都市计画法 / City Planning Act
日本的都市计画法的目的是使整个日本更加宜居。 宜居性并不意味着所有的土地都应该变成商业开发城市,只考虑便利性。 城市发展的规划要与自然、文化、商业、工业和住房相协调。
- 维护、发展和保护城市规划区的政策。
- 城市化和城市化地区的分类。
- 城市重建政策,等等。
- 地区计划,等等。
- 促进区
- 闲置土地转化和利用促进区
- 促进受影响城市地区重建的领域。
- 区域性地区(如分区)。
- 城市设施
- 城市发展项目
- 规划的城市发展项目区
城市化的地区 / 市街化区域
城市化控制区 / 市街化調整区域
城市化控制区是一个应该控制城市化的区域。 这不是一个应该禁止城市化的地区。
未划定的城市规划区 / 非線引都市計画区域
准城市规划区 / 準都市計画区域
区划 / 区域区分とは?
将城市规划区划分为 “城市化区"和 “城市化控制区"的做法被称为区划。 事实上,由于非城市化的城市规划区的存在,一些城市规划区并没有进行分区。
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1The purpose of this Act is to promote the sound development and orderly improvement of cities by stipulating the details of city planning and decision procedures therefor, city planning restrictions, city planning projects and any other necessary matters concerning city planning, thereby contributing to well-balanced national development and the promotion of public welfare.
(Fundamental Principle of City Planning)
Article 2City plans are to be established based on the fundamental principle that healthy, cultural urban lifestyles and functional urban activities should be secured while maintaining a healthy balance with the agriculture, forestry and fishery industries, and that reasonable land use under due regulation should be promoted for this reason.
(Responsibilities of the National and Local Governments and Residents)
Article 3(1)National and local governments are obliged to endeavor to adequately implement improvement, development and other plans for cities.
(2)City residents must cooperate with measures that national and local governments enact to achieve the purpose of this Act and are obliged to make efforts to develop a good urban environment.
(3)National and local governments are obliged to endeavor to propagate knowledge and provide information on city planning to the residents of cities.
Article 4(1)The term “City plan" as used in this Act means a plan concerning land use, improvement of urban facilities, and urban development projects for the sake of promoting the sound development and orderly improvement of cities pursuant to the provisions of the next Chapter.
(2)The term “City planning area" as used in this Act means an area designated in accordance with stipulations in the immediately following Article; and “quasi-city planning area" refers to an area designated pursuant to the provisions of Article 5-2.
(3)The term “district or zone" as used in this Act means a district, zone or block listed in the items of Article 8, paragraph (1).
(4)The term “project promotion area" as used in this Act means those areas listed in the items of Article 10-2, paragraph (1).
(5)The term “urban facility" as used in this Act means those facilities listed in the items of Article 11, paragraph (1) that are to be stipulated in a city plan.
(6)The term “city planning facility" as used in this Act means those facilities listed in the items of Article 11, paragraph (1) that have been stipulated in a city plan.
(7)The term “urban development project" as used in this Act means those projects listed in the items of Article 12, paragraph (1).
(8)The term “area scheduled for urban development, etc." as used in this Act means those areas listed in the items of Article 12-2, paragraph (1).
(9)The term “district planning, etc." as used in this Act means those plans listed the items of Article 12-4, paragraph (1).
(10)The term “buildings" as used in this Act mean buildings stipulated in Article 2, item (i) of the Building Standards Act (Act No. 201 of 1950), and “build" refers to the act of building stipulated in item (xiii) of the same Article.
(11)The term “special structures" as used in this Act means concrete plants or other structures that may degrade the environment of the surrounding area as stipulated by Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as “category 1 special structures"); or golf courses or other large-scale structures stipulated by Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as “category 2 special structures").
(12)The term “development activity" as used in this Act means altering the zoning, shape or quality of land to make it available mainly for the construction of buildings or special structures.
(13)The term “development area" as used in this Act means an area of land on which development activities are conducted.
(14)The term “public facilities" as used in this Act mean roads, parks and other facilities made available for public use as stipulated by Cabinet Order.
(15)The term “city planning projects" as used in this Act mean projects for the improvement of a city planning facility and urban development projects implemented pursuant to the provisions of this Act having obtained permission or approval under provisions set forth in Article 59.
(16)The term “executor" as used in this Act means the individual that executes a city planning project.
(City Planning Area)
Article 5(1)The prefectures may designate as city planning areas those areas in cities, or in applicable town and village central urban areas that meet conditions for population, number of employed individuals and other matters stipulated by Cabinet Order, that require integrated urban improvement, development and preservation in due consideration of natural and social conditions and the current situations and shifts in population, land use, traffic volume and other matters stipulated by Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. When necessary, areas that extend beyond the relevant municipality may also be designated as city planning areas.
(2)In addition to the areas designated in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the prefectures are to designate as city planning areas any urban development areas defined under the National Capital Region Development Act (Act No. 83 of 1956), urban development areas defined under the Kinki Region Development Act (Act No. 129 of 1963), urban development areas defined under the Chubu Region Development Act (Act No. 102 of 1966),and any other areas that require new development and preservation as residential cities, industrial cities or as other types of cities.
(3)When the prefectures attempt to designate city planning areas pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, they must hear the opinions of the relevant municipalities and the Prefectural City Planning Council in advance, and they must confer with and obtain the consent of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(4)Regarding city planning areas that extend over two or more Prefectures, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism-notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2)-must hear the opinions of the relevant Prefectures in advance and make a designation.In this case, the relevant Prefectures must hear the opinions of the relevant municipalities and the Prefectural City Planning Council in advance of offering their opinion.
(5)Designation of city planning areas are executed by public notice pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(6)The provisions of the preceding paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to the revision or abolition of city planning areas.
(Quasi-City Planning Areas)
Article 5-2(1)The prefectures may designate as quasi-city planning areas those areas outside of city planning areas in which the construction of a considerable number of buildings and other structures (hereinafter referred to as “buildings, etc.") or site preparation is actually conducted, including areas in which construction is scheduled, giving due consideration to natural and social conditions, the current situation of land use regulations set forth in the Act Concerning Establishment of Agricultural Promotion Areas (Act No. 58 of 1969), and the current situation and developments concerning other matters stipulated in Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and where it is recognized that that future integrated city improvement, development and preservation risks hindrance if measures are not taken to organize land use or conserve the environment.
(2)When the prefectures attempt to designate quasi-city planning areas pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, they must hear the opinions of the relevant municipalities and the Prefectural City Planning Council in advance.
(3)Designation of quasi-city planning areas is executed by public notice pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(4)The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to the revision or abolition of quasi-city planning areas.
(5)When all or part of a quasi-city planning area is designated as a city planning area, the relevant quasi-city planning area is abolished or changed to an area that does not overlap the relevant city planning area notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Basic Surveys Concerning City Planning)
Article 6(1)Approximately every 5 years, the prefectures are to conduct surveys of the current situation and forecasts of population size, working population per industry, urban land area, land use, traffic volume and any other matters stipulated in Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to serve as basic surveys concerning city planning pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(2)When deemed necessary, the prefectures may conduct surveys of the current situation and forecasts of land use and any other matters stipulated in Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to serve as basic surveys concerning city planning in quasi-city planning areas pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(3)When deemed necessary to conduct the basic surveys pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the prefectures may request the municipalities to submit documents and provide other necessary cooperation.
(4)The prefectures must notify the mayors of the relevant municipalities of the results of the basic surveys conducted in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (1) or (2) pursuant to the provisions of Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
(5)When deemed necessary to enforce this Act, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may request from the prefectures the results of the basic surveys conducted in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (1) or (2).