taken with regard to the land in the development area for the purpose of preventing disasters caused by ground sinkage, landslides or flooding or others.In this case, if the land in the development area, in whole or in part, is the land within the housing land development construction regulated area provided by Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Regulation of Housing Land Development (Act No. 191 of 1961), the plan for the development activities-related construction in the relevant land is conform to the provisions of Article 9 of the same Act.
(viii)in cases of development activities other than development activities carried out with the primary purpose of building residences for own private dwelling, building or constructing non-residential buildings or special structures for private work, the development areas are not include land in disaster risk areas provided by Article 39, paragraph (1) of the Building Standards Act, landslide prevention areas provided by Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Landslide Prevention Act (Act No. 30 of l958), sediment disaster special alert areas provided by Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act for Promotion of Measures to Prevent Sediment Disasters in Sediment Disaster Alert Areas (Act No. 57 of 2000), and any areas specified by Cabinet Order as unsuitable for development activities; provided, however, that this does not apply to the case where there is deemed to be no hindrance because of conditions in the development areas and surrounding areas.
(ix)in cases of development activities whose scale is greater than that specified by Cabinet Order, the development design, in order to preserve the environment of the development areas and surrounding areas, is include taking of necessary measures such as preservation of trees and preservation of surface soil which are needed for ensuring growth of plants in the development area, considering the purpose of the development activities and the matters listed in item (ii),sub-items (a) through (d).
(x)in cases of development activities whose scale is greater than that specified by Cabinet Order, the development design, in order to preserve the environment of the development areas and surrounding areas, is include setting up of green zones and other buffer zones necessary for preventing deterioration of the environment due to noise, vibrations, etc. considering the matters listed in item (ii), sub-items (a) through (d).
(xi)in cases of development activities whose scale is greater than that specified by Cabinet Order, the relevant development activities are deemed to cause no hindrance from the viewpoint of the convenience of transport by roads, railways, etc.
(xii)n cases of development activities other than development activities carried out with the primary purpose of building residences for own private dwelling, building or constructing non-residential buildings or special structures for private work (excluding development activities whose scale is greater than that specified by Cabinet Order considering that suspension of the relevant development activities may lead to damage caused by flooding, landslide and sediment runoff, etc. in the relevant development areas and surrounding areas), the applicants possess sufficient funds and credit to carry out the relevant development activities.
(xiii)in cases of development activities other than development activities carried out with the primary purpose of building residences for own private dwelling, building or constructing non-residential buildings or special structures for private work (excluding development activities whose scale is greater than that specified by Cabinet Order considering that suspension of the relevant development activities may lead to damage caused by flooding, landslide and sediment runoff, etc. in the relevant development areas and surrounding areas), construction executors possess the necessary capacity to complete the relevant development activities-related construction.
(xiv)consent is obtained from a considerable number of persons who have such rights which may prevent the execution of the relevant development activities or the execution of the relevant development activities-related construction with regard to the land within the area of the land where the relevant development activities are to be executed or the land where the relevant development activities-related construction are to be executed or buildings or other structures on such land.
(2)Detailed technical provisions necessary for applying the standards prescribed in any of the items of the preceding paragraph are prescribed by Cabinet Order.
(3)In cases where, in consideration of the special nature of local natural conditions and the present state and future prospects for development of public facilities, construction of buildings and other land use conditions, it is deemed difficult to realize preservation of the environment, prevention of disasters and promotion of conveniences only by detailed technical provisions specified by Cabinet Order set forth in the preceding paragraph, or cases where it is deemed that no impediments to preservation of the environment, prevention of disaster and promotion of conveniences will arise even if the relevant detailed technical provisions are not followed, local governments may strengthen or relax restrictions established by the relevant detailed technical provisions by ordinance in accordance with the standard specified by Cabinet Order.
(4)Local governments may, if they deem necessary for the formation or maintenance of good living environments, etc., limit the areas, purposes and uses of scheduled buildings and establish restrictions concerning the minimum site area of scheduled buildings in development areas by ordinances in accordance with the standard specified by Cabinet Order.
