不动産登记法 / Real Property Registration Act
- 与表示有关的登记(产权登记)必须在一个月内登记(强制性)。
- 不需要进行权利方面的登记(可选)。 但是,如果不登记,就会造成没有反作用力的情况。
- 作为一项规则,权利的登记申请应由权利人和义务人共同提出。 作为一个例外,继承申请等可以独立提出。
表示登记和权利登记之间的区别 / 表示の登記と権利の登記の相違点 / Registration of Description & Rights
说明的登记记录了位置、土地编号、土地所有权和土地面积(如果是土地)。 对于建筑物,要记录其位置、门牌号、类型、结构和建筑面积。
权利登记又分为A区和B区。 在权利登记的A区,记录与所有权有关的登记事项,而在B区,记录与所有权以外的权利有关的登记事项,如抵押权和租赁权,。
说明的登记使产权人有义务申请登记。 如果建造了新的建筑物或创造了新的土地,必须在造成新的建筑物或新的土地之日起的一个月内提出登记申请。 相比之下,没有申请权利登记的义务。
依法登记和基于当事人意愿的登记 / 職権による登記と当事者の意思に基づく登記
表示的登记也可以由书记官长依职权进行。 相比之下,权利的登记只有在当事人提出申请或由公共机构委托时才能进行。
原则上,不动产的登记只能由当事人申请或由政府办公室或公共机构委托进行。这被称为 “应用原则"。原则上,与不动产权利有关的登记必须由有权登记的人和有义务登记的人共同申请。这被称为 “联合应用原则"。
原则上,登记申请必须由有权登记的人和有义务登记的人共同提出(共同申请原则)。 这样做的目的是为了防止错误的注册,并通过让与注册有利益冲突的各方参与到注册申请中来确保注册的真实性。 有权登记的人是直接从登记中受益的人,而有义务登记的人是因登记而处于不利地位的人。
例如,在通过销售转移所有权的情况下,买方是有权登记的人,卖方是有义务登记的人。 然而,在某些情况下,如因继承而申请登记所有权的转移,有权登记的人可以独立申请。
- 使用电子数据处理系统的方法(通过互联网进行在线注册申请)。
- 提交一份包含申请信息的书面文件(或包含全部或部分申请信息的磁片)。
作为一项规则,必须根据登记的目的和原因,为每个房地产准备和提供申请资料。 但是,对于同一登记处管辖范围内的几处房产,如果登记的目的、原因和日期相同,可以作为一份申请资料一起申请。
注册识别信息是由12位字母数字组成的信息,确认注册申请是由注册所有人本人提出的。 通常情况下,注册办公室会在注册完成后将注册身份信息通知新的注册所有人。 通知后,当注册持有人申请注册时,该信息将提供给注册办公室作为识别手段。
临时登记 / 仮登记 / Provisional Registration
临时登记是为了确保将来进行的主要登记的排名而进行的登记。 如果事先进行了临时登记,然后转为正式登记,则主要登记的排名将追溯到临时登记的时间,并被视为主要登记是在临时登记时进行的。
- 临时登记没有反作用力。
- 在进行主要登记时,将按照临时登记的顺序进行登记。
- 原则上,临时登记也是共同申请的。 作为例外,临时登记权利人可以单独申请临时登记,条件是他/她提供证明临时登记义务人(例子中的A)同意的信息,或者他/她提供命令临时登记的处理决定的认证副本。
- 原则上,在申请撤销临时注册的情况下,也可以提出联合申请。 在某些情况下,临时登记的撤销也可以独立申请。
何时可以进行临时登记 / 仮登記ができる場合
- 如果可登记的权利发生了保全等(权利变更),但无法提供申请登记必须提供给登记机关的信息。
- 如果要求保留与可登记的权利变更有关的索赔(包括带有启动或中止条件的索赔以及预计将在未来确定的其他索赔)。
如何申请临时登记 / 仮登記の申請方法
一般来说,临时注册也必须由临时注册权利人和临时注册义务人共同申请。 但是,临时登记权利人可以单独申请临时登记,前提是必须获得临时登记义务人的同意,或者有法院的处置命令进行临时登记。
基于临时登记的主要登记 / 仮登記に基づく本登記
分区和联合分区的登记 / 分笔登记と合笔登记
计算土地的单位,如住宅用地,是刷子(Fude,Hitsu)。 将一块土地分割成几笔的做法称为细分。 因此,分割前和分割后的土地总面积必须相同。
另一方面,将几块地合并成一块地,被称为 “画笔"。
修改和变更的登记以及补充登记 / 更正登記や変更登記、付記登記
- 更正登记是指当登记中出现 “错误或遗漏",如 “拼写错误 “或 “遗漏 “时,进行更正或补充的登记。
- 当由于实质性关系的后续变化而导致登记事项与实质性关系不一致时,进行变更登记以纠正登记事项。
- 补充登记是指改变或修正已经存在的权利登记的登记,但将其与先前的登记视为一个登记。
第一章 総則(第一条―第五条)
Chapter I General Provisions(Article 1 to Article 5)
第二章 登記所及び登記官(第六条―第十条)
Chapter II Registry Office and Registrar(Article 6 to Article 10)
第三章 登記記録等(第十一条―第十五条)
Chapter III Registration Record, etc.(Article 11 to Article 15)
第四章 登記手続
Chapter IV Registration Procedure
第一節 総則(第十六条―第二十六条)
Section 1 General Provisions(Article 16 to Article 26)
第二節 表示に関する登記
