作为亚太地区最发达的国家之一,日本是最受国际企业和房产买家欢迎的投资目的地之一。外国人认为日本是安全的,所有权的规定也很透明和有利。 不要忘了,日本也是一个非常适宜居住的国家。很多人决定在这里定居,或者购买生活用的房产作为度假或出租用途。

11违法行为 / 不法行为 / Torts



违法行为的效果 / 不法行为の効果


索赔权的发生 / 損害賠償請求権の発生 / Compensation for Loss or Damage


延迟履行的起点 / 履行遅滞の起算点


申诉人 / 请求権者

在正常情况下,受害人向肇事者要求赔偿是可以理解的,但如果受害人因违法行为而死亡,会发生什么情况? 正是受害者的继承人可以执行受害者的损害赔偿和补偿要求。 这甚至是在立即死亡的情况下,要求赔偿的权利产生于受害者本人,并受制于继承权。 此外,这个继承人还包括尚未出生的胎儿。

过失抵消 / 过失相杀

在某些情况下,例如在车祸中,一方可能有100%的过错,但有过错的人也可能有20%的过错。 在这种情况下,根据过错的比例公平地分担损失。 这被称为 “过失抵消"。 当案件提交到法院时,法院就可以确定每一方的过错比例,并作出过失抵消。 (它不一定要掀起过失)。




在下列情况下,打碎物品要求赔偿的权利因时效而消失:(i) 受害人或其法律代表在知道 “损害 “和 “肇事者 “后三年内没有行使这一权利,或(ii) 他/她在违法行为发生时(物品被打碎时)起20年内没有行使这一权利。



使用者责任 / Liability of Employers

雇用雇员并经营企业(雇主)或代表雇主监督企业的人,也必须与雇员一起共同赔偿雇员对第三方造成的任何损害。 如果雇主或主管已经赔偿了损失,赔偿者可以对雇员行使追索权。 如果能证明雇主在任命和监督雇员方面采取了合理的谨慎措施,则可免除雇主责任。 如果雇员不在工作岗位上,但根据外在表现,客观上被认为是在工作岗位上,则雇主应承担责任。

  • 如果雇员的行为被认为是在雇员的职责范围内,即使它在雇员的职责范围之外,就其外在表现而言,雇主也要负责赔偿。
  • 如果雇员或雇主进行了赔偿,另一方也可免于承担赔偿义务
  • 如果雇主对雇员进行补偿,雇员可以得到补偿。 另一方面,如果雇员(行为人)对雇主进行了赔偿,雇主也可以得到赔偿。 在这两种情况下,可以要求的赔偿金额是 “在根据忠诚度规则被认为是合理的范围内"。
  • 雇主如果在任命和监督企业的过程中尽到了应有的注意,就可以免于承担雇主责任

土地上建筑物的占用者和所有者的责任 / Liability of Possessor and Owner of Structure on Land

如果由于土地上结构的安装或保存存在缺陷而给他人造成损害,该结构的占用者必须对受害者的损害进行赔偿。 但是,如果占有者采取了必要的预防措施来防止损害的发生,那么所有者必须对损害进行赔偿。 车主要承担无过错责任,这意味着他必须对给第三方造成的损害负责,即使他没有过失。 如果损害是由业主以外的人造成的(如承担工程的承包商),支付赔偿的业主或使用人可以向该人要求赔偿。

  • 如果占用者没有采取必要的预防措施,占用者应承担责任
  • 如果占用者采取了必要的预防措施,则业主应承担责任
  • 如果是别人的责任,被赔偿的居住者或所有者可以赔偿责任方。

