内容及决策程序 / Details & Decision Procedures
城市规划细节 / 都市計画の内容
城市设施 / 都市施設
- 城市设施可以定义在城市规划区之外。
- 在城市化和非城市化的规划区,必须提供三种设施–道路、公园和下水道。
- 义务教育设施,如小学和中学,必须在住宅区内提供。
这些都是在城市生活和维持城市功能所必需的设施。 原则上,城市设施也要定义在城市规划区内,但如果特别需要,也可以定义在城市规划区之外。城市设施主要包括以下类型的设施
- 交通设施,如公路、城市快速交通系统、机场和港口
- 公共开放空间,如公园、绿地和广场
- 供水、低空供气设施、供气设施、污水系统、污水处理厂、垃圾处理厂等。
- 教育和文化设施,如学校、图书馆和博物馆
- 医院、托儿所和其他保健设施、社会福利设施
- 住宅区内的住房设施
- 其他。
在城市设施中,至少必须在尚未划定的城市化区和城市规划区确定道路、公园和排污系统。 住宅区(1、2类低层住宅区,1、2类中高层住宅区,1、2类住宅区,半住宅区和农村住宅区)也必须提供义务教育设施。
城市规划项目(城市发展项目和城市规划设施)/ 都市計画事業(市街地開発事業・都市計画施設)
城市规划指的是设想一个城市未来应该是什么样子,并通过必要的法规、指导和改进,对其进行适当的规范、指导和发展的方法和手段。 城市规划项目是城市设施和城市发展项目的组合,按照城市规划的规定,是可以强制执行的。
- 原则上,在计划中的城市发展项目、城市规划设施区或城市发展项目生效的地区’改变土地形状’或’建造建筑物或其他结构’时,需要得到县长的许可。
- 在项目现场,由于紧急灾害而需要采取的应急措施也需要许可证,没有例外。
地区计划 / 地区計画
与城市规划相比,地区规划可以被安全地视为较小区域的城市规划。 它是根据《城市规划法》制定的特定地区或城镇街区层面的城市规划,规定了详细的城市发展政策和目标、道路和广场等公共设施(地区设施),以及对建筑物和其他结构的使用、规模和形式的限制。
- 区计划不仅可以在分区内建立,也可以在分区外的某些地区建立。
- 原则上,打算(i)改变地块形状,(ii)建造建筑物或(iii)在地区规划区内建造结构的人,必须在开工前至少30天通知市政府市长某些事项。
与地区规划有关的城市规划类型等 / 地区計画等に関する都市計画の種類
- 地区计划:在居民同意的基础上,指导适合每个地区特点的社区发展的计划。
- 防灾区计划:防止火灾蔓延的计划,在火灾或地震发生时确保疏散功能。
- 历史特征增强区计划:保持和增强该地区的历史特征的计划。
- 路边居民区计划:减少汽车和卡车噪音的计划/li>
- 聚居区计划:在聚居区的土地范围内与农业和居住环境相协调的土地使用计划。
在地区计划范围内的限制 / 地区計画の区域内の制限
在地区规划区内改变地块形状或建造建筑物时,必须在开工前至少30天通知市镇长。 但是,正常的管理活动和紧急灾害发生时的应急措施属于例外,不需要通知。
地区计划中规定的计划 / 地区計画で定めれる計画
重新开发和其他促进区 / 再開発等促進区
重建促进区是指在城市中心的项目,其容积率被放宽,高层建筑被建造。 例子包括六本木山和中城。 在稍微困难的情况下,为了实现土地的合理和健全的高层次利用,促进城市功能的发展,地区规划确定了综合和全面的城市再开发或发展的区域(再开发促进区),结合区内公共设施的发展,放宽对建筑用途、容积率等的限制。 再开发促进区是指通过放宽对建筑用途、容积率等的限制,再加上该地区公共设施的发展,诱导好的项目。
发展、改进和促进区 / 開発整備促進区
这一区域旨在通过开发 “大型建筑",如建筑面积超过10,000平方米的商店、电影院、娱乐设施和展览馆,促进商业和其他便利。
城市规划决策和决策者 / 都市計画の決定・決定権者
首先,县长或土地、基础设施和交通部长指定一个城市规划区,但接下来,必须为某个地区制定具体计划,以确定城市的发展方式。 这些计划被称为城市计划,各县决定基本的、大规模的城市计划,而各市则决定其他较小的计划。 然而,与城市规划区的指定一样,当计划涵盖两个或更多的县时,由土地、基础设施和交通部长决定。
- 如果市政府制定的城市规划与县政府制定的城市规划有冲突,则县政府制定的城市规划在该部分的城市规划中具有优先权。
- 城市规划可以由市政府、县政府和土地、基础设施和交通部长决定。
- 如果认为有必要,在制定城市规划草案时,采取必要的措施(举行公开听证会等)来反映居民的意见。
- 城市规划草案编制完成后,将公开宣布,并自宣布之日起两周内供公众查阅。 →在这两周的时间内,居民和有关方面可以就草案提交书面意见。
