作为亚太地区最发达的国家之一,日本是最受国际企业和房产买家欢迎的投资目的地之一。外国人认为日本是安全的,所有权的规定也很透明和有利。 不要忘了,日本也是一个非常适宜居住的国家。很多人决定在这里定居,或者购买生活用的房产作为度假或出租用途。

借地 / Land Leases




普通借地权的期限 / 普通借地権の存続期间 / Duration

借地借家法规定,租赁期限必须至少为30年。如果没有规定土地租赁的期限,则期限为30年。 如果规定的期限少于30年,那么对期限的规定是无效的,在这种情况下,期限也是30年。

续签借地协议 / 借地契约の更新 / Renewal of the Land Lease Contract

在按要求续约和法定续约的情况下,续约后的租期,第一次续约为20年,第二次以后的所有续约为10年。 如果房东和租户商定了一个较长的期限,则适用该期限。

应要求更新 / 请求による更新


由于承租人继续使用而进行的法定更新 / 借地人の使用継続による法定更新


房东(租赁业主)拒绝续约和合理的理由 / 地主(借地権设定者)の更新拒絶と正当事由

为了拒绝按要求续约或反对租户避免法定续约,房东必须有充分的理由。 正当理由的存在是根据以下四个事项具体确定的

  • 借地権設定者、及び借地権者が土地の使用を必要とする事情
  • 以前在租赁土地上的进展
  • 租用者对租赁土地的使用
  • 土地所有者提供给承租人的财产利益(如退出费、提供替代土地等)

借地权的对抗要件 / Countervailing Power of the Land Leasehold Right

但要注意的是,建筑物的登记必须以租户(本人)的名义进行。 法院的先例不承认以承租人的配偶或子女的名义进行登记的对抗性权利。
如果建筑物被毁,建筑物的登记就会失效,不再具有强制力。 但是,《土地和房屋租赁法》规定,如果承租人在租赁土地上以标志的方式张贴以下内容,则承租人只能在建筑物被毁后两年内保持反对权

  • 确定建筑物的必要事项
  • 建筑物的损失日期
  • 在同一租赁的土地上建造一座新楼

建筑物的损失或重建 / 建物の灭失・再筑


  • 如果建筑物在最初的合同期内丢失,可以不经房东同意而重建,如果在合同期结束时建筑物还在,合同就可以合法地续签
  • 如果在合同续签一次或多次后,建筑物被毁,并在未经房东同意或法院批准的情况下重建(未经授权的重建),房东可以在没有正当理由的情况下申请终止合同,租约在该日起三个月后到期

存在的第一个期限内 / 最初の存続期间内での灭失・再筑

如果租赁人在征得房东同意的情况下,对建筑物进行重建,其持续时间超过了租赁权的剩余期限,则租赁合同从同意之日起或重建之日起延长20年,以较早者为准。 如果原来的剩余期限超过20年,则适用原来的期限。如果租赁者通知房东他打算建造一座超过租赁权剩余期限的建筑物,而房东在通知后的两个月内没有提出反对意见,那么重新建造就被视为已经同意了。

延期后 / 更新後の期间内の灭失・再筑

相反,如果建筑物在续期后被毁但没有重建,租赁人也可以要求终止租赁合同并放弃表面积。 此外,如果土地所有者不同意建造超过租约剩余期限的建筑物,尽管有不可避免的情况,租赁者可以申请法院许可,以代替土地所有者的同意。


借地权的转让和租赁土地的分租 / 借地権の譲渡・借地の転贷 / Transfer or Sublease the Right to Lease Land


土地所有者的同意 / 地主の承诺

如果租赁权是一种超级物权,则其转让或允许第三方使用该土地并从中获利,不需要征得业主的同意。 另一方面,如果是租赁权,只有土地所有者才需要对其进行转让或转租。

以法院许可代替土地所有者同意 / 地主の承诺に代わる裁判所の许可


允许在拍卖的情况下转让租赁权等 / 竞売の场合の赁借権譲渡等の许可


要求购买建筑物的权利 / 建物买取请求権 / Right to Request Purchase of Buildings

在某些情况下,租赁人可以要求房东购买租赁土地上的建筑物以及租赁人通过授权附加在土地上的任何其他物品。 这被称为要求购买建筑物的权利。 要求购买建筑物的权利不仅是一种要求的权利,而且还具有签订购买建筑物合同的效力,即使土地所有者拒绝要求,如果要求购买建筑物的权利得到行使。 这样一来,仅仅因为行使而具有某种法律效力的权利就被称为形成权。

