作为亚太地区最发达的国家之一,日本是最受国际企业和房产买家欢迎的投资目的地之一。外国人认为日本是安全的,所有权的规定也很透明和有利。 不要忘了,日本也是一个非常适宜居住的国家。很多人决定在这里定居,或者购买生活用的房产作为度假或出租用途。

06契约 / Contracts


契约的定义见于日本的民法典。 民法是管理普通公民日常生活的法律,规定了所有权等财产权,出售、购买和租赁等财产关系,以及父母-子女、丈夫-妻子和亲属关系等家庭关系。契约包括在财产关系中。 作为 “要求 “之一,一个人要求另一个人的具体行为或利益的权利,民法典在第521-696条中对此作了规定。

债务人的风险负担 / 债务者の危険负担 / Obligors’ Burden of Risk

如果双边合同中的一项义务由于不可归咎于义务人的原因而无法履行,那么,义务人是否可以拒绝履行相反的义务,这个问题被称为风险负担。 风险负担使债权人可以拒绝履行反债务。 例如,如果发生地震,如日本东部大地震,导致建筑物被海啸冲走,交货变得不可能,债务人就没有责任。 换句话说,风险负担被认为是损害的负担。

  • 在风险负担的情况下,卖方有责任=买方可以拒绝支付价格
  • 如果整个建筑在合同签署前就被毁坏,那么 “风险负担"规则就不适用,而适用 “债务不履行"规则。

解除权 / 契约の解除 / Cancellation of Contracts


解除权行使的方式 / Exercise of Right to Cancel

为了取消合同,需要拥有取消权的人单方面宣布 “取消合同 “的意向,并且该意向声明必须已经到达另一方。 此外,在宣布取消意向后,不可能再撤回。 这是因为取消是按照一方的意愿进行的,如果允许撤回,另一方的地位就会变得不稳定。

解除权的不可分割性 / 解除権の不可分性 / Indivisible Nature of Right to Cancel

如果合同有一个以上的当事人,则必须由所有人向所有人发出解除合同通知。 这被称为解除的不可分割性。

解除权行使的效果 / Effect of Cancellation

如果合同被解除,合同被认为从一开始就不存在,因此必须将合同的对象和收到的任何款项归还给对方。 由于合同不再存在,双方都有义务将合同恢复到订立合同前的状态。 以下条款规定了必须归还的内容。





