01债务不履行 / 債務不履行 / Non-Performance
- 履行迟延/履行遅滞/Delay in Performance
- 履行不能/Impossibility of Performance
- 不完全履行/Incomplete performance
如果债务不履行成立,债权人可以向债务人要求赔偿。 如果符合某些条件,他们也可以以违约为由取消合同。
- 1. 履行迟延/履行遅滞/Delay in Performance
- 2. 履行不能/Impossibility of Performance
- 3. 不完全履行/Incomplete performance
- 4. 要求赔偿损害/损害赔偿请求/Claim for Compensation for Loss or Damage
履行迟延/履行遅滞/Delay in Performance
确定期限的债务/確定期限付きの債務/Fixed due date is assigned to the performance of an obligation
不确定期限的债务/不確定期限付きの債務/Uncertain due date is assigned to the performance of an obligation
当一项义务附有不确定的时限时,债务人必须对延迟承担责任,从债务人在时限到来后收到债权人的索赔时,或从债务人意识到时限到来时(以较早者为准)。 例如,如果合同说:’我父亲死后,我将把A地卖给你’,我父亲肯定会死,但我不知道他什么时候死。 因此,它是一个不确定的术语。
无固定期限的债务/期限の定めのない債務/No time limit is assigned to the performance of an obligation
如果没有规定履行义务的时限,债务人从收到履行义务的要求之时起就对延误负责。 例如,如果在汽车销售合同中,没有规定 “付款日期 “或 “汽车交付日期",则卖方有责任交付汽车,没有规定时限,而买方有责任支付价款,没有规定时限。
如果消费贷款合同下产生的债务没有固定的到期日,债权人有义务在合理的时间内发出通知。 当这一期限过后,履约就到期了,如果没有在到期日履约,债务人必须对延误负责。
如何作出承诺 | 履行迟延的时间 |
确定期限的债务 | 到期时 |
不确定期限的债务 | 当最后期限到来时,债务人意识到了这一点,或者当债权人在最后期限到来后收到索赔。 |
无固定期限的债务 | 当债权人要求履约时。 |
受中止条件限制的债务 | 条件成就後、債権者から請求を受けた時 |
无固定还款日期的贷款和预付款(借出和借入资金) | 当催告发出后,已过了一段合理的时间 |
基于侵权行为的损害赔偿责任 | 当一个非法行为被实施时 |
履行迟延的合同解除权/契约解除権/Right to Cancel
履行迟延的要求赔偿损害/损害赔偿请求/Claim for Compensation for Loss or Damage
履行不能/Impossibility of Performance
在无力履行的情况下,可以立即终止合同,而不另行通知,即使合同因无力履行而终止,也可以单独提出损害赔偿要求。 如果无力履行义务是由义务人不负责任的原因引起的,则根据 “风险责任"规则处理。
履行不能的合同解除权/契约解除権/Right to Cancel
履行不能的要求赔偿损害/损害赔偿请求/Claim for Compensation for Loss or Damage
如果建筑物被海啸冲走,而由于东日本大地震等地震(即义务人没有责任的原因)而无法交付,义务人不承担责任。 因此,如果债务人对不履行义务不负责任,就不能说是履行不能(违约),而是根据风险承担的规则来处理。
不完全履行/Incomplete performance
要求赔偿损害/损害赔偿请求/Claim for Compensation for Loss or Damage
如果债权人因违约而遭受损失,如履行遅滞、履行不能或不完全履行,如果还有可归咎于债务人的原因,可以向债务人要求赔偿。 这项权利被称为要求赔偿的权利。 然而,债权人必须证明损害发生的事实和损害的数额。
与金钱债务有关的赔偿损害特别规定/Special Provisions for Monetary Debt
金钱债务是一种支付金钱的义务。 对于金钱上的义务,不可能有履行不能的情况,而且总是有履行遅滞的情况发生。
如前所述,原则上只有在有可归咎于债务人的原因时,债务人才必须对违约负责。 然而,如果该义务是一项货币义务,即使债务人不可归属,也必须对违约负责。
债务人不能逃避对延迟履行货币义务的损害赔偿责任,即使可以证明延迟的原因是不可抗力。 在这种情况下,仍然必须将延误的利息作为损害赔偿金支付。
原则上,法定利率(年利率3%)是违约情况下逾期付款的利率,但如果双方约定的利率超过法定利率,则以约定的利率为准。 法定利率是可变的,每三年审查一次,基本上是3%。 如果延迟履行的时间较长,则适用首次计息时的法定利率,除非双方另有具体约定。
赔偿损害和过失补偿/Comparative Negligence
即使在违约的情况下,债务人也不一定要负全部责任。 如果发现债权人对违约以及由此导致的损害发生或增加有过失,法院必须考虑到这一点并减少损害赔偿金额。 此外,如果债权人的过失是重大的,债务人的责任可以解除,这被称为过失抵消。
预定损害赔偿金额/Liquidated Damages
第一款 債務不履行の責任等
Subsection 1 Liability for Non-Performance
(Time of Performance and Delay in Performance)
Article 412(1)If a fixed due date is assigned to the performance of an obligation, the obligor is liable for delay from the time that due date arrives.
(2)If an uncertain due date is assigned to the performance of an obligation, the obligor is liable for delay from the time when the obligor receives the request for performance after the due date arrives or the time when the obligor becomes aware of the arrival of that due date, whichever comes earlier.
(3)If no time limit is assigned to the performance of an obligation, the obligor is liable for delay from the time the obligor receives the request for performance.