  • 如果在租赁期满后没有续约,租赁人(建筑物所有人)可以行使权利,要求租赁人(土地所有人)购买建筑物
  • 但是,如果租赁合同因租赁者违约而终止,则不能提出购买建筑物的要求
  • 在转让租赁权上的建筑物之前,租赁者可以通过获得法院的许可来转让租赁权
  • 租用土地上的建筑物转让后,建筑物的受让人可以要求房东购买该建筑物

当租赁协议无法续签时 / 借地契约を更新できなかったとき

这种情况是指在租赁期满后,租赁持有人要求续约,但土地所有者以合理的理由拒绝续约,租约没有被续上。 在由于继续使用而没有进行法定更新的情况下,要求购买建筑物的权利也被确认。

当建筑物被转让但没有得到房东的同意 / 建物の譲渡があったが地主の承诺が得られなかったとき


在转让或转租租赁权之前 在转让或转租租赁权之后
受保护人 租用者(楼房业主) 收购该建筑的第三方
保护的方法 法院许可 要求购买建筑物的权利

定期借地权 / Fixed Term Land Leasehold Right




种类 持续时间 目的 关于该建筑 如何签署合同
一般定期借地权 50年以上 什么都可以 无权要求购买 文件
事业用借地权 过10年但少于50年 只限于企业(不包括住宅楼) 无权要求购买 公证文件
建物譲渡特约付借地权 30年以上 什么都可以 附有转让条款 不需要书面形式(可以接受口头形式)

事业用定期借地权 / Fixed Term Land Leasehold Right for Business Purposes

事业用定期借地权是指期限在10至50年之间的租赁权,其目的是拥有一栋专门用于商业目的的建筑物。 这里的 “专门用于商业 “是指 “专门用于商业用途"。 因此,如果建筑物的任何部分被用于居住目的,就不能建立固定期限的商业用途租赁权。


建物譲渡特約付借地権 / Land Leasehold Rights with Special Provisions for Building Transfer

规定在租赁权成立后30年以上的日期,将租赁土地上的财产以合理的代价转让给租赁者的特别协议的租赁权,称为有特别协议的建筑物转让。 通过转让建筑物,合同不需要续签,租赁权也就消灭了。 此外,带有建筑物转让特别协议的租赁合同不一定是书面形式。

期间类型 没有固定期限 有固定期限 要求续约/法定续约 续签协议 建筑物损失后的重建
普通借地権 30年 30年以上 第一个20年,第二个及以后的10年 通过协议(只针对第一个20年和第二个及其后的10年) 延长20年
一般定期借地権 50年以上 期间内
事业用定期借地権 超过10年但少于50年 期间内
建物譲渡特约付借地権 30年以上 期间内