Section 2 Registration of Description
第一款 通則(第二十七条―第三十三条)
Subsection 1 General Rules(Article 27 to Article 33)
第二款 土地の表示に関する登記(第三十四条―第四十三条)
Subsection 2 Registration of Description of Land(Article 34 to Article 43)
第三款 建物の表示に関する登記(第四十四条―第五十八条)
Subsection 3 Registration of Description of Building(Article 44 to Article 58)
第三節 権利に関する登記
Section 3 Registration of Right
第一款 通則(第五十九条―第七十三条)
Subsection 1 General Rules(Article 59 to Article 73)
第二款 所有権に関する登記(第七十四条―第七十七条)
Subsection 2 Registration of Ownership(Article 74 to Article 77)
第三款 用益権に関する登記(第七十八条―第八十二条)
Subsection 3 Registration of Usufruct(Article 78 to Article 82)
第四款 担保権等に関する登記(第八十三条―第九十六条)
Subsection 4 Registration of Security Interest, etc.(Article 83 to Article 96)
第五款 信託に関する登記(第九十七条―第百四条の二)
Subsection 5 Registration of Trust(Article 97 to Article 104-2)
第六款 仮登記(第百五条―第百十条)
Subsection 6 Provisional Registration(Article 105 to Article 110)
第七款 仮処分に関する登記(第百十一条―第百十四条)
Subsection 7 Registration of Provisional Disposition(Article 111 to Article 114)
第八款 官庁又は公署が関与する登記等(第百十五条―第百十八条)
Subsection 8 Registration, etc. Involving Government Agency or Public Office(Article 115 to Article 118)
第五章 登記事項の証明等(第百十九条―第百二十二条)
Chapter V Certification, etc. of Registered Matters(Article 119 to Article 122)
第六章 筆界特定
Chapter VI Parcel Boundary Demarcation
第一節 総則(第百二十三条―第百三十条)
Section 1 General Provisions(Article 123 to Article 130)
第二節 筆界特定の手続
Section 2 Procedure for Parcel Boundary Demarcation
第一款 筆界特定の申請(第百三十一条―第百三十三条)
Subsection 1 Application for Parcel Boundary Demarcation(Article 131 to Article 133)
第二款 筆界の調査等(第百三十四条―第百四十一条)
Subsection 2 Examination of Parcel Boundary, etc.(Article 134 to Article 141)
第三節 筆界特定(第百四十二条―第百四十五条)
Section 3 Parcel Boundary Demarcation(Article 142 to Article 145)
第四節 雑則(第百四十六条―第百五十条)
Section 4 Miscellaneous Provisions(Article 146 to Article 150)
第七章 雑則(第百五十一条―第百五十八条)
Chapter VII Miscellaneous Provisions(Article 151 to Article 158)
第八章 罰則(第百五十九条―第百六十四条)
Chapter VIII Penal Provisions(Article 159 to Article 164)
Supplementary Provisions
第一章 総則
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1The purpose of this Act is to secure the rights of citizens by providing for a system concerning registrations to be made to notify the public of descriptions of real property and rights relating to real property, thereby contributing to the safe and smooth conduct of transactions.
