借家 / Building Leases
借家权是建筑物的租赁。 根据借地借家法,在租赁权方面,有两种类型的租赁权:一种是普通租赁,在期限届满后可以续约;另一种是定期租赁,完全不能续约。
- 借地借家法不适用于明显的临时使用或租赁使用
- 没有关于建筑物租赁合同期限的规定。 但是,如果规定的期限少于一年,则被视为没有规定期限的合同
- 借家权的对抗要件是借家权(建筑赁借权)的登记 or 建筑物的交付
- 如果规定了期限,如果双方在期限届满前一年至六个月发出不续约的通知,则按原来规定的期限终止
- 在租赁期限固定的情况下,如果没有发出上述通知,且出租人没有说明其意义,则视为按以前的条件续约(续约后,租赁成为无固定期限的租赁)
- 如果由于拒绝续租等原因没有续租,但承租人继续使用该房产,且出租人没有立即反对,则续租
- 如果没有规定期限,双方可以在任何时候提出终止合同。 合同在 “出租人发出要约后六个月 “或 “承租人发出要约后三个月 “时结束
- 如果建筑物被毁,建筑物租赁合同自然终止
- 以上都是,但如果出租人拒绝续约,必须有合理的理由
- 可以提出购买建筑的要求的时间是在期限届满时,或者是被要求终止时
- 建筑工程的购买索赔金额是建筑工程的市场价值
- 排除购买建成区的要求的特别协议是可能的(有效)
- 如果出租房屋的承租人死后没有继承人,原则上租赁权由一个特别相关的人继承。
- 如果有特殊关系的人在得知承租人死亡没有继承人后一个月内向出租人表示反对,有特殊关系的人就不能继承租约。
- 始终缔结一份书面合同
- 事先以书面形式,与合同分开解释,合同将在期限届满时终止,不得延期
- 固定期限的房屋租赁是一种不可延期的房屋租赁合同,除非以书面形式说明合同不再续约,并在期限结束时终止,否则这种合同是无效的
- 如果定期建筑物租赁的期限为一年或以上,如果在期限届满前一年至六个月通知承租人(通知期),建筑物出租人在期限届满时终止合同
- 在没有上述通知的情况下(如果出租人忘记发出通知),出租人不能对承租人提出质疑,直到自通知之日起六个月后;一旦六个月后,承租人可以对出租人提出质疑。
普通借家权的期限 / 普通借家権の存続期间
借地借家法规定,如果规定了期限,租赁的期限必须至少为一年。 如果期限规定为一年以下,则为无固定期限的租赁合同。
没有固定期限的租赁合同可以由租户或房东在任何时候终止。 如果租户要求终止,租赁合同在提出要求后三个月结束。 如果房东要求终止合同,租约将在6个月后终止,但除非提供合理的理由,否则不会接受房东的终止请求。
续签租赁协议 / 借家契约の更新 / Renewal of Building Lease Contracts
当事人没有发出拒绝续约的通知时的续约 / 当事者が更新拒絶の通知をしなかった場合の更新 / Refusing to Renew
通过持续使用进行更新 / 使用継続による更新 / Continues to use
借家権の対抗力 / Perfection of the Building Lease
造作买取请求权 / Right to Request Purchase of Interior Decorations and Fixtures
如果承租人在房东的同意下在楼内加装了榻榻米、配件或其他建筑,或从出租人处购买,承租人可以要求在租赁合同结束后按市场价值买回。 要求购买工艺的权利可以通过特别协议提前放弃。
租户或同居妻子等死亡时的租赁权继承 / 借家人の死亡や内縁の妻等の借家権の承継
租用权也作为财产权之一被纳入继承范围。 这意味着,如果承租人死亡且有继承人,该继承人将继承该租约。 而如果没有继承人,租赁合同就终止了,因为合同的一方已经不存在了,租赁权原则上也就消灭了。
然而,《土地和房屋租赁法》也允许有例外情况。 如果住宅楼的租户死亡时没有继承人,法律规定,如果有一个同居者,虽然当时没有提交结婚证或收养证,但与租户有事实上的夫妻或收养关系,他或她将继承该楼租户的权利和义务。
定期借家契约(定期建筑租赁) / 定期借家契約(定期建物賃貸借)/ Fixed Term Building Lease
要签订不允许续约的租赁协议,可以满足某些要求。 这被称为定期租赁协议(定期建筑租赁)。 签订定期租赁协议的要求如下
如果定期租赁合同的期限为一年或以上,房东必须在期限届满前一年和六个月之间通知租户,租赁合同将在期限届满时终止。 此外,只有在以下情况下,承租人才可以要求中期终止租约,即在建筑面积小于200平方米的住宅楼内,以及承租人调职、接受医疗、照顾亲属或有其他不可避免的原因。
第三章 借家
Chapter III Building Lease
第一節 建物賃貸借契約の更新等
Section 1 Renewal, Etc. of Building Lease Contracts
(Renewal of Building Lease Contracts)
Article 26(1)In cases where a period has been prescribed for a building lease, when, from between one year to six months prior to the expiration of the period, the relevant party fails to notify the other party to the effect that the lease will not be renewed or that it will not be renewed unless the conditions are changed, it is deemed that the contract has been renewed with conditions identical to those of the existing contract;provided, however, that the period of the renewed lease is not prescribed.