第二章 借地
Chapter II Land Lease
第一節 借地権の存続期間等
Section 1 Duration, Etc. of the Land Leasehold Right
(Duration of the Land Leasehold Right)
Article 3The duration of the Land Leasehold Right is thirty years;provided, however, that if a period longer than this is prescribed by contract, that period applies.
(Period of the Land Leasehold Right After Renewal)
Article 4In cases where the parties renew the land lease contract, the period is to be ten years from the day of renewal (twenty years in the case of the first renewal after the establishment of the Land Leasehold Right);provided, however, that if the parties prescribe a period longer than this, that period applies.
(Request for Renewal of the Land Lease Contract)
Article 5(1)When the Land Leasehold Right Holder requests the renewal of the contract in cases where the duration of the Land Leasehold Right expires, limited to cases where there is a building, in addition to cases pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Article, the contract is deemed to have been renewed with the same conditions as those of the prior contract;provided, however, that this does not apply when the Lessor makes an objection without delay.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph also apply when the Land Leasehold Right Holder continues to make use of the land after the expiration of the duration of the Land Leasehold Right, limited to cases where there is a building.
(3)In the case where a Land Sublease Right has been established, the continuing use that the Land Sublease Right Holder makes of the land is deemed to be the continuing use the Land Leasehold Right Holder makes of the land, and the provisions of the preceding paragraph apply between the Land Leasehold Right Holder and the Lessor.
(Requirements for Refusing to Renew the Land Lease Contract)
Article 6The objection set forth in the preceding Article may not be raised unless it is found, upon consideration of the history of the leased land, the conditions of the land use and, in cases where the Lessor has offered the payment of property benefits to the Land Leasehold Right Holder as a condition for evicting the land or in exchange for evicting the land, the consideration of the offer, that there are justifiable grounds for doing so in addition to the circumstances pertaining to the necessity of using the land on the part of the Lessor and the Land Leasehold Right Holder (including the Land Sublease Right Holder; hereinafter the same applies in this Article).
(Extension of the Period of the Land Leasehold Right Due to Rebuilding of Buildings)
Article 7(1)In cases where the buildings are lost before the duration of the Land Leasehold Right expires (including demolition by the Land Leasehold Right Holder or the Land Sublease Right Holder; the same applies hereinafter) and the Land Leasehold Right Holder constructs buildings that are to survive past the remaining period, the Land Leasehold Right, limited to cases where the Lessor has consented to such building construction, continues to exist for twenty years from the day of consent or the day the buildings are constructed, whichever is the earliest;provided, however, that when the remaining period is longer than this, or when the parties have prescribed a longer period, such period applies.
(2)In cases where the Land Leasehold Right Holder notifies the Lessor to the effect that the Land Leasehold Right Holder intends to newly construct buildings that are to survive past the remaining period and the Lessor does not voice an objection within two months after receiving such notice, it is deemed that this constitutes the approval for the building construction on the part of the Lessor referred to in the preceding paragraph;provided, however, that this does not apply to cases where notice was given after the contract was renewed (in cases where the duration of the Land Leasehold Right has been extended pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph, subsequent to the date that the initial duration of the Land Leasehold Right is to expire; hereinafter the same applies in the following Article and Article 18).
(3)In cases where a Land Sublease Right has been established, building construction that the Land Sublease Right Holder undertakes is deemed to be building construction that the Land Leasehold Right Holder undertakes, and the provisions of paragraph (1) apply between the Land Leasehold Right Holder and the Lessor.
(Termination Due to Loss of Buildings After Renewal of the Land Lease Contract)
Article 8(1)In cases where the buildings are lost after the contract has been renewed, the Land Leasehold Right Holder may request that the superficies be waived or give a notice of termination of the land lease.
(2)In the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, when the Land Leasehold Right Holder has constructed buildings that are to survive past the remaining period without receiving the consent of the Lessor, the Lessor may request that the superficies be extinguished or give a notice of termination of the land lease.
(3)In the case set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, the Land Leasehold Right is extinguished by reason of the passage of three months from the day the request for waiver or extinction of superficies or the notice of termination of the land lease was made.
(4)The right to request a waiver of superficies or give a notice of termination of the land lease provided in paragraph (1) may be restricted only in cases where the right to request the extinction of superficies or give a notice of the termination of the land lease provided in paragraph (2) is restricted.
(5)In cases where a Land Sublease Right has been established, building construction that the Land Sublease Right Holder undertakes is deemed to be building construction that the Land Leasehold Right Holder undertakes, and the provisions of paragraph (2) apply between the Land Leasehold Right Holder and the Lessor.
(Mandatory Provisions)
Article 9Any special provisions that run counter to the provisions of this Section and that are disadvantageous to the Land Leasehold Right Holder are invalid.
第二節 借地権の効力
Section 2 Effect of the Land Leasehold Right
(Countervailing Power of the Land Leasehold Right)