- 当一个 “市政当局 “决定城市规划时,它必须咨询县长(不需要同意)。
决定城市规划的权利 / 都市計画の決定権
原则上,县和市是城市规划的决策机构。 县政府决定下列城市计划,而市镇则决定所有其他城市计划。
- 关于改善、发展和保护城市规划区的政策的城市规划。
- 城市化地区的城市规划和城市化控制区(分区)。
- 关于城市再开发政策的城市规划等。
- 与特殊城市再生区、港口区、特殊历史保护区、绿地保护区、绿化区、流通商业区等有关的城市规划。
- 某些与区域性地区、城市设施和基本年度设施有关的城市计划,应从超越单一城市区域的广泛角度来确定。
- 某些大型城际发展项目的城市规划。
- 某些计划中的城市发展项目和其他领域的城市规划。
当一个市镇制定城市规划时,必须符合县政府制定的城市规划。 如果县和市制定的城市规划的内容发生冲突,则以县制定的内容为准。
当由县政府决定 / 都道府県が決定する場合
县政府在事先征求有关市镇的意见,并在县城市规划委员会讨论后决定城市规划。 在决定一项与国家利益有重大关系的城市规划时,有必要事先与土地、基础设施和交通部长协商,并获得他/她的同意。
如果市政府决定 / 市町村が決定する場合
市政府在事先与市城市规划委员会协商后决定城市规划。 当一个城市决定时,它必须与县长协商,当一个镇或村决定时,它必须与县长协商并获得其同意。
县级和市级的共同程序 / 都道府県・市町村共通の手続
城市规划决策的建议,等等。 / 都市計画の決定等の提案
该地区的土地所有者、拥有对抗性权利的租赁者和某些非营利性的法律实体可以向县或市提出城市规划的决定和改变,并附上规划草案。 这一制度旨在促进当地居民自愿进行城市规划,并振兴当地。
第二章 都市計画
Chapter II City Planning
第一節 都市計画の内容
Section 1 Details of City Planning
(Policy for Improvement, Development and Preservation of City Planning Areas)
Article 6-2(1)Regarding city planning areas, the policy for improvement, development and preservation of the relevant city planning areas is to be set forth in city plans.
(2)The following matters are to be set forth in the policy for improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas:
(i)objectives of the city plan;
(ii)whether or not a decision has been made on area classification stipulated in paragraph (1) of the immediately following Article, and if applicable, the decision-making policy for the relevant area classification;
(iii)in addition to the matters listed in the preceding items, the policy for major city planning decisions concerning land use, urban facility improvement and urban development projects.
(3)City plans stipulated for city planning areas (including urban facilities established outside of city planning areas pursuant to provisions in the second sentence of paragraph (1) of Article 11 (hereinafter referred to as “out-of-area urban facilities") must be grounded in the policy for improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas.