第二章 契約
Chapter II Contracts
第一節 総則
Section 1 General Provisions
第一款 契約の成立
Subsection 1 Formation of Contracts
(Offers That Specify Period for Acceptance)
Article 523(1)An offer which specifies a period for acceptance may not be revoked;provided, however, that this does not apply if the offeror reserves the right to revoke.
(2)If an offeror does not receive notice of acceptance of the offer referred to in the preceding paragraph within the period referred to in that paragraph, the offer ceases to be effective.
(Effect of Delayed Acceptance)
Article 524The offeror may deem a delayed acceptance to be a new offer.
(Offers That Do Not Specify Period for Acceptance)
Article 525(1)An offer made without specifying a period for acceptance may not be revoked until the passage of a reasonable period of time for the offeror to receive a notice of acceptance;provided, however, that this does not apply if the offeror reserves the right to revoke.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, an offer referred to in that paragraph which has been made to a person with whom the offeror is having a dialogue may be revoked at any time while the dialogue continues.
(3)If an offeror does not receive from a person with whom the offeror is having a dialogue a notice of acceptance of the offer referred to in paragraph (1) while the dialogue continues, the offer ceases to be effective;provided, however, that this does not apply if the offeror manifests the intention to maintain the effect of the offer after the end of the dialogue.
(Death of Offeror)
Article 526If an offeror dies, comes to be in a constant state wherein the offeror lacks mental capacity, or becomes subject to restrictions on legal capacity to act after issuing notice of the offer, and the offeror has manifested the intention not to make the offer effective should any of these facts occur, or the other party comes to know that any of these facts has occurred before issuing a notice of acceptance, that offer is not effective.
(Time of Formation of Contract When No Notice of Acceptance Is Required)
Article 527If no notice of acceptance is required due to the offeror’s manifestation of intention or customs of the transaction, a contract is formed upon the occurrence of any fact which should be regarded as a manifestation of intention of acceptance.
(Acceptances Modifying Offers)
Article 528If the offeree has accepted the offer by adding a condition or making other modifications, it is deemed that the offeree has refused the offer and made a new offer.
(Offers of Reward to the Public)
Article 529A person that makes an offer to the public indicating that a person that performs an certain act will be given a certain reward (hereinafter referred to as an “offer of reward to the public") is obligated to give the reward to the person that performs the act, regardless of whether or not the person performing that act knows of the offer.
(Offers of Reward to the Public Made by Specifying Period for Performance of Requested Act)
Article 529-2(1)An offeror of reward to the public may not revoke the offer to the public made by specifying a period during which the requested act should be performed;provided, however, that this does not apply if, in the offer to the public, the offeror reserves the right to revoke the offer.
(2)The offer to the public referred to in the preceding paragraph ceases to be effective if no person completes the requested act within that period.
(Offers of Reward to the Public Made Without Specifying Period for Performance of Requested Act)
Article 529-3An offeror of reward to the public may revoke the offer to the public made without specifying a period during which the requested act should be performed, if no person completes the requested act;provided, however, that this does not apply if, in the offer to the public, the offeror manifests the intention not to revoke the offer.
(Method of Revocation of Offers of Reward to the Public)
Article 530(1)Revocation of an offer to the public by the same method as the one used to make a previous offer to the public is effective in relation to any person that does not know about it.
(2)Revocation of an offer to the public may be carried out by a method that is different from the one used to make a previous offer to the public;provided, however, that the revocation is effective only in relation to persons who know about it.
(Right to Receive Rewards Offered to the Public)
Article 531(1)If more than one person has performed the act requested in an offer to the public, only the person performing the act first holds the right to receive the reward.
(2)If two or more persons have performed the act referred to in the preceding paragraph simultaneously, each holds the right to receive an equal share of the reward;provided, however, that the person to receive the reward is selected by lot if the reward is indivisible by nature or if the offer prescribes that only one person will receive the reward.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not apply if the offeror manifests an intention to the contrary in the offer to the public.
(Offer of Reward to Most Outstanding Applicant of the Public)
Article 532(1)If an offer to the public stipulates that only the most outstanding applicant is to receive the reward in the event that two or more persons have performed the act requested in that offer, the offer to the public is effective only if it specifies an application period.
(2)In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, the most outstanding applicant is judged by a person specified in the offer to the public and if no such person is specified in the offer, by the person that makes that offer.
(3)Applicants may not raise objection to the judge’s decision under the preceding paragraph.
(4)The provisions of paragraph (2) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis if the acts of two or more persons are judged to be of the same level.
第二款 契約の効力
Subsection 2 Effect of Contracts
(Defense of Simultaneous Performance)