(5)Landscape administrative bodies (which mean landscape administrative bodies prescribed in Article 7 paragraph (1) of the Landscape Act) may, if they deem necessary to ensure the formation of a good landscape, prescribe the content of restrictions established by landscape plans provided by Article 8, paragraph (1) of that Act concerning development activities in ordinances as the development permission criteria within the landscape planning areas provided by Article 8, paragraph (2), item (i) of that Act in accordance with the standard specified by Cabinet Order.
(6)If designated cities, etc. and municipalities other than those that are specified pursuant to the provisions of Article 252-17-2, paragraph (1) of the Local Autonomy Act to handle all the affairs belonging to the authority of prefectural governors pursuant to the provisions of this Section (hereinafter referred to as “administrative processing municipalities" in this Section) intend to establish ordinances pursuant to the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs, they must consult with and obtain the consent of the prefectural governors in advance.
(7)With regard to development activities to be executed on a reclaimed land for which the public notice provided by Article 22, paragraph (2) of the Public Waters Reclamation Act has been made, if there exists provisions concerning matters prescribed in respective items of paragraph (1) (if ordinances provided by paragraphs (4) and (5) are established, maters specified by such ordinances are included) in the conditions for license provided by Article 2, paragraph (1) of that Act concerning the relevant reclaimed land, such provisions are the development permission criteria, and the standards prescribed in respective items of paragraph (1) (if ordinances provided by paragraphs (4) and (5) are established, restrictions specified by such ordinances are included) apply only when they do not contradict such conditions.
(8)In addition to what is provided for in paragraph (1), the development permission criteria in urban redevelopment promotion areas are prescribed by law separately.
Article 34Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, prefectural governors must not grant development permission with respect to development activities pertaining to urbanization control areas (excluding development activities having the primary purpose of constructing Category 2 special structures) unless they deem that the development activities and their application procedure pertaining to the relevant application conform to the requirements specified by that Article and the development activities pertaining to the relevant application conform to any of the following items:
(i)development activities carried out with the primary purpose of constructing buildings specified by Cabinet Order that are necessary from the viewpoint of public interest and made available for use by inhabitants who live in the relevant development areas and surrounding areas and stores, workplaces and similar buildings for selling, processing or repairing commodities necessary for the everyday life of such inhabitants;
(ii)development activities carried out with the purpose of building or constructing buildings or category 1 special structures necessary for effectively utilizing mineral resources, sightseeing resources and other resources that exist in urbanization control areas;
(iii)development activities carried out with the purpose of building or constructing buildings or category 1 special structures used for projects specified by Cabinet Order that require special conditions in respect of temperature, humidity, air, etc. but cannot be easily built or constructed in urbanization promotion areas because of the necessity of meeting such special conditions;
(iv)development activities carried out with the purpose of building or constructing buildings for use in agriculture, forestry or fisheries (except buildings specified by Cabinet Order mentioned in Article 29, paragraph (1), item (ii)), or buildings or category 1 special structures necessary for disposing, storing or processing agricultural, forest or marine products produced in urbanization control areas;
(v)development activities carried out in the land pertaining to rights provided by Article 2, paragraph (3), item (iii) of the Act for Promotion of Infrastructure Development for Vitalizing Agriculture and Forestry in Specified Rural Areas (Act No. 72 of 1993), established or transferred as prescribed in plans to promote transfer of ownership rights, etc. for which a public notice is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 9, paragraph (1) of that Act in accordance with the purpose of use prescribed in the relevant plans to promote transfer of ownership rights, etc. (limited to the construction of buildings being infrastructure facilities for vitalizing agriculture and forestry, etc. prescribed in item (ii) of that paragraph).
(vi)development activities carried out with the purpose of building or constructing buildings or category 1 special structures used for projects that will contribute to the coordination or combined operation with other business operators or vitalized accumulation of small and medium enterprises that are conducted by small and medium enterprises supported by prefectures in a joint effort with the State or incorporated administrative agency the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, Japan.
(vii)development activities carried out with the purpose of building or constructing buildings or category 1 special structures used for projects that are closely linked to projects in industrial factories currently used for industrial purposes in urbanization control areas in cases where it is necessary to build or construct such buildings and structures in urbanization control areas in order to secure greater efficiency of these activities;
(viii)development activities carried out with the purpose of building or constructing buildings or Category 1 special structures used for storing or treating hazardous materials specified by Cabinet Order, the building or construction of such buildings or structures in urbanization promotion areas is specified by Cabinet Order as being inappropriate.