Article 2In this Act, the meanings of the terms listed in the following items shall be as prescribed respectively in those items:
(i)real property:land or building;
(ii)description of real property:matters to be registered as prescribed in Article 27, item (i), item (iii) or item (iv), items of Article 34, paragraph (1), Article 43, paragraph (1), items of Article 44, paragraph (1) or items of Article 58, paragraph (1),which relate to real property;
(iii)registration of a description:a registration concerning a description of real property;
(iv)registration of a right:a registration concerning any of the rights listed in the items of the following Article, which relate to real property;
(v)registration record:an electromagnetic record (meaning a record made in an electronic form, a magnetic form, or any other form not recognizable to human perception, which is used in information processing by computers; the same shall apply hereinafter) which is prepared pursuant to the provision of Article 12 in relation to a registration of a description or registration of a right for each parcel of land or each building;
(vi)matters to be registered:matters to be registered in a registration record pursuant to the provisions of this Act;
(vii)heading section:the part of a registration record in which a registration of a description is recorded;
(viii)rights section:the part of a registration record in which a registration of a right is recorded;
(ix)registry:a book in which a registration record is recorded, and which is prepared by means of a magnetic disk (including an object that can record certain matters securely by equivalent means; the same shall apply hereinafter);
(x)heading-section owner:a person recorded in the heading section of a registration record of real property for which there is no registration of ownership, as the owner of the real property;
(xi)registered (right) holder:a person recorded in the rights section of a registration record as the holder of any of the rights listed in the items of the following Article
(xii)person entitled to register:a person who is to receive any benefit directly in terms of registration by making a registration of a right, excluding a person who is to receive any benefit indirectly;
(xiii)person obliged to register:a registered right holder who is to suffer any detriment directly in terms of registration by making a registration of a right, excluding a registered right holder who is to suffer any detriment indirectly;
(xiv)information for registration identification:a code and other information to be used, in cases where a registered right holder files an application for a registration pursuant to the provision of the main clause of Article 22, in order to confirm that said registered right holder him/herself files an application for the registration, with which the registered right holder can be identified;
(xv)registration of change:a registration to be made, in cases where there has been a change to any of the matters to be registered, in order to change such matter;
(xvi)registration of correction:a registration to be made, in cases where there is an error or omission regarding any of the matters to be registered, in order to correct such matter;
(xvii)parcel number:a number assigned to each parcel of land pursuant to the provision of Article 35;
(xviii)land category:a category according to the use of land, which is specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice set forth in Article 34, paragraph (2);
(xix)parcel area:the area of a parcel of land, which is specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice set forth in Article 34, paragraph (2);
(xx)heading registration:the first registration of a description to be made in the heading section in relation to the real property;
(xxi)building number:a number assigned to each building pursuant to the provision of Article 45;
(xxii)condominium unit:a structurally divided portion of a building, which can be used independently as a residence, store, office or warehouse or any other building, and which constitutes a proprietary element as prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (3) of the Act on Building Unit Ownership, etc. (Act No. 69 of 1962; hereinafter referred to as the “Condominium Unit Ownership Act") (including those portions regarded as common elements pursuant to the provision of Article 4, paragraph (2) of the Condominium Unit Ownership Act)
(xxiii)annex building:a building annexed to another building for which there is a heading registration, and which is registered as forming a single building together with such registered building
(xxiv)mortgage securities:mortgage securities prescribed in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Mortgage Securities Act (Act No. 15 of 1931)
(Registrable Rights, etc.)
Article 3A registration shall be made with regard to a description of real property or with regard to the preservation, etc. of the following rights relating to real property (the “preservation, etc." means the preservation, establishment, transfer, change, restriction on disposition, or extinction of a right; the same shall apply in paragraph (2) of the following Article and Article 105, item (i)):
(iii)farming right
(v)statutory lien;
(viii)right of lease; and
(ix)right of quarrying (meaning a right of quarrying prescribed in the Quarrying Act (Act No. 291 of 1950); the same shall apply in Article 50 and Article 82)
(Order of Priority of Rights)
Article 4(1)The order of priority of rights registered in relation to the same real property shall, unless otherwise provided for in laws and regulations, follow the chronological order of registration.
(2)The order of priority of accessory registrations (meaning a registration of a right to be made in relation to an existing registration of a right, which is intended to change or correct such existing registration of the right, or to transfer the registered right other than ownership or preserve, etc. any right established over such registered right other than ownership, and which needs to be publicly notified as forming a single registration together with said existing registration of the right; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and Article 66) shall follow the order of priority of the corresponding principal registrations (meaning an existing registration of a right to which an accessory registration is attached; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), and the order of priority of accessory registrations attached to the same principal registration shall follow the chronological order of the accessory registrations.
(Third Party Ineligible to Assert the Lack of Registration)
Article 5(1)A third party who has interfered with the filing of an application for a registration by fraud or duress may not assert the lack of the registration.
(2)A third party who has an obligation to file an application for a registration on behalf of another may not assert the lack of the registration;provided, however, that this shall not apply if the cause of registration (meaning a fact or juridical act that is the cause of a registration) regarding such another’s registration occurred after the cause of registration regarding the third party’s own registration occurred.