Article 533A party to a bilateral contract may refuse to perform that party’s own obligation until the other party tenders the performance of that other party’s obligation (including the performance of an obligation to compensate for loss or damage in lieu of the performance of an obligation);provided, however, that this does not apply if the obligation of the other party is not yet due.
Articles 534 and 535Deleted
(Obligors’ Burden of Risk)
Article 536(1)If the performance of an obligation becomes impossible due to grounds not attributable to either party, the obligee may refuse to perform counter-performance.
(2)If the performance of an obligation becomes impossible due to grounds attributable to the obligee, the obligee may not refuse to complete counter-performance. In such a case, if the obligor benefits from being released from that obligation, the obligor must reimburse the obligee for the benefit.
(Third Party Beneficiary Contract)
Article 537(1)If one of the parties promises in a contract to render a certain performance to a third party, the third party has the right to claim that performance directly from the obligor.
(2)The validity of the contract referred to in the preceding paragraph is not impaired even if a third party does not exist or a third party is not specified at the time of its formation.
(3)In the case referred to in paragraph (1), rights of the third party accrue when the third party has manifested intention of availing of the benefit of the contract under that paragraph to the obligor.
(Determination of Rights of the Third Party)
Article 538(1)After rights of the third party have accrued pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article, the parties may not modify or extinguish those rights.
(2)If, after rights of the third party accrue pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article, the obligor does not perform the obligation to the third party, the other party to the contract referred to in paragraph (1) of that Article may not cancel the contract without the consent of the third party.
(Obligors’ Defense)
Article 539The obligor may duly assert a defense based on the contract referred to in Article 537, paragraph (1) against a third party that benefits from the contract.
第三款 契約上の地位の移転
Subsection 3 Transfer of Contractual Status
Article 539-2If one of the parties to a contract made an agreement with a third party to transfer that party’s contractual status to that third party, and the other party to the contract gives consent to the transfer, the contractual status is transferred to the third party.
第四款 契約の解除
Subsection 4 Cancellation of Contracts
(Exercise of Right to Cancel)
Article 540(1)If one of the parties has the right to cancel pursuant to the provisions of the contract or the law, the cancellation is effected by manifestation of intention to the other party.
(2)The manifestation of intention referred to in the preceding paragraph may not be revoked.
(Cancellation After Demand)
Article 541If one of the parties does not perform that party’s obligation, and the other party demands performance of that obligation, specifying a reasonable period of time, but no performance is completed during that period, the other party may cancel the contract;provided, however, that this does not apply if the non-performance of the obligations upon the passage of the period is minor in light of the contract and the common sense in the transaction.
(Cancellation Without Demand)
Article 542(1)In the following cases, the obligee may immediately cancel the contract without making the demand referred to in the preceding Article:
(i)if the performance of the whole of the obligation is impossible;
(ii)if the obligor unequivocally manifests the intention to refuse to perform the obligation in whole;
(iii)if the performance of part of the obligation is impossible, or if the obligor clearly manifests the intention to refuse to perform part of the obligation and the purpose of the contract cannot be achieved by the performance of the remaining part of the obligation;
(iv)if, due to the nature of the contract or a manifestation of intention by the parties, the purpose of the contract cannot be achieved unless the obligation is performed at a specific time on a specific date or within a certain period of time, and the obligor fails to perform the obligation at that time or before that period of time expires; or
(v)beyond the cases set forth in the preceding items, if the obligor does not perform the obligation and it is obvious that the obligor is unlikely to perform the obligation to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of the contract even if the obligee makes the demand referred to in the preceding Article.
(2)In the following cases, the obligee may immediately cancel a part of the contract without making the demand referred to in the preceding Article:
(i)the performance of the part of the obligation is impossible; or
(ii)the obligor clearly manifests the intention to refuse to perform the part of the obligation.
(Non-Performance Due to Grounds Attributable to Obligee)
Article 543If non-performance of an obligation is due to grounds attributable to the obligee, the obligee may not cancel the contract under the preceding two Articles.
(Indivisible Nature of Right to Cancel)
Article 544(1)If one party to a contract is comprised of two or more persons, the cancellation of the contract may be effected only by, or against, all of those persons.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, if the right to cancel is extinguished with respect to one of the persons that constitute a party to the contract, it is also extinguished with respect to the other persons.
(Effect of Cancellation)
Article 545(1)If one of the parties exercises the right to cancel, each party assumes an obligation to restore the other party to that other party’s original state;provided, however, that this may not prejudice the rights of a third party.
(2)In the case referred to in the main clause of the preceding paragraph, if any monies are to be refunded, interest must accrue from the time of the receipt of those monies.