第五章 不法行為
Chapter V Torts
(Compensation for Loss or Damage in Torts)
Article 709A person that has intentionally or negligently infringed the rights or legally protected interests of another person is liable to compensate for damage resulting in consequence.
(Compensation for Loss or Damage Other than of Property)
Article 710A person liable for compensation for loss or damage pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article must also compensate for loss or damage other than of property, regardless of whether that person infringed the body, liberty or reputation of another person, or infringed property rights of another person.
(Compensation for Loss or Damage to Close Relatives)
Article 711A person that has taken the life of another must compensate for loss or damage to the father, mother, spouse, and children of the victim, even if the property rights of the same have not been infringed.
(Capacity for Liability)
Article 712If a minor has inflicted damage on another person but did not have sufficient intellectual capacity to appreciate their own liability for that act, that minor is not liable to compensate for that act.
Article 713A person who has inflicted damage on another person while in a condition wherein the person lacked the capacity to appreciate their own liability for their acts due to a mental disability is not liable to compensate for this;provided, however, that this does not apply if the person has temporarily caused that condition, intentionally or negligently.
(Liability of Person Obligated to Supervise a Person without Capacity to Assume Responsibility)
Article 714(1)When a person without capacity to be assume responsibility is not liable pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two Articles, the person with the statutory obligation to supervise the person without capacity to assume responsibility is liable to compensate for damage that the person without capacity to be assume responsibility has inflicted on a third party;provided, however, that this does not apply if the person who has the obligation to supervise has not failed to perform that person’s obligation or if the damage could not have been avoided even if that person had not failed to perform that person’s obligation.
(2)A person who supervises a person without capacity to be assume responsibility on behalf of the person who has the obligation to supervise also has the liability referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Liability of Employers)
Article 715(1)A person that employs another person for a business undertaking is liable to compensate for damage inflicted on a third party by that person’s employees with respect to the execution of that business;provided, however, that this does not apply if the employer exercised reasonable care in appointing the employee or in supervising the business, or if the damage could not have been avoided even if the employer had exercised reasonable care.
(2)A person that supervises a business on behalf of the employer also has the liability referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not preclude the employer or supervisor from exercising their right to reimbursement against the employee.
(Liability of Party Ordering Work)
Article 716A party ordering work is not liable to compensate for damage a contractor inflicted on a third party with respect to that work;provided, however, that this does not apply if the party ordering work is negligent with regards to the order or instructions.
(Liability of Possessor and Owner of Structure on Land)
Article 717(1)If a defect in the installation or preservation of a structure on land causes damage to another person, the possessor of that structure is liable to the person incurring damage to compensate for the damage;provided, however, that if the possessor has exercised the necessary care to prevent the damage, the owner must compensate for the damage.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis if there is a defect in the planting or supporting of bamboo or trees.
(3)In the cases referred to in the preceding two paragraphs, if there is another person that is liable for the cause of the damage, the possessor or owner may exercise their right to reimbursement against that person.
(Liability of Possessor of Animal)
Article 718(1)A possessor of an animal is liable to compensate for damage that the animal inflicts on another person;provided, however, that this does not apply if the possessor managed the animal while exercising reasonable care according to the kind and nature of the animal.
(2)A person who manages an animal on behalf of a possessor also assumes the liability referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Liability of Joint Tortfeasors)
Article 719(1)If more than one person has inflicted damage on another person by a joint tort, each of them is jointly and severally liable to compensate for the damage. The same applies if it cannot be ascertained which of the joint tortfeasors inflicted the damage.
(2)A person who has abetted or aided a perpetrator is deemed to be a joint tortfeasor, and the provisions of the preceding paragraph apply.
(Self-Defense and Necessity)
Article 720(1)A person that, in response to the tortious act of another, is compelled to commit a harmful act to protect rights or legally protected interests of the person or of a third party, is not liable for compensation for loss or damage;provided, however, that this does not preclude a victim from filing a claim of compensation for loss or damage against the person that committed the tortious act.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph apply mutatis mutandis if the person in question damages a thing belonging to another person in order to avert an imminent danger arising from that thing.
(Fetus’ Capacity to Hold Rights Regarding Claim for Compensation for Loss or Damage)
Article 721An unborn child is deemed to have been already born with respect to the claim for compensation for loss or damage.
(Method of Compensation for Loss or Damage, Deduction of Interim Interest, and Comparative Negligence)
Article 722(1)The provisions of Articles 417 and 417-2 apply mutatis mutandis to compensation for loss or damage caused by tort.
(2)If a victim is negligent, the court may determine the amount of compensation for loss or damage by taking that into consideration.
(Recovery in Defamation)
Article 723The court may order a person that has defamed another person to take appropriate measures to restore the reputation of the victim in lieu of or in addition to compensation for loss or damage, at the request of the victim.
(Extinctive Prescription of Claim for Compensation for Loss or Damage Caused by Tort)
Article 724In the following cases, the claim for compensation for loss or damage caused by tort is extinguished by prescription:
(i)the right is not exercised within three years from the time when the victim or legal representative thereof comes to know the damage and the identity of the perpetrator; or
(ii)the right is not exercised within 20 years from the time of the tortious act.
(Extinctive Prescription of Claim for Compensation for Loss or Damage Arising from Death to Person or Injury to Person Caused by Tort)
Article 724-2For the purpose of the application of the provisions of item (i) of the preceding Article with regard to the extinctive prescription of the claim for compensation for loss or damage for death or injury to person caused by tort, the term “three years" in the same item is deemed to be replaced with “five years".