Article 10(1)Even if the Land Leasehold Right is not registered, when the Land Leasehold Right Holder possesses registered buildings on the land, the Land Leasehold Right may be asserted against a third party.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, even if the buildings have been destroyed, when the Land Leasehold Right Holder posts a notice of matters necessary to identify the buildings, the day the buildings were lost, and the intent to construct new buildings in a clearly visible location on the land, the Land Leasehold Right is effective as provided in the same paragraph;provided, however, that if two years have passed since the day the original buildings were destroyed, this is limited to the cases where the buildings were newly constructed and registered before that date.
(3)The provisions of Article 566, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896) apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the land that is the object of the Land Leasehold Right that may be asserted against a third party pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs is the object matter of a sale.
(4)The provisions of Article 533 of the Civil Code apply mutatis mutandis to the case referred to in the preceding paragraph.
(Right to Request Increase or Decrease in Land Rent)
Article 11(1)When rent or land rent (hereinafter referred to as “Rent, etc." in this Article and in the following Article) become unreasonable, as a result of the increase or decrease in tax and other public charges relating to the land, as a result of the rise or fall of land prices or fluctuations in other economic circumstances, or in comparison to the Rent, etc. on similar land in the vicinity, the parties may, notwithstanding the contract conditions, request future increases or decrease in the amount of Rent, etc.; provided however, that when special provisions exist to the effect that Rent, etc. will not be increased for a fixed period, those provisions apply.
(2)If no agreement may be reached between the parties regarding the increase in the amount of Rent, etc., until the judicial decision on establishing the increased amount as valid becomes final and binding, it is sufficient for the party which has received that request to pay Rent, etc. in an amount that is deemed to be reasonable;provided, however, that when the judicial decision becomes final and binding, if the amount that has already been paid is insufficient, the amount of the shortfall is paid with the addition of interest on late payments at the rate of ten percent per year.
(3)If no agreement may be reached between the parties regarding the decrease in the amount of Rent, etc., until the judicial decision on establishing the decreased amount as valid becomes final and binding, the party which has received that request may request payment of Rent, etc. in an amount that is deemed to be reasonable;provided, however, that when that judicial decision becomes final and binding, if the Rent, etc. that has already been paid exceeds the Rent, etc. amount found to be valid, the amount of the excess must be returned with the addition of interest at the rate of ten percent per year from the time the payment was received.
(Statutory Liens of the Lessor)
Article 12(1)With respect to the final two years of Rent, etc. the term of which has become due, the Lessor has a statutory lien on the buildings that the Land Leasehold Right Holder owns on that land.
(2)The effect of the statutory lien referred to in the preceding paragraph is retained by reason of the registration of the superficies or the land lease.
(3)The statutory lien set forth in paragraph (1) has the effect of prevailing over other rights;provided, however, that it is delayed with regard to the statutory liens for the expenses for common benefit, the preservation of immovable properties and the construction work for immovable properties, as well as the pledges and mortgages registered prior to the registration of superficies or land leases.
(4)The provisions of the preceding three paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis to buildings that the Land Sublease Right Holder owns on that land.
(Right to Request Purchase of Buildings)
Article 13(1)In cases where the term of the Land Leasehold Right expires and the contract is not renewed, the Land Leasehold Right Holder may request that the Lessor purchase the buildings and other items that the Land Leasehold Right Holder has attached to the land by title at the prevailing market value.
(2)In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, when the buildings have been newly constructed prior to the expiration of the term of the Land Leasehold Right without the consent of the Lessor with the intention that they survive after the expiration of the Land Leasehold Right, the court, if the Lessor so requests, may impose a reasonable time frame for the payment of all or part of the purchase money.
(3)The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis between the Land Sublease Right Holder and the Lessor in cases where the Land Leasehold Right has expired.
(Right of a Third Party to Request Purchase of Buildings)
Article 14In cases where a third party has acquired the buildings and other items on the land that is the object of the lease right that the Land Leasehold Right Holder has attached to the land by title, and the Lessor does not consent to the transfer of the lease right or to a sublease, the third party may request that the Lessor purchase the buildings and other items that the Land Leasehold Right Holder has attached to the land by title at the prevailing market value.
(Self Land Leasehold Right)
Article 15(1)Establishment of a Land Leasehold Right does not preclude the Lessor from personally possessing the Land Leasehold Right only when the right is held in common with another party.
(2)Even in a case where the Land Leasehold Right has been returned to the Lessor, when the right is held in common with another party, the Land Leasehold Right is not extinguished.
(Mandatory Provisions)
Article 16Any special provisions that run counter to the provisions of Article 10, Article 13 and Article 14 and that are disadvantageous to the Land Leasehold Right Holder or the Land Sublease Right Holder are invalid.