(Area Classification)
Article 7(1)When deemed necessary to prevent unregulated urbanization and promote planned urbanization in city planning areas, classification between urbanization promotion areas and urbanization control areas (hereinafter referred to as “area classification") may be stipulated in city plans; provided, however, that area classification for the following city planning areas is to be stipulated.
(i)city planning areas that include all or part of the following land areas:
(a)existing urban areas provided for in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the National Capital Region Development Act or suburban development else provided for in paragraph (4) of the same Article.
(b)existing urban areas provided for in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Kinki Region Development Act or suburban development else provided for in paragraph (4) of the same Article.
(c)urban areas provided for in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Chubu Region Development Act.
(ii)beyond what is set forth in the preceding items, city planning areas established by Cabinet Order in large cities.
(2)urbanization promotion areas are those areas where urban areas have already formed and those areas where urbanization should be implemented preferentially and in a well-planned manner within approximately the next 10 years.
(3)Urbanization control areas are those areas where urbanization should be controlled.
(Urban Redevelopment Policy)
Article 7-2(1)Regarding city planning areas, necessary items are to be stipulated in city plans according to the following policy (hereinafter referred to as “urban redevelopment policy, etc.").
(i)policy for urban redevelopment pursuant to the provisions of Article 2-3, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of the Urban Renewal Act (Act no. 38 of 1969);
(ii)policy for development of residential urban areas pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion of Housing and Residential Land Supply in Major Urban Areas (Act No. 67 of 1975);
(iii)policy for development of core business urban areas pursuant to the provisions of Article 30 of the Act Concerning the Promotion of the Development of Regional Core Urban Areas and the Relocation of Facilities for Industrial Business (Act No. 76 of 1992);
(iv)policy for disaster prevention block improvement pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act Concerning the Promotion of Disaster Prevention Block Improvement in Concentrated Urban Areas (Act No. 49 of 1997. Hereinafter referred to as “Concentrated Urban Areas Development Act").
(2)City plans stipulated for city planning areas (including those concerning out-of-area urban facilities) must be grounded in the urban redevelopment policy.
(Districts and Zones)
Article 8(1)Regarding city planning areas, the following districts, zones and blocks are to be established as necessary:
(i)category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts, category 1 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, quasi-residential districts, neighborhood commercial districts, commercial districts, quasi-industrial districts, industrial districts, and exclusive industrial districts (hereinafter collectively referred to as “use districts");
(ii)special use districts;
(ii)-2special use restriction districts;
(ii)-3exceptional floor area ratio districts;
(ii)-4high-rise residential attraction districts;
(iii)height control districts or high-level use districts;
(iv)specified blocks;
(iv)-2special urban renaissance districts provided for in Article 36, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Urban Renaissance (Act No. 22 of 2002);
(v)fire prevention districts or quasi-fire prevention districts;
(v)-2specified disaster prevention block improvement zones provided for in Article 31, paragraph (1) of the Concentrated Urban Areas Improvement Act;
(vi)landscape zones provided for in paragraph (1), Article 61 of the Landscape Act (Act No. 100 of 2004);
(vii)scenic districts;
(viii)parking place development zones provided for in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Parking Places Act (Act No. 106 of 1957);
(ix)port zones;
(x)special historic natural features conservation zones provided for in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Conservation of Historic Natural Features of Ancient Cities (Act No. 1 of 1966);
(xi)category 1 or category 2 special historic natural features conservation zones provided for in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Conservation of Historic Natural Features and Development of Living Environment in Asuka Village (Act No. 60 of 1980);
(xii)green space conservation districts provided for in Article 5 of the Urban Green Space Conservation Act (Act No. 72 of 1973), special green space conservation districts provided for in Article 12 of the same Act or tree planting districts provided for in Article 13, paragraph (1) of the same Act;
(xiii)distribution business zones provided for in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act Concerning the Improvement of Urban Distribution Centers (Act No. 110 of 1966);
(xiv)productive green zones provided for in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Productive Green Space Act (Act No. 68 of 1974);
(xv)preservation districts for groups for traditional building provided for in Article 83-3, paragraph (1) of the Cultural Properties Protection Act (Act No. 214 of 1950);
(xvi)aircraft noise control zones or aircraft noise control special zones provided for in Article 4, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Countermeasures against Aircraft Noise around Specified Airports (Act No. 26 of 1988).
