10委托合同 / 委任 / Mandates
委托合同,又称“委任合同”。是指受托人以委托人的名义和费用为委托人办理委托事务,而委托人则按约支付报酬的协议。日本民法典的法律规定,委托合同的标的既包括法律事务,也包括非法律事务;合同内容可以是有偿的,也可是无偿的。有一种合同类型经常与授权合同相混淆,那就是承包商合同。 合同协议是指一方承诺完成某项工作,另一方为该工作成果支付报酬的合同(第632条)。合同和委托合同的主要区别在于,工作的完成是合同的内容。
- 通常情况下,授权合同是无偿的。 如果规定了报酬,则有可能获得报酬。
- 报酬是在任务(工作)完成后给予的。 但是,如果出现合同中途终止等情况,你将只获得已完成的那部分工作的报酬。 如果合同是成果完成型合同(以成果换取报酬的合同),那么报酬是在成果交换的同时给予的。
- 无论是否支付报酬,受让人都有注意的义务
- 报告! 并且如果被要求这样做→受让人必须在任何时候报告。
- 当任务结束时,任务负责人毫不拖延地进行报告。 任务的必要费用可以提前获得(提前支付)。 如果没有收到必要的费用并由授权人垫付,可以向授权人收取费用并支付利息。
- 如果任务持有者成为成年被监护人,则成为终止。 如果任务持有人成为成年受监护人,不构成终止。
受托人的义务 / 受任者の义务 / Duty of Care of Mandatary
无论是否支付报酬,受让人都必须以一个好经理的谨慎态度处理事务。 即使是无偿受让人也要承担这项沉重的义务,因为这项任务是基于双方的信任关系。 因此,受让人只有在得到授权人的授权或有令人信服的理由的情况下,才可以任命一个次级受让人。 除了这项基本义务外,受让人还承担着以下附属的义务。
- 有义务根据任务负责人的要求,随时报告事态,并在任务结束后毫不拖延地报告进展和结果。
- 有义务交出在管理事务过程中收到的钱和其他东西以及收取的成果。
委托人的义务 / 委任者の义务
除非有特别协议,否则委托人没有义务支付报酬。 通常情况下,任务是无偿的。 如果委托人有义务根据特别协议支付报酬,原则上应在事后支付,即在委托事务处理完毕后支付。 如果1.委托人因不可归责于委托人的原因而无法履行委托,或2.委托在履行委托合同的过程中被终止,委托人可以要求获得与已履行部分相应的报酬。
解除委托合同 / 委任契约の解除 / Cancellation of Mandate
终止委托的原因 / 委任の终了事由
委托人 | 受托人 | |
死亡,决定启动破产程序 | 终止 | 终止 |
开始后见的审判 | 不 | 终止 |
第十節 委任
Section 10 Mandates
Article 643A mandate becomes effective when a first party asks a second party with performing a juridical act, and the second party accepts this.
(Duty of Care of Mandatary)
Article 644A mandatary bears a duty to administer the mandated business with the due care of a prudent manager in compliance with the main purport of the mandate.
(Appointment of Sub-Mandatary)
Article 644-2(1)A mandatary may not appoint a sub-mandatary unless the mandatary obtains the permission of the mandator or there is a compelling reason to do so.
(2)In the case of mandate upon which the mandator grants authority to represent to the mandatary, if the mandatary appoints a sub-mandatary with authority to represent, the sub-mandatary has the same rights and obligations as those of the mandatary in relation to the mandator within the scope of authority thereof.
(Reports by Mandatary)
Article 645A mandatary must, if so requested by the mandator, report the current status of the administration of the mandated business at any time, and must report the process and results without delay upon termination of the mandate.
(Delivery of Received Things by Mandatary)
Article 646(1)A mandatary must deliver to the mandator monies and other things received during the course of administering the mandated business. The same applies to fruits the mandatary has reaped.
(2)A mandatary must transfer to the mandator rights that the mandatary has acquired in the mandatary’s own name on behalf of the mandator.
(Mandatary’s Responsibility for Consumption of Monies)
Article 647If the mandatary has personally consumed monies that were to be delivered to the mandator or used for the benefit of the mandator, the mandatary must pay interest for the period from the day of that consumption. In such cases, if loss or damage persists, the mandatary is liable to compensate for the same.
(Remuneration for Mandatary)
Article 648(1)In the absence of any special agreements, the mandatary may not claim remuneration from the mandator.
(2)If a mandatary is to receive remuneration, the mandatary may not claim this until after having performed the mandated business;provided, however, that if the remuneration is specified with reference to period, the provisions of Article 624, paragraph (2) apply mutatis mutandis.
(3)In the following cases, the mandatary may demand remuneration in proportion to the performance already completed:
(i)if the mandatary is no longer able to perform the mandated business due to any grounds not attributable to the mandator; or
(ii)if the mandate is terminated during the course of performance.
(Remuneration for Result)
Article 648-2(1)If the parties agree that remuneration will be paid for any result that may be obtained through the performance of the mandated business, and the result is required to be delivered, remuneration must be paid simultaneously upon the delivery of the result.
(2)The provisions of Article 634 apply mutatis mutandis if the parties agree that remuneration will be paid for any result that may be obtained through the performance of the mandated business.
(Mandatary’s Claims for Advance for Costs)
Article 649If costs will be incurred in administering the mandated business, the mandator must, at the request of the mandatary, pay an advance for those costs.
(Mandatary’s Claims for Reimbursement of Expense)
Article 650(1)If the mandatary has expended costs found to be necessary for the administration of the mandated business, the mandatary may claim reimbursement of those costs from the mandator and any interest on the same from the day the costs were expended.
(2)If the mandatary has borne any obligation found to be necessary for the administration of the mandated business, the mandatary may demand that the mandator perform the obligation on the mandatary’s behalf. In such cases, if the obligation has not yet fallen due, the mandatary may require the mandator to tender reasonable security.
(3)If a mandatary incurs loss or damage that is not due to the negligence of the mandatary in order to administer the mandated business, the mandatary may claim compensation for this from the mandator.
(Cancellation of Mandate)
Article 651(1)A mandate may be cancelled by either party at any time.
(2)In the following cases, a party that has cancelled a mandate pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph must compensate for damage suffered by the other party;provided, however, that this does not apply if there was a compelling reason for the cancellation:
(i)if the party cancels the mandate at a time that is detrimental to the other party; or
(ii)if the mandator cancels the mandate for which the purpose includes the interests for the mandatary (excluding the profit to be obtained exclusively by receiving remuneration).
(Effect of Cancellation of Mandate)
Article 652The provisions of Article 620 apply mutatis mutandis to mandates.
(Grounds for Termination of Mandate)
Article 653A mandate terminates when:
(i)the mandator or mandatary dies;
(ii)the mandator or mandatary is subject to an order commencing bankruptcy proceeding;
(iii)the mandatary is subject to a decision for the commencement of guardianship.
(Disposition after Termination of Mandate)
Article 654If a mandate has terminated but there are pressing circumstances, the mandatary or the heir or legal representative thereof must effect the necessary actions until the time when the mandator or the heir or legal representative of the mandatary is able to take charge of the mandated business.
(Requirements for Assertion of Termination of Mandate)
Article 655The grounds of termination of mandate may not be asserted against the other party unless the other party was notified of or knew of the same.
Article 656The provisions of this Section apply mutatis mutandis to entrustments of business that do not constitute juridical acts.