04地役权 / Servitudes
- 地役权不能与需要使用的土地分开转让(附属地役权)
- 如果关键土地被出售,地役权就会转移给购买它的第三方(地役权毗连性)
- 如果关键地役权被分割或部分转让,每一部分都存在地役权(地役权的不可分割性)
- 当地役权被分割或部分转让时,地役权存在于每个部分(地役权的不可分割性)
例如,如果通过B拥有的土地从A拥有的土地进入公共道路更方便,A和B之间就会签订地役权协议,规定A可以通过B的土地。 这使得A可以通过B拥有的土地。
第六章 地役権
Chapter VI Servitudes
(Content of Servitudes)
Article 280A servitude holder has the right to use another person’s land for the convenience of their own lands in accordance with purposes prescribed in the act establishing the servitude; provided, however, that this right must not violate the provisions (limited to those that relate to public policy) under Section 1 of Chapter 3 (Extent of Ownership).
(Accessoriness of Servitudes)
Article 281(1)Servitudes are transferred together with the ownership in the dominant land (meaning the land of a servitude holder, enjoying benefits from another person’s land; the same applies hereinafter) as appurtenances thereof, and are subject of other rights that exist in relation to the dominant land; provided, however, that this does not apply if the act establishing the servitude provides otherwise.
(2)Servitudes may neither be transferred nor made the subject of other rights apart from the dominant land.
(Indivisibility of Servitudes)
Article 282(1)One of the co-owners of land may not terminate, with respect to that owner’s own interest, a servitude that exists on behalf of or in relation to the land.
(2)If the land is partitioned or a portion thereof is transferred to another person, the servitude exists on behalf of or in relation to the respective portions of the same; provided, however, that this does not apply if the servitude, by its nature, relates only to a portion of the land.
(Acquisition of Servitudes by Prescription)
Article 283A servitude may be acquired by prescription so long as it is continuously exercised and can be externally recognized.
Article 284(1)If one of the co-owners of land acquires a servitude by prescription, the other co-owners also acquire the same servitude.
(2)Renewal of prescription period does not become effective against co-owners unless it is made against each co-owner that exercises the servitude.
(3)If there are two or more co-owners that exercise a servitude, even if there is any ground for postponement of expiry of prescription period with respect to one of them, the prescription runs in favor of each co-owner.
(Servitude for Water Use)
Article 285(1)If water on servient land (meaning a land of a person other than the servitude holder, made available for the benefit of the dominant land; the same applies hereinafter) subject to a servitude for water use is insufficient for the demand of the dominant land and the servient land, the water is to be used in proportion to the demand on each parcel of land, firstly for household purposes with the remaining portion used for other purposes; provided, however, that this does not apply if the act establishing the servitude provides otherwise.
(2)If more than one servitude for water use is created with respect to the same servient land, the subsequent servitude holders may not prevent the use of water by the previous servitude holders.
(Obligations of Owners of Servient Land to Install Structures)
Article 286If the owner of servient land has borne obligations to install or repair structures for the exercise of a servitude at that owner’s own expense by the act establishing the servitude or by a contract concluded after the establishment, specific successors of the owner of the servient land also bear those obligations.
Article 287An owner of servient land may be exempted from obligations of the preceding Article at any time by abandoning the ownership in the portion of the land necessary for the servitude and transferring the same to the servitude holder.
(Use of Structures by the Owner of Servient Lands)
Article 288(1)The owner of a servient land may use structures installed on the servient land for the exercise of the servitude to the extent the use does not obstruct the exercise of that servitude.
(2)In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, the owner of the servient land must bear the expense for the installation and preservation of the structures in proportion to the benefit that owner receives.
(Extinction of Servitude by Acquisition by Prescription of Servient Lands)
Article 289If a possessor of servient land has possessed that land in conformity with the necessary requirements for acquisitive prescription, the servitude is extinguished thereby.
Article 290The extinctive prescription under the preceding Article is renewed by the servitude holder exercising the relevant rights.
(Extinctive Prescription of Servitudes)
Article 291The period of the extinctive prescription provided for in Article 166, paragraph (2) commences upon the final exercise of the servitude if the servitude is not exercised continuously, and upon the occurrence of a fact that prevents the exercise of the servitude if the servitude is exercised continuously.
Article 292If dominant land is co-owned by more than one person, and expiry of prescription period is postponed or prescription period is renewed in favor of one co-owner, the postponement of expiry of prescription period or the renewal of prescription period is also effective for the benefit of other co-owners.
Article 293If a servitude holder does not exercise a portion of that holder’s rights, only that portion is extinguished by prescription.
(Rights of Common without the Nature of Co-Ownership)
Article 294Rights of common that do not have the nature of co-ownership are governed by local customs and are otherwise subject to the mutatis mutandis application of the provisions of this Chapter.