(2)Regarding quasi-city planning areas, districts or zones provided for in items (i) through (ii)-2, (iii) (limited to the section pertaining to height control), (vi), (vii), (xii) (limited to the section pertaining to green space conservation districts provided for in Article 5 of the Urban Green Space Conservation Act) or (xv) of the preceding paragraph are established as necessary.
(3)Regarding districts and zones, the following matters are to be stipulated in city plans:
(i)type of district or zone (for special use districts, the type of special use district that clarifies the special purpose that should be achieved with its designation), location and area;
(ii)matters stipulated in the following items for each of the following districts or zones listed:
(a)use districts:Floor-area ratio of buildings (ratio of the total floor-area of buildings to the site area. The same applies hereinafter) provided for in paragraph (1), Article 52, items (i) through (iv) of the Building Standards Act and the minimum site area for buildings provided for in Article 53, paragraph (2), item (i) of the same Act (Concerning minimum site area for buildings, this is limited to those cases in which it is necessary to secure the urban environment in the relevant district);
(b)category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts or category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts:Building coverage ratio (ratio of the building area to the site area. The same applies hereinafter.) provided for in Article 53, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Building Standards Act; the minimum required setback distance from the external wall provided for in Article 54 of the same Act (limited to those cases in which it is necessary to conserve a favorable dwelling environment for low-rise housing); and building height limits provided for in Article 55, paragraph (1) of the same Act;
(c)category 1 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts, category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, quasi-residential districts, neighborhood commercial districts, commercial districts, quasi-industrial districts, industrial districts, or exclusive industrial districts:Building coverage ratio provided for in, Article 53, paragraph (1), items (i) through (iii) and (v) of the Building Standards Act;
(d)special use restriction districts:Outline of uses of special buildings, etc. that should be restricted;
(e)exceptional floor area ratio districts:Maximum height limit of buildings (limited to those cases in which it is necessary to secure the urban environment in the relevant district);
(f)high-rise residential attraction districts:Maximum floor-area ratios and building coverage ratios for buildings (limited to those cases in which it is necessary to secure the urban environment in the relevant district; the same applies to paragraph (16) of the immediately following Article) provided for in Article 52, paragraph (1), item (v) of the Building Standards Act, and minimum site area for buildings (limited to those cases in which it is necessary to secure the urban environment in the relevant district; the same applies to paragraph (16) of the immediately following Article);
(g)height control districts:Maximum or minimum height of buildings (Maximum height of buildings in quasi-city planning areas; the same applies to paragraph (17) of the immediately following Article);
(h)high-level use districts:Maximum and minimum floor-area ratio, maximum building coverage ratio, minimum building area of buildings, and restrictions on the location of walls (Restrictions on the location of walls are limited to those walls that face roads (including planned roads defined in city plans; the same applies in the immediately following item.) within the site and with which a functional space must be secured to improve the urban environment; the same applies to paragraph (18) of the immediately following Article);
(i)specified blocks:Floor-area ratio of buildings, maximum height of buildings and restrictions on the location of walls
(iii)other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order
(4)Beyond what is set forth in items (i) and (iii) of the preceding paragraph, matters that should be stipulated in city plans concerning special urban renaissance districts, specified disaster prevention block improvement zones, landscape zones and green space conservation districts are stipulated separately by an Act.