(2)Even in cases where the notice referred to in the preceding paragraph has been given, in cases where the building lessee continues to use the buildings after the period of the building lease has expired, the provisions of the same paragraph also apply when the building lessor failed to make an objection without delay.
(3)In cases where the buildings are being subleased, continuing use of the buildings on the part of the building sublessee is deemed to be continuing use of the buildings on the part of the building lessee, and the provisions of the preceding paragraph apply between the building lessee and the Lessor.
(Termination of the Building Lease Pursuant to Termination of Contract)
Article 27(1)In cases where the building lessor has given a notice of termination of the lease, the building lease is terminated by reason of the passage of six months from the day the notice of termination was given.
(2)The provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a building lease has been terminated pursuant to a notice of termination.
(Requirements for Refusing to Renew a Building Lease Contract)
Article 28The notice on the part of the building lessor set forth in Article 26, paragraph (1) or a notice of termination of a building lease may not be given, unless it is found, upon consideration of the history of the building lease, the conditions of the building’s use, the current state of the building and, in cases where the building lessor has offered payment to the building lessee as a condition for evicting the buildings or in exchange for evicting the buildings, the consideration of the offer, that there are justifiable grounds for doing so in addition to the circumstances pertaining to the necessity of using the buildings on the part of the building lessor and the lessee (including the sublessee; hereinafter the same applies in this Article).
(Period of the Building Lease)
Article 29(1)A building lease having a period of less than one year is deemed to be a building lease having no prescribed period.
(2)The provisions of Article 604 of the Civil Code do not apply to building leases.
(Mandatory Provisions)
Article 30Any special provisions that run counter to the provisions of this Section and that are disadvantageous to the building lessee are invalid.
第二節 建物賃貸借の効力
Section 2 Effect of the Building Lease
(Perfection of the Building Lease)
Article 31(1)Even if the building lease is not registered, at the time the buildings are delivered, the building lease subsequently becomes effective in respect to the person who has acquired real rights to those buildings.
(2)The provisions of Article 566, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) of the Civil Code apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the buildings that are the object of the lease that has become effective pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph are the objects of a sale.
(3)The provisions of Article 533 of the Civil Code apply mutatis mutandis to the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Right to Request Increase or Decrease in Rent)
Article 32(1)When the building rent becomes unreasonable, as a result of an increase or decrease in tax and other burdens relating to the land or the buildings, as a result of the rise or fall of land or building prices or fluctuations in other economic circumstances, or in comparison to the rents on similar buildings in the vicinity, the parties may, notwithstanding the contract conditions, request future increases or decreases in the amount of the building rent;provided, however, when special provisions exist to the effect that building rent will not be increased for a fixed period, those provisions apply.
(2)If no agreement may be reached between the parties regarding an increase in the amount of the building rent, until the judicial decision on establishing the increased amount as valid becomes final and binding, it is sufficient for the party which has received that request to pay the building rent in an amount that is deemed to be reasonable;provided, however, that when that judicial decision becomes final and binding, if the amount that has already been paid is insufficient, the amount of the shortfall must be paid with the addition of interest on late payments at the rate of ten percent per year.
