作为亚太地区最发达的国家之一,日本是最受国际企业和房产买家欢迎的投资目的地之一。外国人认为日本是安全的,所有权的规定也很透明和有利。 不要忘了,日本也是一个非常适宜居住的国家。很多人决定在这里定居,或者购买生活用的房产作为度假或出租用途。

08租赁合同 / 赁贷借 / Leases


租赁合同是指出租人承诺允许借款人使用该物品并从中获利,作为回报,承租人承诺支付租金作为使用和获利的对价,并在合同结束时归还交付的物品。 日本民法典将租赁定义为通过意向一致而达成的合意合同。

租赁期限 / Duration of Lease

租赁合同的期限不能超过50年。 如果规定了较长的期限,则期限缩短为50年。 它可以在期限结束时续约。 然而,延长的期限不能超过50年。

出租人的义务 / 賃貸人の義務 / Lessor’s obligations

日本民法典第606条规定,出租人有义务对租赁房屋的使用和利润进行必要的维修。 民法典第608条,即要求偿还费用的权利,也规定。

使用利润的义务(维修义务) /使用収益させる義務(修繕義務)

通过签订租赁合同,出租人有义务允许承租人使用租赁物并从中获利。 如果租赁物需要修理,承租人也有义务为承租人的使用和利润对租赁物进行必要的修理。

偿还费用的义务 / 费用偿还义务

如果承租人为保持租赁房屋的现状而产生了费用(必要的费用),如修理屋顶的漏水,承租人可以立即要求出租人偿还。 如果承租人还发生了增加租赁财产价值的费用(有益的费用),如安装下水道系统或扩建建筑物,出租人必须根据自己的选择,偿还所花费的金额或增加的价值,只要在租赁终止时存在增加的价值。

必要费 立即赎回
有益费 合同结束后报销

承租人的义务 / 賃借人の義務 / Lessee’s obligations

民法典第400条规定了承租人的良好管理的注意义务。 优秀管理者的注意义务意味着承租人必须以社会公认的规范所要求的注意程度来使用租赁的财产。 此外,承租人有义务支付租金并遵守合同的内容。 支付租金的义务是指支付租赁合同中规定的租金的义务。

保存物品的义务 / 目的物保存义务


支付租金的义务 / 赁料支払义务

租户有义务支付租金。 除非另有约定,否则租金应以欠款方式支付。

接受出租人行为的义务/ 赁贷人の行为受忍义务

当出租人试图做一些必要的事情来保护出租物品时,他不能拒绝。 但是,出租人违背承租人的意愿实施保全行为,承租人因该行为不能实现租赁目的的,承租人可以解除合同。 当出租物品处于需要修理的状态时,承租人有义务通知出租人。

归还物品的义务 / 目的物返还义务


恢复原状的义务/ 原状回复义务


对转让租约和转租的限制 / 無断譲渡・転貸をしない義務 / Restrictions on Assignment of Lease and Subleasing

承租人在转让租赁权或转租租赁物时必须获得出租人的同意。 如果承租人允许第三方未经同意使用租赁物或从中获利,出租人可以终止合同。 然而,判例法放宽了这一原则,认为如果未经授权的转让或转租没有导致出租人和承租人之间信任关系的破裂,则不允许终止。

  • 原则上,在转让或转租租赁权时,需要得到出租人的同意
  • 如果有未经授权的转租(未经授权的租赁权转让),只有在信任关系破裂的情况下才能终止租赁




ここで問題となるのが、賃借人が賃貸人に賃料の支払いを怠った場合です。この場合、貸主は 転借人である第三者に直接賃料を請求することができます。賃借人が賃料の支払いを怠ると、転借人の転貸料が担保的な意味を持ち、転借人は賃貸人からの支払い請求を拒むことができなくなります。ただし、この場合、賃貸人が転借人に請求できるのは、賃貸借契約で定められた賃借人の賃料の範囲内です。

  • 賃借人が賃貸人に無断で転貸をした場合、背信的行為(裏切り行為)と認められる特段の事情があるときに限り、賃貸人は契約解除することができる=背信信的行為を認められない場合、たとえ無断転貸でも賃貸人は契約解除ができない
  • 転貸後に賃借人の賃料不払いがあった場合、賃貸人は、転貸人に対して直接「賃料と転貸料の低い方」を請求できる