(3)In the case referred to in the main clause of paragraph (1), if a thing other than money is to be returned, fruits that have accrued on or after the time of the receipt of the thing must also be returned.
(4)The exercise of the right to cancel does not preclude claims for compensation for loss or damage.
(Cancellation of Contract and Simultaneous Performance)
Article 546The provisions of Article 533 apply mutatis mutandis to the preceding Article.
(Extinguishment of Right to Cancel by Demand)
Article 547If no period of time is specified for the exercise of the right to cancel, the other party may issue a notice of demand to the holder of the right to cancel, specifying a reasonable period of time, to the effect that the holder of the right to cancel is to give a definite answer as to whether the holder will cancel or not within that period of time.In this case, if no notice of cancellation is received within that period, the right to cancel is extinguished.
(Extinguishment of Right to Cancel by Damage Caused to Object Intentionally by Holder of Right to Cancel)
Article 548The right to cancel is extinguished if the holder of the right to cancel, intentionally or negligently, causes significant damage to, or makes it impossible to return the object of the contract, or converts the object into another kind of thing by processing or alteration;provided, however, that this does not apply if the holder of the right to cancel does not know of the holder’s right to cancel.
第五款 定型約款
Subsection 5 Standard Terms of Contract
(Agreement on Standard Terms of Contract)
Article 548-2(1)In the following cases, a person making an agreement to conduct a standard transaction (meaning a transaction conducted by a specified person with an unspecified and large number of persons as the counterparties, in which the uniformity of the whole or part of the transaction is reasonable to both parties; the same applies hereinafter) (that agreement is referred to as an “agreement on standard transaction" in the following Article) is deemed to have made an agreement on individual terms of the standard form contract (referring to a collection of provisions prepared by that specific person with the purpose of applying them as the terms of a contract for a standard transaction; the same applies hereinafter):
(i)if the person agrees to apply the standard terms of contract as the terms of contract; or
(ii)if the person that has prepared the standard terms of contract (hereinafter referred to as the “preparer of the standard terms") manifests to the counterparty the intention to apply the standard terms of contract as the terms of the contract in advance.
(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the person is deemed not to have agreed to any provisions as referred to in that paragraph that restrict the rights or expand the duties of the counterparty and that are found, in light of the manner and circumstances of the standard transaction as well as the common sense in the transaction, to unilaterally prejudice the interests of the counterparty in violation of the fundamental principle prescribed in Article 1, paragraph (2).
(Disclosure of Details of Standard Terms)
Article 548-3(1)A preparer of the standard terms that conducts or seeks to conduct a standard transaction must disclose the details of the standard terms of contract by a reasonable method without delay if the counterparty requests this within a reasonable period of time before or after an agreement on standard transaction is made;provided, however, that this does not apply if the preparer has already delivered to the counterparty a document that contains the standard terms of contract or provided the other party with an electronic or magnetic record that contains the same.
(2)The provisions of the preceding Article do not apply if the preparer of the standard terms of contract refuses the request referred to in the preceding paragraph before an agreement on standard transaction is made;provided, however, that this does not apply if a temporary communication failure takes place or the preparer has a legitimate reason to refuse it.
(Amendment to Standard Terms of Contracts)
Article 548-4(1)In the following cases, a preparer of the standard terms of contract may, by amending the standard terms of contract, modify the terms of the contract without making separate agreements with each of the counterparties and deem that the parties have agreed to the amended provisions of the standard terms of contract:
(i)if the amendment to the standard terms of contract conforms to the general interest of the counterparties; or
(ii)if the amendment to the standard terms of contract does not run afoul of the purpose of the contract, and it is reasonable in light of the circumstances concerning the amendment such as the necessity of the amendment, the appropriateness of the details of the amended conditions, whether or not it is provided in the contract that the standard terms of contract may be subject to an amendment pursuant to the provisions of this Article, and the details of such provisions.
(2)If a preparer of the standard form contract is to amend the standard form contract under the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the preparer must specify the time when the amendment takes effect, and make the intention to amend the standard form contract, the details of the amended standard general conditions, and the time when the amendment takes place known (to the appropriate scope of persons) by an appropriate method such as using the internet.
(3)An amendment to the standard general conditions under the provisions of paragraph (1), item (ii) does not become effective unless it is made known (to the appropriate scope of persons) pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph by the time when the amendment takes effect as referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(4)The provisions of Article 548-2, paragraph (2) do not apply to an amendment to the standard terms of contract under the provisions of paragraph (1).