(3)If no agreement may be reached between the parties regarding a decrease in the amount of the building rent, until the judicial decision on establishing the decreased amount as valid becomes final and binding, it is sufficient for the party which has received that request to request payment of the building rent in an amount that is deemed to be reasonable;provided, however, that when that judicial decision becomes final and binding, if the amount that has already been paid exceeds the building rent amount found to be valid, the amount of the excess must be returned with the addition of interest at the rate of ten percent per year from the time the payment was received.
(Right to Request Purchase of Interior Decorations and Fixtures)
Article 33(1)In cases where tatami mats, fixtures, or other interior decorations added with the consent of the building lessor exist, when the building lease has been terminated either by reason of the expiration of the period or by a notice of termination, the building lessee may request of the building lessor that the building lessor purchase those interior decorations and fixtures at the prevailing market value. The same applies to interior decorations and fixtures purchased from the building lessor.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis between the building sublessee and the lessor in cases where the building lease has been terminated either by reason of the expiration of the period or by a notice of termination.
(Protection of the Sublessee in Cases Where the Building Lease is Terminated)
Article 34(1)In cases where the buildings are being subleased, when the building lease is terminated by reason of the expiration of the period or by a notice of termination, the building lessor may not assert that termination against the building sublessee without providing notice to that effect to the building sublessee.
(2)When the building lessor delivers the notice referred to in the preceding paragraph, the building sublease is terminated by reason of the passage of six months from the day the notice was given.
(Protection of the Building Lessee on Leased Land)
Article 35(1)In cases where there is a lease with respect to buildings on land that is the object of a Land Leasehold Right, when the building lessee must evict the buildings by reason of the expiration of the term of the Land Leasehold Right, only in cases where the building lessee was unaware of the expiration of the term of the Land Leasehold Right at least one year prior to the expiration, the court may, pursuant to a request by the building lessee, grant a reasonable time period for the eviction of the land, not exceeding one year from the day the building lessee was made aware of the expiration of the Land Leasehold Right.
(2)When the court grants the time period pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the building lease is terminated upon its expiration.
(Succession to a Residential Building Lease)
Article 36(1)In cases where a lessee of buildings used as residences dies with no heir, and persons with a relationship to the building lessee similar to a de facto marital relationship or a foster parent and child relationship, although notice of marriage or adoption has not been submitted, live together with the building lessee, the persons succeed to the rights and duties of the building lessee;provided, however, that this does not apply when those persons express intentions contrary to those of the building lessor within one month of being made aware that the building lessee died without heirs.
(2)In the case set forth in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, claims or obligations arising out of the building lease relationship belong to the person who has succeeded to the rights and obligations of the building lessee pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph.
(Mandatory Provisions)
Article 37Any special provisions that run counter to the provisions of Article 31, Article 34, and Article 35 and that are disadvantageous to the building lessee or sublessee are invalid.
第三節 定期建物賃貸借等
Section 3 Fixed Term Building Lease, Etc.
(Fixed Term Building Lease)
Article 38(1)In cases where a building lease with a prescribed period is entered into it may be stipulate that the contract is not to be renewed only if the contract has been concluded in writing by means of notarial deed, etc. notwithstanding the provisions of Article 30. In this case, the provisions of Article 29, paragraph (1) do not apply.
(2)Where parties enter into a building lease pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the building lessor must provide to the building lessee in advance, an explanation that the building lease contract pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph will not be renewed and that the building lease will be terminated by reason of the expiration of the period, by delivering a written statement to that effect.
(3)When the building lessor fails to provide an explanation pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the provisions to the effect that the contract is not to be renewed are invalid.
(4)In cases of a building lease pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) for which the duration is one year or more, unless the building lessor during the period from one year to six months prior to expiration of the period (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice Period" in this paragraph) notifies the building lessee to the effect that the building lease will be terminated by reason of the expiration of the period, the building lessor may not assert that termination against the building lessee;provided, however, that this does not apply in cases where the building lessor has notified the building lessee to that effect after expiration of the Notice Period and six months have passed since the date of that notice.