(Impossibility of Performance)
Article 412-2(1)If the performance of an obligation is impossible in light of the contract or other sources of claims and the common sense in the transaction, the obligee may not request the performance of the obligation.
(2)The impossibility of the performance of an obligation based on a contract as of the time of the formation of the contract does not preclude claiming compensation for loss or damage that arises from the impossibility of the obligation pursuant to the provisions of Article 415.
(Obligee’s Delay in Acceptance)
Article 413(1)If the obligee refuses, or is unable, to accept the tender of the performance of an obligation, and the subject matter of the obligation is the delivery of a specific thing, it is sufficient for the obligor to retain the thing by exercising care identical to that the obligor exercises for the obligor’s own property, during the period from the time of the tender of the performance until the delivery of the thing.
(2)If the obligee’s refusal or inability to accept the performance of an obligation results in increasing the expenses for the performance, the amount of increase is borne by the obligee.
(Impossibility of Performance during Obligor’s Delay in Performance or Obligee’s Delay in Acceptance, and Grounds Attributable)
Article 413-2(1)If the performance of an obligation becomes impossible due to grounds not attributable to either party during a period in which the obligor is liable for delay in performance of the obligation, the impossibility of performance is deemed to be due to grounds attributable to the obligor.
(2)If the obligee refuses or is unable to accept the performance of an obligation, and the performance of the obligation becomes impossible due to grounds not attributable to either party after the obligor’s tender of the performance, the impossibility of performance is deemed to be due to grounds attributable to the obligee.
(Compelling Performance)
Article 414(1)If an obligor voluntarily fails to perform an obligation, the obligee may request the court to enforce obligor to perform through methods such as direct compulsion, execution by substitution, or indirect compulsion, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Execution Act and other laws and regulations concerning the procedure for compulsory execution;provided, however, that this does not apply if the nature of the obligation does not permit the enforcement.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not preclude claiming compensation for loss or damage.
(Compensation for Loss or Damage Due to Non-Performance)
Article 415(1)If an obligor fails to perform consistent with the purpose of the obligation or the performance of an obligation is impossible, the obligee may claim compensation for loss or damage arising from the failure;provided, however, that this does not apply if the failure to perform the obligation is due to grounds not attributable to the obligor in light of the contract or other sources of obligation and the common sense in the transaction.
(2)If the obligee is entitled to claim compensation for loss or damage pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and any of the following cases applies, the obligee may claim compensation for loss or damage in lieu of the performance of the obligation:
(i)the performance of the obligation is impossible;
(ii)the obligor manifests the intention to refuse to perform the obligation; or
(iii)the obligation has arisen from a contract, and the contract is cancelled or the obligee acquires the right to cancel the contract on the ground of the obligor’s failure to perform the obligation.
(Scope of Compensation for Loss or Damage)
Article 416(1)The purpose of the claim for compensation for the loss or damage for failure to perform an obligation is to have the obligor to pay the compensation for loss or damage which would ordinarily arise from the failure.
(2)The obligee may also claim the compensation for damage which has arisen from any special circumstances if the party did foresee, or should have foreseen, the circumstances.
(Method of Compensation for Loss or Damage)
Article 417Unless a particular intention is manifested, the amount of the compensation for loss or damage is determined with reference to monetary value.
(Deduction of Interim Interest)
Article 417-2(1)In the case of determining the amount of compensation for loss or damage in relation to profits to be acquired in the future and deducting an amount equivalent to interest that is to accrue until the time of acquiring the profits, the deduction is made by applying the statutory interest rate applicable as of the time when the claim for the compensation for loss or damage arises.
(2)The preceding paragraph also applies in the case of determining the amount of compensation for loss or damage to cover expenses to be incurred in the future and deducting an amount equivalent to interest that is to accrue until the time of incurring the expenses.
(Comparative Negligence)
Article 418If the obligee is negligent regarding the failure to perform the obligation or the occurrence or spreading of a damage caused thereby, the court determines the liability for compensation for loss or damage and the amount thereof by taking these elements into consideration.
(Special Provisions for Monetary Debt)
Article 419(1)The amount of the compensation for loss or damage for failure to perform an obligation to deliver money is determined with reference to the statutory interest rate as of the time when the obligor first assumes the responsibility for the delay;provided, however, that if the agreed-upon interest rate exceeds the statutory interest rate, the agreed-upon interest rate prevails.
(2)The obligee is not be required to prove loss or damage with respect to the compensation for loss or damage referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(3)The obligor may not raise the defense of force majeure with respect to the compensation for loss or damage referred to in paragraph (1).
(Liquidated Damages)
Article 420(1)The parties may agree on the amount of liquidated damages with respect to the failure to perform the obligation.
(2)The agreement on liquidated damages do not preclude the request for performance or the exercise of the cancellation right.
(3)A penalty is presumed to constitute liquidated damages.
Article 421The provisions of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis if the parties agree in advance to appropriate anything other than money as compensation for loss or damage.
(Subrogation for Compensation for Loss or Damage)
Article 422If an obligee receives the full value of a thing or right which is the subject matter of the claim as compensation for loss or damage, the obligor subrogates the obligee to that thing or right by operation of law.
(Right to Demand Substitute)
Article 422-2If the obligor acquires a right or profit as a substitute for the subject matter of the obligation due to the same cause as the one that has rendered the performance of the obligation impossible, the obligee may demand the transfer of the right or reimbursement of the profit from the obligor, to the extent of the amount of damage sustained thereby.