03连带债务 / Joint and Several Obligations
每个连带债务人所承担的内部债务比例称为负担部分。 这是由每个债务人的协议决定的,或者在没有协议的情况下,由连带债务人从连带义务的负担中获得的利益比例决定。 如果不存在这种情况,则推定为平等承担。
- 只有四种类型的连带债务是绝对有效的:弁済,相杀,混同和更改
- 上述以外的相对有效
原则上,相对效果在连带债务人之间没有影响。如果其中一个共同债务人发生了某些事件,根据相对效果,其他共同债务人原则上不受影响。 但是,如果其中一个连带债务人发生以下任何事件,其他连带债务人也将根据绝对效果受到影响。
项目 | 对其他连带债务人的影响 |
弁済·代物清偿 | 如果连带债务人中的一个人进行了支付,那么所有人的债务都会被消灭 |
更改 | 如果一个人与债权人进行更改,那么所有人的债务都会被消灭 |
相杀 | 如果其中一个债务人用反対债权来相杀,那么所有人的债务都会消灭。 没有反诉权的人可以拒绝履行对债权人的义务,但以有反诉权的人所欠的部分为限 |
混同 | 如果债权人和其中一个连带债务人之间发生混同,则该债务人被视为已经支付,所有人的债务都被消灭了 |
连带债务人的求偿権 / Right to Reimbursement among Joint and Several Obligors
如果连带债务人中的一个人履行了义务,那么该义务就被消灭了,其他债务人就可以免于履行和受益。 在这种情况下,为了保证连带债务人之间的公平性,已经履行义务的义务人可以要求其他连带债务人归还他们所欠的部分。 这就是所谓的求偿权。
如果连带债务人已经偿还了债务,他可以按照自己的负担比例向其他连带债务人要求赔偿。 换句话说,即使没有超过负担的金额,连带义务人也可以得到补偿。
连带担保和连带债务之间的重要区别在于可以进行偿还的条件和计算方法的不同。 让我们考虑一下这一点是如何具体计算的。
第四款 連帯債務
Subsection 4 Joint and Several Obligations
(Request to Joint and Several Obligors for Performance)
Article 436If the subject matter of an obligation is indivisible by nature, and two or more persons bear the obligation jointly and severally based on the provisions of laws and regulations or the manifestation of intention of the parties, the obligee may request one of the joint and several obligors, or all of the joint and several obligors, simultaneously or successively, to perform the obligation, in whole or in part.
(Invalidity of Juridical Act with Respect to One of Joint and Several Obligors)
Article 437Even if there are grounds for the invalidity or rescission of a juridical act with respect to one of the joint and several obligors, the validity of the obligation of other joint and several obligor is not impaired.
(Novation between Obligee and One Joint and Several Obligor)
Article 438If novation takes place between one of the joint and several obligors and the obligee, the claim is extinguished for the benefit of all joint and several obligors.
(Set-Offs by One Joint and Several Obligor)
Article 439(1)If one of the joint and several obligors has a claim against the obligee and invokes a set-off, the claim is extinguished for the benefit of all joint and several obligors.
(2)Until the joint and several obligor that has the claim referred to in the preceding paragraph invokes a set-off, other joint and several obligors may refuse to perform the obligation to the obligee only to the extent of that joint and several obligor’s share of the obligation.
(Merger with One of Joint and Several Obligors)
Article 440If there is a merger between one of the joint and several obligors and the obligee, the joint and several obligor is deemed to have performed the obligation.
(Principle of Relative Effect)
Article 441Except in cases prescribed in Articles 438, Article 439, paragraph (1), and the preceding Article, any circumstances which have arisen with respect to one of the joint and several obligors is not effective in relation to other joint and several obligors;provided, however, that if the obligee and one of the other joint and several obligors manifest a different intention, their intention prevails with respect to the effect in relation to the remaining other joint and several obligees.
(Right to Reimbursement among Joint and Several Obligors)
Article 442(1)If one of the joint and several obligors performs the obligation or otherwise obtain a common discharge in exchange for that obligor’s own property, the joint and several obligor has the right to reimbursement from other joint and several obligors for the amounts in proportion to their respective shares of the obligation of the amount of the property expended by the joint and several obligor in order to obtain the discharge (if the amount of property exceeds the amount after the common discharge, the amount thus discharged), regardless of whether the amount discharged exceeds the amount of the joint and several obligor’s own share.
(2)The reimbursement under the provisions of the preceding paragraph includes the compensation of the statutory interest which accrues on or after the day of the performance of the obligation or other discharge, and the compensation for unavoidable expenses and other loss or damage.
(Limitation on Reimbursement to Joint and Several Obligor That Has Failed to Give Notice)
Article 443(1)If one of the joint and several obligors performs the obligation or otherwise obtains a common discharge in exchange for that obligor’s own property, while knowing the existence of other joint and several obligors but without giving notice of the common discharge to the other joint and several obligors, another joint and several obligor has a defense that can be duly asserted against the obligee, the other joint and several obligor may duly assert that defense against the joint and several obligor that obtained the discharge to the extent of the other obligor’s share of the obligation. In such a case, if the other joint and several obligor duly asserts a set-off as defense against the joint and several obligor that obtained the discharge, the joint and several obligor may request the obligee to perform the obligation which should have been extinguished due to set-off.
(2)If one of the joint and several obligors that has performed the obligation or otherwise obtained a common discharge in exchange for that obligor’s own property, while knowing the existence of other joint and several obligors, fails to give notice of the acquisition of the discharge to the other joint and several obligors, and as a result, another joint and several obligor performs the obligation or performs another act in good faith to obtain discharge in exchange for that obligor’s own property, the other joint and several obligor may deem that the act performed to obtain the discharge is valid.
(Allocation of Share of Person Who Does Not Have Sufficient Financial Resources for Reimbursement)
Article 444(1)If one of the joint and several obligors does not have the sufficient financial resources to make the reimbursement, the portion that is unable to be reimbursed is borne by the joint and several obligor that demands the reimbursement and the other joint and several obligors that have the financial resources, in proportion to their respective shares of the obligation.
(2)In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if neither the joint and several obligor that demands the reimbursement nor the other obligors that have the financial resources have shares of the obligation, the portion that is unable to be reimbursed is borne equally among the joint and several obligor that demands the reimbursement and the other obligors that have the financial resources.
(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, if the joint and several obligor that demands the reimbursement is unable to receive the reimbursement due to negligence, that joint and several obligor may not request other joint and several obligors to bear their respective shares of the obligation.
(Release of One Joint and Several Obligor and Right to Reimbursement)
Article 445Even if one of the joint and several obligors is released from the obligation or the prescription period expires for one of the joint and several obligors, other joint and several obligors may exercise the right to reimbursement referred to in Article 442, paragraph (1) against that one joint and several obligor.