(5)In cases of a lease pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) for a building used for a residence (limited to those pertaining to buildings having floor area (in the case where a part of the building is the object of the lease, the floor area of the part) of less than 200 square meters), when it becomes difficult for the building lessee to use the building as the building lessee’s principal place of daily activity due to an unavoidable circumstance such as a work-related transfer, the receiving of medical care, or the necessity of providing nursing care to a relative, the building lessee may give a notice of termination of the building lease.In this case, the building lease is terminated when one month has passed since the day of the notice of termination.
(6)Any special provisions that run counter to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs and that are disadvantageous to the building lessee are invalid.
(7)In cases of a building lease pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the provisions of Article 32 do not apply in cases where there are special provisions pertaining to rent revision.
(Building Lease with Intent to Demolish)
Article 39(1)In cases where it is clear that pursuant to laws and regulations or contract the buildings are to be demolished after a fixed period of time has passed, when the buildings are leased it may be provided to the effect that the lease will be terminated upon the demolition of the buildings, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 30.
(2)The special provisions of the preceding paragraph must be executed by means of a document in which the reasons for the demolition of the buildings of the same paragraph are written.
(Building Leases for the Purpose of Temporary Use)
Article 40In cases where it is clear that buildings have been leased for the purpose of temporary use, the provisions of this Chapter do not apply.
第四章 借地条件の変更等の裁判手続
Chapter IV Court proceedings for Changing Land Lease Terms, Etc.
(Court with Jurisdiction)
Article 41The district court that has jurisdiction over the location of land that is the object of a Land Leasehold Right has jurisdiction over the cases prescribed in Article 17, paragraph (1), paragraph (2) or paragraph (5) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 18, paragraph (3)), Article 18, paragraph (1), Article 19, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (7) of the same Article), or paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (7) of the same Article and Article 20, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5) of the same Article)), or Article 20, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5) of the same Article);provided, however, that this does not preclude the summary court having jurisdiction over the location having jurisdiction should the parties agree.
(Exclusion from the Application of the Non-Contentious Case Procedures Act, and the Rules of the Supreme Court)
Article 42(1)The provisions of Article 27, Article 40, and the second sentence of Article 63, paragraph (1) of the Non-Contentious Case Procedures Act (Act No. 51 of 2011) do not apply to the cases set forth in the preceding Article.
(2)In addition to matters prescribed in this Act, the necessary matters with respect to the cases set forth in the preceding Article will be prescribed according to the rules of the Supreme Court.
(Mandatory Intervention)
Article 43(1)Pursuant to the petition of a party, the court may have a person who is qualified to be a party intervene in the proceedings of the cases set forth in Article 41.
(2)The petition referred to in the preceding paragraph must be filed by means of a document stating the purpose of and reasons for intervention.
(3)An immediate appeal may be filed against a judicial decision to dismiss the petition set forth in paragraph (1).
(Qualification of Counsel)
Article 44(1)Except for an agent who may perform acts in court under laws and regulations, no person other than an attorney may serve as a counsel;provided, however, that in a summary court, with its permission, a person who is not an attorney may be appointed as a counsel.
(2)The permission set forth in the proviso to the preceding paragraph may be rescinded at any time.
(Scope of Authority of Representation Vested in Counsel)
Article 45(1)A counsel, with regard to a case entrusted thereto, may perform procedural acts concerning the petition set forth in Article 19, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (7) of the same Article and Article 20, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5) of the same Article); the same applies in the following paragraph) (excluding the acts provided in the following paragraph), in addition to procedural acts regarding the matters specified in Article 23, paragraph (1) of the Non-Contentious Case Procedures Act.
(2)A counsel must be specially entrusted in relation to the petition set forth in Article 19, paragraph (3), in addition to the matters set forth in the items of Article 23, paragraph (2) of the Non-Contentious Case Procedures Act.
(Inspection of Case Record)
Article 46(1)The parties or a third party who has made a prima facie showing of the third party’s interest may make a request to a court clerk for the inspection or copying of, or the issuance of an authenticated copy, transcript or extract of a record of the case set forth in Article 41, or for the issuance of a certificate of matters concerning the case set forth in the same Article.