第三節 借地条件の変更等
Section 3 Changes to the Land Lease Terms
(Changes to the Land Lease Terms and Permission for Improvements)
Article 17(1)In cases where there are land lease terms that limit the type, construction, scale, or use of buildings, if, notwithstanding the fact that an objective of owning buildings that departs from the land lease terms is reasonable when the Land Leasehold Right is to be actually established due to changes to regulations concerning land use pursuant to laws and regulations, changes to the conditions of the land use in the vicinity or changes to other conditions, no agreement may be reached between the parties regarding changes to the land lease terms, the court may, pursuant to the petition of the parties, change the land lease terms.
(2)In cases where there are land lease terms that limit remodeling and expansion, if no agreement may be reached between the parties regarding reasonable remodeling and expansion for normal use of the land, the court may, pursuant to the petition of the Land Leasehold Right Holder, grant permission for the remodeling and expansion in lieu of the consent of the Lessor.
(3)When rendering the judicial decision set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, the court, when it is necessary for facilitating equitable benefit between the parties, may change other land lease terms, order the payment of property benefits, or enact other reasonable dispositions.
(4)When rendering the judicial decision set forth in preceding three paragraphs, the court must consider the remaining period of the Land Leasehold Right, the condition of the land, the history of the leased land, and all other circumstances.
(5)When a Land Sublease Right has been established, the court may, when it is necessary, pursuant to the petition of the Land Sublease Right Holder, render the judicial decisions set forth in paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) in regard to the Land Leasehold Right as well as the Land Sublease Right.
(6)Excluding cases where it is not deemed to be particularly necessary, the court, prior to rendering the judicial decisions set forth in paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) or the judicial decision set forth in the preceding paragraph, must hear the opinion of a committee of experts.
(Permission to Rebuild Buildings Subsequent to the Renewal of the Land Lease Contract)
Article 18(1)Subsequent to the renewal of the contract, when, notwithstanding the fact that there are unavoidable circumstances pertaining to the fact that the Land Leasehold Right Holder is to newly construct a building that is to survive past the remaining period, the Lessor does not consent to the construction of that building, excluding cases where it has been prescribed that the Lessor may not request the extinction of the superficies nor give a notice of the termination of the land lease, the court may, pursuant to the petition of the Land Leasehold Right Holder, grant permission in lieu of the consent of the Lessor.In this case, when it is necessary for facilitating equitable benefit between the parties, the court may prescribe a period different from the period pursuant to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1) as an extension of the Land Leasehold Right, change other land lease terms, order the payment of property benefits, or enact other reasonable dispositions.
(2)When rendering the judicial decision set forth in the preceding paragraph, the court must consider the condition of the buildings, the circumstances leading to the loss of the buildings in the case of such loss, the history of the leased land, the circumstances pertaining to the necessity of using the land on the part of the Lessor and the Land Leasehold Right Holder (including the Land Sublease Right Holder) and all other circumstances.
(3)The provisions of paragraph (5) and paragraph (6) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the judicial decision set forth in paragraph (1) is rendered.
(Permission to Transfer or Sublease the Right to Lease Land)
Article 19(1)In cases where the Land Leasehold Right Holder wishes to transfer buildings on the land that is the object of the lease right to a third party, and the Lessor does not consent to the transfer or sublease of the lease right despite the fact that it is unlikely that the acquisition by, or sublease to, the third party of the lease right will be disadvantageous to the Lessor, the court may, pursuant to a petition by the Land Leasehold Right Holder, grant permission in lieu of the Lessor’s consent.In this case, when it is necessary for the facilitation of equitable benefits between the parties, the court may order changes to the land lease terms wherein the transfer or sublease of the lease right is the condition of those changes, or may cause permission to be given for the property benefit.
(2)When rendering the judicial decision referred to in the preceding paragraph, the court must consider the remaining period of the lease right, the prior history concerning the leased land, circumstances pertaining to the necessity of transferring or subleasing the lease right, and all other circumstances.
(3)In cases where there is a petition as set forth in paragraph (1), when, within the period prescribed by the court, the Lessor personally files a petition stating that the Lessor will accept the transfer of the building and transfer or sublease of the lease right, the court may, notwithstanding the provisions of the same paragraph, prescribe a reasonable value and sublease terms by order. In this judicial decision, the court may order both parties to perform their obligations simultaneously.
(4)When the petition set forth in paragraph (1) is withdrawn or when it is dismissed as unlawful, the petition referred to in the preceding paragraph ceases to be effective.
(5)Subsequent to the judicial decision set forth in paragraph (3), the petitions set forth in paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) may not be dismissed without the agreement of the parties.
(6)Excluding cases where it is not deemed particularly necessary, the court, prior to rendering a judicial decision set forth in paragraph (1) or paragraph (3), must hear the opinion of a committee of experts.