(ix)development activities carried out with the purpose of building or constructing buildings or category 1 special structures which, in addition to what are provided for in the foregoing respective items, are specified by Cabinet Order as buildings or category 1 special structures whose building or construction in urbanization promotion areas is difficult or inappropriate.
(x)development activities carried out with the purpose of building or constructing buildings or category 1 special structures, in district planning or rural hamlet district planning areas (limited to areas where district improvement plans or rural hamlet district improvement plans are established), that conform to the contents of the district plans or the rural hamlet district plans in question.
(xi)development activities carried out within areas that are located adjacent or close to urbanization promotion areas, that are deemed to form integrated daily living areas with those urbanization promotion areas because of their natural and social conditions, that generally have 50 or more consecutive buildings (including those in the urbanization promotion area), that is designated by prefectural ordinances (or, in case of areas within designated cities or administrative processing municipalities, the designated city or administrative processing municipalities in question; hereinafter the same applies in this item and the next item) in accordance with the standard specified by Cabinet Order, the use of scheduled buildings, etc. of which does not fall under the use specified by prefectural ordinances as being detrimental to environmental preservation in the development areas and surrounding areas.
(xii)development activities with their areas, purposes or use of scheduled buildings, etc. being limited by prefectural ordinances in accordance with the standard specified by Cabinet Order as those that are considered to have no fear of promoting urbanization in and around development areas and to be difficult or extremely inappropriate to implement in urbanization promotion areas.
(xiii)development activities executed as the exercise of right concerning the relevant land by persons who, at the time when city plans concerning urbanization control areas are fixed or when the urbanization control areas are expanded by changing the relevant city plans, had land or held rights other than ownership concerning the use of land for the purpose of building buildings for own residence or business or of constructing category 1 special structures for own business and who had notified prefectural governors of such matters as specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism within six months counting from the date of the decision or change of the relevant city plans in accordance with such purpose (limited to development activities executed within the period specified by Cabinet Order).
(xiv)development activities, in addition to what are provided for in the preceding respective items, that are deemed by prefectural governors based on the deliberations at the Development Investigation Committee to have no fear of promoting urbanization in and around development areas and to be difficult or extremely inappropriate to implement in urbanization promotion areas.
(Special Provisions regarding Development Permission)
Article 34-2(1)With respect to development activities executed by the State or prefectures, designated cities, etc. or administrative processing municipalities; partial affairs associations, wide area local public bodies, total affairs associations, office affairs associations in which prefectures, designated cities, etc. or administrative processing municipalities participate, or port authorities; or local development corporations for which prefectures, designated cities, etc. or administrative processing municipalities are establishing bodies (hereinafter referred to as “prefectures, etc.") within city planning areas or quasi city planning areas (excluding development activities listed in respective items of Article 29, paragraph (1)) or within areas outside city planning areas or quasi city planning areas (excluding development activities whose scale is smaller than that specified by Cabinet Order under paragraph (2) of that Article and development activities listed in respective items of that paragraph), the development permission is deemed to have been granted when the consultation between the relevant national government organs or the prefectures, etc. and prefectural governors is effected.
(2)The provisions of Article 32 apply mutatis mutandis to the national government organs or the prefectures, etc. that intend to hold the consultation set forth in the preceding paragraph, the provisions of Article 41 apply mutatis mutandis to the case where prefectural governors intend to effect the consultation under that paragraph and the provisions of Article 47 apply mutatis mutandis to the case where the consultation under that paragraph is effected.
(Notice of Granting or Not Granting of Permission)
Article 35(1)When prefectural governors receive applications for development permission, they must make the disposition of either granting or not granting the permission without delay.
(2)The disposition set forth in the preceding paragraph by the prefectural governors must be made by notifying the relevant applicant in writing.
(Permission of Revisions)
Article 35-2(1)Persons who have received development permission and intend to revise matters listed in any item of Article 30, paragraph (1) must receive permission from the prefectural governors; provided, however, that this does not apply to following cases; where the development activities pertaining to the application for permission of revision are those pertaining to permission provided by Article 29, paragraph (1) fall under the development activities listed in any item of that paragraph; where the development activities pertaining to the application for permission of revision are those pertaining to permission provided by paragraph (2) of that Article fall under development activities whose scale is smaller than that specified by Cabinet Order under that paragraph or development activities listed in any item of that paragraph; or where such persons intend to execute minor changes specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(2)Persons who intend to obtain the permission set forth in the preceding paragraph must submit a written application describing matters specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to the prefectural governors.