(2)The provisions of Article 91, paragraphs (4) and (5) of the Code of Civil Procedure (Act No. 109 of 1996) apply mutatis mutandis to the record set forth in the preceding paragraph.
(Committee of Experts)
Article 47(1)The committee of experts is composed of three or more members.
(2)The court designates the members of the committee of experts case by case from among the following persons;provided, however, that this does not preclude designating persons other than these when there is a particular need:
(i)persons whom the district court appoints in advance every year from among persons with special knowledge and experience or from among other suitable persons;
(ii)persons selected pursuant to the agreement of the parties.
(3)The members of the committee of experts are provided with travel expenses, daily allowance, and lodging expenses prescribed by the rules of the Supreme Court.
(Suspension of Proceedings)
Article 48When a suit or any other case is pending with regard to rights and interests between the parties for the land that is the object of a Land Leasehold Right, the court may suspend the proceedings of the case set forth in Article 41, until that pending suit or case is closed.
(Dismissal of Unlawful Petition)
Article 49If a petition is unlawful and such defect cannot be corrected, the court may dismiss the petition without holding a hearing.
(Service of Written Petition)
Article 50(1)Except in the case set forth in the preceding Article, the court must serve a written petition of the case set forth in Article 41 upon the other party.
(2)The provisions of Article 43, paragraph (4) through paragraph (6) of the Non-Contentious Case Procedures Act apply mutatis mutandis where it is impossible to serve a written petition (including the cases where the expenses necessary for serving a written petition are not prepaid).
(Date of Hearings)
Article 51(1)The court must be held on the date of the hearing and hear the statements of the parties.
(2)The relevant party may attend the hearing of the other party.
(Dismissal of Petition in the case of No Prepayment of Expenses for Summons)
Article 52Where the court has specified a reasonable period of time and ordered the petitioner to prepay expenses necessary for issuing a summons to the parties to appear on the appearance date pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Costs of Civil Procedure (Act No. 40 of 1971), but such expenses are not prepaid, the court may dismiss the petition.
(Notice of Investigation of Facts)
Article 53When the court has investigated facts, it must give notice to that effect to the parties and an interested party intervenor, except when it does not find it to be particularly necessary to do so.
(Conclusion of the Proceedings)
Article 54When concluding the proceedings, the court must make a declaration to that effect on the date of the hearing.
(Service and Effect of Written Judgment)
Article 55(1)When a judicial decision is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 17, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) or paragraph (5) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 18, paragraph (3)), Article 18, paragraph (1), Article 19, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (7) of the same Article) or paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (7) of the same Article and Article 20, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5) of the same Article)) or Article 20, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5) of the same Article), the written judgment must be served upon the relevant party.
(2)The judicial decision referred to in the preceding paragraph does not become effective until it becomes final and binding.
(Attachment of Reasons)
Article 56The judicial decision set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article must be accompanied by the reasons therefor.
(Persons Affected by a Judicial Decision)
Article 57The judicial decision set forth in Article 55, paragraph (1) is effective with respect to the parties and those persons who are their successors after the final hearing date and prior to the finalization of that judicial decision.
(Effect of a Judicial Decision Ordering Performance)
Article 58A judicial decision under Article 17, paragraph (3) or paragraph (5) that orders performance (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 18, paragraph (3)), Article 18, paragraph (1), Article 19, paragraph (3) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (7) of the same Article and Article 20, paragraph (2) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5) of the same Article)), or Article 20, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (5) of the same Article), has the same effect as a judicial settlement with respect to compulsory execution.
(Lapse of the Judicial Decision Permitting Transfer or Subleasing)
Article 59Judicial decisions rendered pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (1) (including as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (7) of the same Article) cease to be effective when the Land Leasehold Right Holder does not transfer the buildings within six months after that judicial decision becoming effective;provided, however, that the judicial decision may provide for a longer or shorter period.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions Concerning Procedure in the First Instance)
Article 60The provisions of Article 49, 50, and 52 apply mutatis mutandis where an immediate appeal is filed against the judicial decision set forth in Article 55, paragraph (1).