第七節 賃貸借
Section 7 Leases
第一款 総則
Subsection 1 General Provisions
Article 601A lease becomes effective if one of the parties promises to make a certain thing available for the other party to use and make profit, and the other party promises to pay rent for the leased thing and return the delivered thing when the contract is terminated.
(Short-Term Leases)
Article 602If a person with no authority of disposition makes a lease contract, the leases set forth in the following items must not exceed the terms specified in those items; any longer term specified by a contract is reduced to the term specified in the relevant item:
(i)leases of forest for the purpose of planting or felling trees:10 years;
(ii)leases of land other than the leases set forth in the preceding item:five years;
(iii)lease of a building:three years; and
(iv)lease of movables:six months.
(Renewal of Short-Term Leases)
Article 603The terms prescribed in the preceding Article may be renewed;provided, however, that the renewal must be carried out within one year prior to the expiration of the term for land, and within three months prior to the expiration of the term for a building, and within one month prior to the expiration of the term for movables.
(Duration of Lease)
Article 604(1)The duration of a lease may not exceed 50 years. Even if the contract prescribes a longer term, that term is considered to be 50 years.
(2)The duration of a lease may be renewed;provided, however, that the term may not exceed 50 years from the time of the renewal.
第二款 賃貸借の効力
Subsection 2 Effect of Lease
(Perfection of Lease of Immovables)
Article 605A lease of immovables, when registered, may be duly asserted against a third party such as a person that subsequently acquires real rights with respect to the immovables.
(Transfer of Status of Lessor of Immovables)
Article 605-2(1)If a lease is perfected in accordance with the laws and regulations including the preceding Article, and Articles 10 and 31 of the Act on Land and Building Leases (Act No. 90 of 1991), and the relevant immovables are assigned, the status of the lessor of the immovables is transferred to its assignee.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the assignor and the assignee of immovables agree that the assignor reserves the status of lessor and that the assignee leases the immovables to the assignor, the status of lessor is not transferred to the assignee. In such a case, if a lease between the assignor and the assignee or any successor thereof is terminated, the status of lessor that the assignor has reserved is transferred to the assignee or any successor thereof.
(3)The status of lessor under the provisions of paragraph (1) or the second sentence of the preceding paragraph may not be duly asserted against the lessee unless the transfer of ownership for the immovables under lease is registered.
(4)If the status of lessor is transferred to the assignee or any successor thereof pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) or the second sentence of paragraph (2), the assignee or any successor thereof succeeds to the obligation to reimburse expenses under the provisions of Article 608 and the obligation to refund the security deposit prescribed in Article 622-2, paragraph (1) under the provisions of that paragraph.
(Transfer of Status of Lessor of Immovables by Agreement)
Article 605-3If the assignor of immovables is the lessor, the status of lessor may be transferred to the assignee by agreement between the assignor and the assignee, without the consent of the lessee. In such a case, the provisions of paragraphs (3) and (4) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis.
(Demand by Lessee of Immovables for Discontinuation of Disturbance)
Article 605-4If the lessee of immovables satisfies the requirements for perfection prescribed in Article 605-2, paragraph (1), the lessee may seek as specified in each of the following items in the cases set forth in the respective items:
(i)a third party disturbs the lessee’s possession of the immovables:demanding that the third party discontinue disturbance; or
(ii)a third party is in possession of the immovables:demanding that the third party return it.
(Repairs by Lessor)
Article 606(1)A lessor assumes an obligation to effect repairs necessary for using and making profit of the leased thing;provided, however, that this does not apply if repairs are necessary due to any grounds attributable to the lessee.
(2)A lessee may not refuse if the lessor seeks to engage in an act that is necessary for the preservation of the leased thing.
(Act of Preservation against the Will of the Lessee)
Article 607If a lessor seeks to engage in an act of preservation against the will of the lessee and the lessee cannot achieve the purpose of the lease as a result of this, the lessee may cancel the contract.
(Repairs by Lessee)
Article 607-2If repairs are necessary for the leased thing, the lessee may make repairs in the following cases:
(i)the lessee notifies the lessor of the necessity of repairs or the lessor becomes aware of the necessity of repairs, but the lessor does not make the necessary repairs within a reasonable period of time; or
(ii)there are pressing circumstances.
(Lessee’s Demand for Reimbursement of Costs)
Article 608(1)If a lessee has defrayed necessary expenses with respect to the leased thing which ought to be borne by the lessor, the lessee may immediately demand the reimbursement of the same from the lessor.
(2)If the lessee has incurred beneficial expenses with respect to the leased thing, the lessor must reimburse those expenses on termination of the lease in compliance with the provisions of Article 196, paragraph (2);provided, however, that the court may, at the lessor’s request, grant a reasonable period of time for the reimbursement of the same.
(Demand for Reduction of Rent Due to Decrease in Profits)
Article 609If a lessee of land that is meant for cultivation or livestock farming obtains profits less than the rent due to force majeure, the lessee may demand that the amount of the rent be reduced to the level of the amount of the profits.
(Cancellation Due to Decrease in Profits)
Article 610In the cases referred to in the preceding Article, the lessee referred to in that Article may cancel the contract if the lessee has made profits less than the rent for at least two consecutive years due to force majeure.