(3)When persons who have received development permission and executed a minor change specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism under the proviso of paragraph (1), they must notify prefectural governors of such circumstance without delay.
(4)The provisions of Article 31 apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the development activities-related construction after the change falls under the construction specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism under that Article; the provisions of Article 32 apply mutatis mutandis to cases where it is intended to make changes to matters relating to public facilities that are related to development activities or to public facilities that will be established as a result of the relevant development activities or the relevant development activities-related construction, or cases where it is intended to make changes to matters concerning development activities pertaining to the consultation with persons specified by Cabinet Order under that Article and are prescribed by Cabinet Order; the provisions of Article 33, Article 34 and the immediately preceding Article and Article 41 apply mutatis mutandis to permission pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1); the provisions of Article 34-2 apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the State or the prefectures, etc. is required to receive the permission under the relevant paragraph pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1); and the provisions of Article 47, paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis to permission pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) and notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3).In this case, the term “matters listed below" in Article 47, paragraph (1) is deemed to be replaced with “the date of permission for change or notification and matters listed in items (ii) through (vi) and pertaining to the relevant change".
(5)With respect to the application of provisions contained in Article 36, Article 37, Article 39, Article 40, Articles 42 through 45, and Article 47, paragraph (2) to the cases set forth in paragraph (1) or paragraph (3), contents of the permission pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or contents after the change pertaining to the notification pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) are regarded as the contents of the development permission.
(Inspection for Completion of Construction)
Article 36(1)When persons who have received the development permission complete the relevant development activities-related construction for all of the relevant development areas (if the development area is divided into work areas, each work area) (with respect to a part of construction relating to public facilities among the development activities-related construction, the relevant public facility-related construction), they must notify the prefectural governors of such circumstance pursuant to the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(2)When prefectural governors receive the notification pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they must inspect whether or not the relevant construction are in conformity with the contents of the development permission without delay and when, as a result of such inspection, they find that the relevant construction are in conformity with the contents of the relevant development permission, they must grant the persons who were granted the relevant development permission a certificate of inspection passed according to the form specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(3)When prefectural governors have granted a certificate of inspection passed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they must give public notice to the effect that the relevant construction has been completed without delay pursuant to the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(Building Restrictions)
Article 37No buildings or special structures must be constructed on land in the development area for which development permission has been granted until the time when the public notice provided by paragraph (3) of the preceding Article is given; provided,however, that this does not apply to cases falling under any of following items:
(i)If temporary buildings or special structures to be used for executing the relevant development activities-related construction are built or constructed, and where the prefectural governors find that such construction will cause no inconvenience;
(ii)If persons who have not given the consent prescribed in Article 33, paragraph (1) item (xiv) build buildings or construct special structures as the exercise of their rights.
(Discontinuance of Development Activities)
Article 38If persons who have obtained development permission discontinue the development activities-related construction, they must notify the prefectural governors of such circumstance without delay pursuant to the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(Administration of Public Facilities Established by Development Activities)
Article 39If public facilities are established as a result of development activities or the development activities-related construction for which the development permission is granted,, on the day following the day on which the public notice provided by Article 36, paragraph (3) is given, the public facilities are to come under the administration of the municipalities in which the public facilities are located; provided, however, that if there are separate administrators provided for by other laws, or when a special provisions is made concerning the administrators by the consultation provided by Article 32, paragraph (2), the public facilities are to come under the administration of such persons.
(Possession of Land used for Public Facilities)
Article 40(1)If new public facilities are to be established to replace former public facilities as a result of development activities or the development activities-related construction for which the development permission is granted, the land used for the former facilities and owned by the State or local governments are to belong to the persons who have obtained the relevant development permission as of the day following the day of the public notice provided by Article 36, paragraph (3) and the land used for the new public facilities established to replace the former public facilities is to belong to the State or the relevant local governments as the case may be as of that day.