(7)The provisions of each of the preceding paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis between the Land Sublease Right Holder and the Lessor in cases where a Land Sublease Right has been established;provided, however, that when the Lessor files the petition set forth in paragraph (3), the consent of the Land Leasehold Right Holder must be obtained.
(Permission to Transfer the Right to Lease Land in the Case of Auction of Buildings)
Article 20(1)In cases where a third party has acquired the buildings on the land that is the object of the lease right through auction or public sale, when the Lessor does not consent to the transfer of that lease right notwithstanding the fact that it is unlikely that the acquisition by the third party of the lease right will be disadvantageous to the Lessor, the court may, pursuant to the petition of the third party, grant permission in lieu of the consent of the Lessor.In this case, when it is necessary for facilitating equitable benefit between the parties, the court may change the land lease terms or order the payment of property benefits.
(2)The provisions of paragraph (2) through paragraph (6) of the preceding Article apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the petition referred to in the preceding paragraph is filed.
(3)The petition set forth in paragraph (1) may be filed only within two months after the payment of the purchase money of the buildings.
(4)The provisions of Article 19 of the Civil Conciliation Act (Act No. 222 of 1951) apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the petition set forth in paragraph (1) is filed within the period prescribed in the same Article.
(5)The provisions of each of the preceding paragraphs apply mutatis mutandis between the third party who has acquired the buildings from the Land Sublease Right Holder through auction or public sale and the Lessor;provided, however, that when the Lessor files the petition set forth in paragraph (3) of the preceding Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2), the consent of the Land Leasehold Right Holder must be obtained.
(Mandatory Provisions)
Article 21Any special provisions that run counter to the provisions of Article 17 through Article 19 and that are disadvantageous to the Land Leasehold Right Holder or the Land Sublease Right Holder are invalid.
第四節 定期借地権等
Section 4 Fixed Term Land Leasehold Right, Etc.
(Fixed Term Land Leasehold Right)
Article 22In cases where a Land Leasehold Right is established with a duration of fifty years or more, notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 9 and 16, it may be stipulated that there is to be no extension of the duration through renewal of the contract (including renewal pursuant to a request for renewal or due to continued use of the land; the same applies in paragraph (1) of the following Article) or due to the construction of buildings, and that no requests to purchase are to be made pursuant to the provisions of Article 13.In this case, a special contract stating to that effect must be concluded in writing by means of an authentic instrument, etc.
(Fixed Term Land Leasehold Right for Business Purposes)
Article 23(1)In cases where the objective is the ownership of buildings used solely for business (excluding those used for residences; the same applies in the following paragraph) and a Land Leasehold Right with a duration of at least thirty but shorter than fifty years is to be established notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 9 and 16, it may be stipulated that there is to be no extension of the duration pursuant to renewal of the contract or the construction of buildings, and no request to purchase pursuant to the provisions of Article 13.
(2)In cases where the objective is the ownership of buildings used solely for business and a Land Leasehold Right with a duration of ten or more but less than thirty years is to be established, the provisions of Articles 3 through 8, 13 and 18 do not apply.
(3)Contracts with the objective of establishing Land Leasehold Rights as provided in the preceding two paragraphs must be made by an authentic instrument.
(Land Leasehold Rights with Special Provisions for Building Transfer)
Article 24(1)In cases where a Land Leasehold Right is to be established (excluding cases where a Land Leasehold Right as prescribed in paragraph (2) of the preceding Article is to be established), notwithstanding the provisions of Article 9, it may be prescribed that in order to extinguish the Land Leasehold Right, on the day that thirty years or more have passed since that right was established, the buildings on the land that is the object of the Land Leasehold Right will be transferred to the Lessor for a reasonable price.
(2)In cases where a Land Leasehold Right has been extinguished pursuant to the special provisions of the preceding paragraph, when the Land Leasehold Right Holder or the building lessee making use of the buildings subsequent to the extinguishment makes a request, it is deemed that at the time the request was made a lease regarding the buildings having no prescribed period was established between the Land Leasehold Right Holder or the building lessee and the Lessor (in cases where the Land Leasehold Right Holder makes the request and when the Land Leasehold Right has a remaining period, a lease where the remaining period constitutes the duration).In this case, the court prescribes the building rent pursuant to the request of the party.
(3)In cases where the special provisions of paragraph (1) exist and when a lease contract between the Land Leasehold Right Holder or the building lessee and the Lessor regarding the buildings has been entered into pursuant to the provisions of Article 38, paragraph (1), the provisions of the contract do not apply notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
(Land Leasehold Right for the Purpose of Temporary Use)
Article 25In cases where it is clear that the Land Leasehold Right has been established for the purpose of installing temporary facilities or for some other temporary use, the provisions of Article 3 through Article 8, Article 13, Article 17, Article 18, and Article 22 through the preceding Article do not apply.