(Reduction of Rent Due to Partial Loss of a Leased Thing)
Article 611(1)If it comes to no longer be possible to use or profit from part of a leased thing due to grounds such as loss and this is caused by grounds not attributable to the lessee, the rent is reduced in proportion to the value of the part that can no longer be used or profited from.
(2)If it comes to no longer be possible to use or profit from part of a leased thing due to grounds such as loss and the lessee is unable to achieve the purpose of the lease with the remaining part alone, the lessee may cancel the contract.
(Restrictions on Assignment of Lease and Subleasing)
Article 612(1)A lessee may not assign the lease or sublease a leased thing without obtaining the approval of the lessor.
(2)If the lessee allows any third party to make use of or take the profits of a leased thing in violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the lessor may cancel the contract.
(Effect of Subleases)
Article 613(1)If a lessee lawfully subleases a leased thing, the sublessee is liable to perform an obligation based on the sublease directly to the lessor, to the extent of the scope of the lessee’s obligation based on the lease between the lessor and the lessee. In such a case, advance payment of rent may not be duly asserted against the lessor.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not preclude the lessor from exercising rights against the lessee.
(3)If the lessee lawfully subleases a leased thing, the lessor may not duly assert against the sublessee the cancellation by agreement of the lease with the lessee;provided, however, that this does not apply if, at the time of the cancellation, the lessor has a right to cancel due to non-performance on the part of the lessee.
(Timing of Payment of Rent)
Article 614Rent must be paid at the end of the month with respect to movables, buildings and land for residential purpose, and at the end of the year with respect to other land;provided, however, that with respect to anything with a harvest season, the rent must be paid without delay after that season.
(Obligation of Lessee to Give Notice)
Article 615If a leased thing requires any repair or if a person asserts a right with respect to a leased thing, the lessee must notify the lessor without delay;provided, however, that this does not apply if it is already known to the lessor.
(Use and Making of Profit by Lessee)
Article 616The provisions of Article 594, paragraph (1) apply mutatis mutandis to leases.
第三款 賃貸借の終了
Subsection 3 Termination of Leases
(Termination of Lease Due to Loss of the Whole of a Leased Thing)
Article 616-2If it comes to no longer be possible to use or profit from the whole of a leased thing due to grounds such as loss, the lease is terminated thereby.
(Notice of Termination of Leases with Indefinite Terms)
Article 617(1)If the parties do not specify the term of a lease, either party may give a notice of termination at any time. In such cases, a lease as set forth in one of the following items terminates when the term prescribed in that item has passed after the day of the notice of termination:
(i)leases of land:one year;
(ii)leases of buildings:three months; and
(iii)leases of movables and party room:one day.
(2)With respect to leases of land with harvest seasons, the notice of termination must be given after the end of that season and before the next start of cultivation.
(Reservation of Rights to Terminate Leases with Definite Terms)
Article 618Even if the parties specify the term of a lease, the provisions of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis if one party reserves, or both parties reserve, the right to terminate during that period.
(Presumption of Renewal of Leases)
Article 619(1)If a lessee continues to make use or take the profits of the thing after the expiration of the term of the lease and a lessor that knows of the same raises no objection, it is presumed that a further lease is entered into under conditions identical to those of the previous lease. In such cases, each party may give a notice of termination pursuant to the provisions of Article 617.
(2)If one of the parties has provided security for the previous lease, the security is extinguished upon expiration of the term;provided, however, that this does not apply to a security deposit prescribed in Article 622-2, paragraph (1).
(Effect of Cancellations of Leases)
Article 620If a lease is cancelled, the cancellation becomes effective solely toward the future. In such a case, the cancellation does not preclude a claim for compensation for loss or damage.
(Lessee’s Obligation of Restoration)
Article 621If any damage is caused to the leased thing after the lessee receives it (excluding any wear of the leased thing caused by the ordinary manner of using and making profit from it and any aging degradation of the leased thing; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), the lessee has an obligation to restore the damaged thing when the lease is terminated;provided, however, that this does not apply if the damage is caused due to any grounds not attributable to the lessee.
(Application Mutatis Mutandis of Provisions on Loan for Use)
Article 622The provisions of Article 597, paragraph (1), Article 599, paragraphs (1) and (2), and Article 600 apply mutatis mutandis to leases.
第四款 敷金
Subsection 4 Security Deposit
Article 622-2(1)If a lessor receives a security deposit (meaning money to be delivered by the lessee to the lessor under any name, for the purpose of securing an obligation to pay money that is owed by the lessee to the lessor based on a lease, such as an obligation to pay rent; hereinafter the same applies in this Article), the lessor must return to the lessee the amount that remains after deducting the amount of the obligation to pay money that is owed by the lessee to the lessor based on the lease, from the amount of security deposit received, in the following cases:
(i)if the lease is terminated, and the lessor receives the return of the leased thing; or
(ii)if the lessee assigns the lease lawfully.
(2)If the lessee fails to perform an obligation to pay money based on the lease, the lessor may appropriate the security deposit to the payment of the obligation. In such a case, the lessee may not demand that the lessor appropriate the security deposit to the payment of the obligation.