(2)The land used for public facilities established as a result of development activities or the development activities-related construction for which the development permission is granted, excluding the land provided for in the preceding paragraph and the land administered by the persons who have obtained the development permission, as of the day following the day of the public notice provided by Article 36, paragraph (3) is to belong to the persons who are to administer the relevant public facilities pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article (if that person is a local governments administering the relevant public facilities as Type 1 statutory entrusted functions as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (9), item (i) of the Local Autonomy Act (hereinafter simply referred to as “Type 1 statutory entrusted functions"), then the State).
(3)If the land provided for the use of arterial streets constituting city planning facilities or of such other important public facilities specified by Cabinet Order in urbanization promotion areas belongs to the State or local governments pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the former owners (the persons who owned the relevant land as of the day of the public notice provided by Article 36, paragraph (3) ) may, unless otherwise agreed to in the consultation provided by Article 32, paragraph (2) in connection with the bearing of the expenses as the result of the relevant change of possession, request that the State or local governments to bear the amount of the expenses required for the acquisition of the relevant land, in whole or in part pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order.
(Designation of Building Coverage Ratio of Buildings)
Article 41(1)When prefectural governors deem it necessary in granting development permission for development activities in areas of land where no use districts have been designated, they may prescribe restrictions on the building coverage ratio of buildings, height of buildings, position of wall surfaces, and site, structure and equipment of buildings with respect to the land in the relevant development area.
(2)In areas of land where restrictions have been prescribed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph with respect to the site, structure and equipment of buildings, no buildings must be built in violation of the restrictions; provided, however, that this does not apply to the case where the prefectural governors give their permission deeming that the construction will not hinder the preservation of the environment in the relevant areas and surrounding areas or that it is unavoidable from the standpoint of public interest.
(Restrictions on Buildings on Land with Development Permission)
Article 42(1)After the issuance of the public notice provided by Article 36, paragraph (3), any person must not, in development areas where development permission has been granted, newly build nor newly construct any buildings or special structures other than the scheduled buildings, etc. pertaining to the relevant development permission; nor any persons must reconstruct any buildings or change their uses to make them different from the scheduled buildings pertaining to the relevant development permission; provided, however, that this does not apply to cases where the prefectural governors have given permission for the act deeming that it will cause no hindrance from the standpoint of promoting convenience in the relevant development areas or of preserving the environment in the development areas and surrounding areas and to cases where use districts, etc. have been prescribed for the land in the relevant development areas in cases of such buildings or category 1 special structures falling under any of the structures designated by the Cabinet Order under Article 88, paragraph (2) of the Building Standards Act.
(2)With respect to activities conducted by the State, the permission pursuant to the provisions of the proviso in the preceding paragraph is deemed to have been given when the consultations between the relevant national government organs and the prefectural governors is effected.
(Restrictions on Buildings on Land Other than Land with Development Permission)
Article 43(1)Without obtaining the permission of the prefectural governors, any person must not, in any area in urbanization control areas other than development areas for which the development permission has been granted, newly build any buildings other than those prescribed in Article 29, paragraph (1), item (ii) or (iii) or newly construct any category 1 special structures, nor must remodel them to buildings other than those prescribed in item (ii) or (iii) of that paragraph by reconstructing any buildings or changing their uses; provided, however, that this does not apply to the following kinds of new building, reconstruction or change of use of buildings or new construction of category 1 special structures:
(i)new construction, reconstruction or change of use of buildings or new construction of category 1 special structures performed as the execution of city planning projects;
(ii)new construction, reconstruction or change of use of buildings or new construction of category 1 special structures performed as emergency measures necessitated by extraordinary disasters;
(iii)new construction of temporary buildings;
(iv)new construction, reconstruction or change of use of buildings or new construction of category 1 special structures performed within the area of land where development activities listed in Article 29, paragraph (1), item (ix) or other development activities specified by Cabinet Order have been executed;
(v)routine administrative activities, minor activities and other activities as may be specified by Cabinet Order.
(2)Criteria for permission pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph are prescribed by Cabinet Order following the cases of the criteria for development permission prescribed by Articles 33 and 34.