Article 9(1)Category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts are districts designated to conserve a favorable dwelling environment for low-rise housing.
(2)Category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts are districts designated primarily to conserve a favorable dwelling environment for low-rise housing.
(3)Category 1 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts are districts designated to conserve a favorable dwelling environment for medium-to-high-rise housing.
(4)Category 2 medium-to-high-rise exclusive residential districts are districts designated primarily to conserve a favorable dwelling environment for medium-to-high-rise housing.
(5)Category 1 residential districts are districts designated to conserve the dwellingenvironment.
(6)Category 2 residential districts are districts designated primarily to conserve the dwelling environment.
(7)Quasi-residential districts are districts designated to conserve the dwelling environment concordant with the promotion of convenience to conduct business suitable to the roadside characteristics of the region.
(8)Neighborhood commercial districts are districts designated to promote the convenience to conduct commercial business and other businesses whose primary concern is the provision of daily necessities to residents of residential areas in the neighborhood.
(9)Commercial districts are districts designated primarily to promote the convenience to conduct commercial business and other businesses.
(10)Quasi-industrial districts are districts designated primarily to promote convenience for industries that are not likely to degrade the environment.
(11)Industrial districts are districts designated primarily to promote convenience for industries.
(12)Exclusive industrial districts are districts designated to promote convenience for industries.
(13)A special use districtis a district within a use district which,in order to realize a special purpose such as environmental protection or promotion land use suitable to the characteristics of that district ,is designated to complement the designation of the use district that it is part of.
(14)Special use restriction districts, located in districts containing land without a use designation (excluding urbanization control areas), are districts designated to outline the use of special buildings, etc. that require restriction to ensure that reasonable land use in line with the characteristics of the relevant district is implemented in order to develop or maintain a favorable environment
(15)Exceptional floor area ratio districts, adequately situated and located in category 1 medium-rise exclusive residential districts, category 2 medium-rise exclusive residential districts, category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, quasi-residential districts, neighborhood commercial districts, commercial districts, quasi-industrial districts, industrial districts, or exclusive industrial districts that contain land on which public facilities stand, are districts designated to promote high-level land use by utilizing building floor area deemed unused pursuant floor-area ratio limits provided for in Article 52, paragraphs (1) through (9) of the Building Standards Act.
(16)High-rise residential attraction districts are districts in which maximum floor area, maximum building coverage ratio and minimum site area of buildings are established within the floor area ratio of 400% or 500% in city plans concerning category 1 residential districts, category 2 residential districts, quasi-residential districts, neighborhood commercial districts, or quasi-industrial districts as provided for in Article 52, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Building Standards Act in order to make appropriate divisions between residential and non-residential uses and to attract highly-convenient high-rise residential buildings.
(17)Height control districts are districts designated within use districts for which maximum or minimum building heights are stipulated in order to maintain the urban environment or to promote enhanced land use.
(18)High-level usage districts are districts in which maximum and minimum limits on the ratio of the total floor area of buildings to the site area, maximum floor-area ratio, minimum building coverage ratio, minimum building area of buildings, and restrictions on the location of walls are stipulated in order to promote reasonable and sound high-level land use and to renew urban functions in use districts.
(19)Specified blocks are blocks designated within districts where the improvement and development of blocks will be implemented to promote the renewal of urban areas, and in which the maximum floor-area ratio, building height, and restrictions on the location of walls are stipulated.
(20)Fire prevention districts or quasi-fire prevention districts are designated to control fire hazards in urban areas.
(21)Scenic districts are districts designated to maintain the scenic beauty of cities.
(22)Port zones are zones designated to manage and administer harbors.
Article 10In addition to the provisions provided for expressly in this Act, restrictions on buildings and other structures in the districts in zones are provided for separately by an Act.