(3)With respect to new construction, reconstruction or change of use of buildings or new construction of category 1 special structures under the main clause of paragraph (1) (excluding those listed in respective items of that paragraph) performed by the State or local governments, the permission provided by that paragraph is deemed to have been given when the consultations between the relevant national government organs or prefectures, etc. and the prefectural governors is effected.
(Succession of Status Based on Permission)
Article 44The heirs or other general successors of persons who obtains the development permission or the permission provided by paragraph (1) of the preceding Article succeed to the status based on the relevant permission held by the successee.
Article 45Persons who acquire the ownership of land in the relevant development area or the title to execute the relevant development activities-related construction from persons who have obtained development permission may succeed to the status under the relevant development permission that may have been held by the persons who have obtained the relevant development permission by obtaining the recognition of the prefectural governors.
(Development Register)
Article 46Prefectural governors must prepare and maintain a development register (hereinafter referred to as “register").
Article 47(1)When prefectural governors grant the development permission, they must enter in the register matters listed below concerning the land pertaining to the relevant permission:
(i)date of the development permission;
(ii)uses of scheduled buildings, etc. (excluding buildings and category 1 special structures within areas in use districts, etc.);
(iii)kind, location and area of public facilities;
(iv)in addition to what are set forth in the preceding three items, contents of the development permission;
(v)contents of the restrictions pursuant to the provisions of Article 41, paragraph (1);
(vi)in addition to what are specified by the preceding respective items, matters specified by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(2)When prefectural governors have executed the construction completion inspection pursuant to the provisions of Article 36 and deem that the relevant construction area in conformity with the contents of the relevant development permission, they must put a supplementary note in the register to that effect.
(3)The same rule as in the preceding paragraph also applies when the permission pursuant to the provisions of the proviso of Article 41, paragraph (2) or of Article 42, paragraph (1), and also when the consultation provided by paragraph (2) of that Article is effected.
(4)If any change occurs on matters listed in respective items of paragraph (1) as the result of disposition pursuant to the provisions of Article 81, paragraph (1), the prefectural governors must make necessary revisions in the register.
(5)Prefectural governors must keep the register in custody so that it is made available for public inspection and must deliver its copy on request.
(6)Matters for the preparation, inspection, etc. and other matters necessary for the register are prescribed by the Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(Support by the State and Local Governments)
Article 48For the purpose of promoting development of good urban districts in urbanization promotion areas, the State and local governments is to make effort to provide necessary technical advice and financial or other support to persons who have been granted development permission in urbanization promotion areas.
Article 49Deleted
Article 50(1)Any person who are dissatisfied with dispositions made pursuant to the provisions of Article 29, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), Article 35-2, paragraph (1), the proviso of Article 41, paragraph (2), the proviso of Article 42, paragraph (1) or Article 43, paragraph (1) or inactions pertaining to those (which means inaction prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the AdministrativeComplaint Review Act (Act No. 160 of 1962)) or with dispositions of supervision pursuant to the provisions of Article 81, paragraph (1) rendered against persons who have violated these provisions may apply for administrative review to the Development Investigation Committee.
(2)When the Development Investigation Committee receives the request for administrative review pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it must make an administrative determination within two months from the day on which it receives the application for investigation.
(3)When the Development Investigation Committee renders rulings set forth in the preceding paragraph, it must first hold a public oral proceeding by requesting the attendance of the requestor of the administrative review, the administrative agency ordering the disposition, and other persons concerned or their representatives.
Article 51(1)Any person who are dissatisfied with dispositions made pursuant to the provisions of Article 29, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2), Article 35-2, paragraph (1), the proviso of Article 42, paragraph (1) or Article 43, paragraph (1), if the reasons for their dissatisfaction involve adjustment with a mining enterprises, stone-quarrying enterprises or gravel-gathering enterprises, may apply for a ruling to the Environmental Dispute Coordination Commission.In this case, the person cannot appeal under the Administrative Complaint Review Act.
(2)The provisions of Article 18 of the Administrative Complaint Review Act apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the administrative agency ordering the disposition has instructed by mistake that an application for investigation may be made with regard to the dispositions prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
(Relations between Application for Request for Administrative Review and Suit)
Article 52Any action for revocation of original admministrative disposition prescribed in Article 50, paragraph (1) (excluding suits involving matters for which an application for a ruling