(Project Promotion Areas)
Article 10-2(1)Regarding city planning areas, the following areas are to be stipulated as necessary in city plans:
(i)urban redevelopment promotion areas provided for in paragraph (1), Article 7 of the Urban Renewal Act;
(ii)land readjustment promotion areas provided for in paragraph (1), Article 5 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion of Housing and Residential Land Supply in Major Urban Areas;
(iii)residential-block construction promotion areas provided for in paragraph (1), Article 24 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Promotion of Housing and Residential Land Supply in Major Urban Areas;
(iv)land readjustment promotion areas for core business urban development provided for in Article 19, paragraph (1) of the Act Concerning the Promotion of the Development of Regional Core Urban Areas and the Relocation of Facilities for Industrial Business.
(2)In addition to the type, name, location, area limits, and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order, other matters concerning project promotion areas stipulated in separate Acts are to be stipulated in city plans.
(3)Restrictions regarding the construction of buildings and other activities within project promotion areas are stipulated separately by an Act.
(Unused Land Use Promotion Areas)
Article 10-3(1)When the need arises in city planning areas, unused land use promotion areas are to be designated in city plans for those areas that satisfy the following conditions:
(i)land in the relevant area has not been used for a considerable period of time for housing, project facilities or any other use and satisfies other requirements stipulated by Cabinet Order;
(ii)the fact that the land in the relevant area satisfies the requirements of preceding item leads to an extreme impairment in promoting the planned use of land in or around the relevant area;
(iii)promoting effective and appropriate use of land in the relevant area contributes to enhancing functions in the relevant city;
(iv)the scope of the area is approximately 5000 m2 or more;
(v)the relevant area is located within an urbanization promotion area.
(2)The name, location, area limits, and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order concerning unused land use promotion areas are to be stipulated in city plans.
(Urban Disaster Recovery Promotion Area)
Article 10-4(1)When the need arises in city planning areas, urban disaster recovery promotion areas are to be designated in city plans provided for in Article 5, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Disaster-Stricken Urban District Reconstruction (Act No. 14 of 1995).
(2)In addition to the name, location, area limits, and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order, other matters concerning urban disaster recovery promotion areas stipulated in separate Acts are to be stipulated in city plans.
(3)Restrictions regarding the construction of buildings and other activities within urban disaster recovery promotion areas are stipulated separately by an Act.
(Urban Facilities)
Article 11(1)Regarding city planning areas, the following facilities are to be stipulated as necessary in city plans: In especially necessary cases, these facilities may be stipulated for areas outside of the relevant city planning area.
(i)roads, urban rapid-transit railroads, parking places, motor vehicle terminals and other traffic facilities;
(ii)parks, green areas, classes, cemeteries, and other open spaces for public use;
(iii)waterworks, electricity supply facilities, gas supply facilities, sewerage systems, wastewater treatment facilities, garbage incinerators, and other supply and treatment facilities;
(iv)rivers, canals, and other waterways;
(v)schools, libraries, research facilities, and other educational and cultural facilities;
(vi)hospitals, nursery schools, and other medical and social welfare facilities;
(vii)markets, slaughterhouses, and crematoria;
(viii)collective housing facilities (meaning collective housing facilities with 50 or more dwellings per estate, attached roads and other facilities);
(ix)collective government and public office facilities (meaning national or local government buildings and attached roads and other facilities);
(x)distribution business parks;
(xi)other facilities at stipulated by Cabinet Order.
(2)The type, name, location, area limits, and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order concerning urban facilities are to be stipulated in city plans.
(3)Regarding roads, rivers, and other urban facilities stipulated by Cabinet Order , in addition to what is prescribed in the preceding paragraph, when it is necessary to promote appropriate and reasonable land use, the multi-level limits of underground or open spaces of the relevant urban facilities may be stipulated in city plans. In such cases, when stipulating multi-level limits underground, the minimum offset distance from the relevant multi-level expanse and the maximum load (including loads set according to the relevant offset distance) may also be stipulated.